Wednesday, February 8, 2023



The world’s highest altitude ATM is located at the Khunjerab Pass border between China and Pakistan, in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.

At an elevation of 15,396 feet, Khunjerab Pass is the highest paved border crossing in the world.

Installed by National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) in 2016, the solar – and wind-powered ATM is used for cash withdrawals, utility bill payments and interbank fund transfers. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


 The Sun and the Cave

One day the sun and a cave struck up a conversation. The sun had trouble understanding what “Dark” meant and the cave didn’t quite get the hang of “light and clear” so they decided to change places.

The cave went up to the sun and said, “Ah, I see, this is beyond wonderful. Now come down and see where I have been living.”

The sun went down to the cave and said, “I don’t see any difference.”  

When the sun went down, it took its light along and even the darkest corners were illuminated. That's why the sun couldn't see any difference.

One of the quotes says "The enlightened ones can never be sent to hell or pushed into darkness. They carry their heaven on their shoulders all the time".

We are under the impression that heaven is a place where we should go, but it is our state of mind which imagines heaven or hell.

If you are full of darkness, full of negativity, fear and doubt, you become a cave unknowingly. It's a hell within and no matter how much you accumulate, you still remain hollow.

On the other hand, if you are illuminated like the sun, then the darkness of the cave wouldn't matter. You could be in the worst of circumstances, yet you will still be able to find a blessing somewhere...

Carry your heaven within you!!!

Monday, February 6, 2023


 A blessing for visually impaired

Braille is a system with raised dots read with fingers by people who are blind. It is important to understand that braille is not a language but a code by which many languages such as English, Arabic, and Spanish can be written and read. It is used by many people all over the world and provides a means of literacy for all.

Who are called Visually Impaired?

We see people around us wearing spectacles and prescription glasses. Can we consider such people as visually impaired? The answer is No! Visually impairment is the decrease in the ability of a person’s sight to a large degree such that it cannot be fixed by any conventional means of corrections like glasses and lenses.

The term blind people or blindness refers to a complete or nearly complete vision loss. This visual impairment is a major problem that affects a lot of people worldwide by slowing down the normally active life and daily activities such as walking, reading, or driving.

Causes of Blindness

The disturbance in the path of light inside the eye, also known as refractive error, is the major cause of vision loss around the world. Cataract, the white milky layer over the eyes which blocks the light from entering your eyes, is a close second. With the advancement in technology, many such devices like magnifying glasses, telescopes, etc were made usable for the visually impaired. In fact, blind people can now read, thanks to a new method of writing called Braille. We will explore the language in-depth in this article but one must remember that knowledge is the key to living with low vision or blindness. People with low vision can enhance their quality of life by learning Braille, with the help of which they can be just as voracious readers as normally sighted people. Braille truly is a godsend for the visually impaired.

What is Braille?

It is a system created by Louis Braille who himself suffered from visual impairment to help people like him to cope with the loss of their vision and still be able to read, learn and write like normal people. 

It was based on a military technique known as Night Writing which was developed during Napoleon’s reign. Night writing was developed in response to Napoleon’s demands for a means for soldiers to communicate silently at night without a light to avoid detection. Though it proved too difficult for soldiers to recognize by touch, it was perfect for the visually impaired which is where Louis Braille comes into the picture.  It is a system of raised dots or dents on the pages that can be read with the fingers by people who are blind or who have low vision. Teachers, parents, and others who are not visually impaired ordinarily read braille with their eyes. Braille is not a language. Rather, it is a code by which many languages—such as English, French, Arabic, Japanese, and many other languages may be written and read. Many Indian languages can also be read using Braille. Braille is unique in the fact that it provides means of education for all irrespective of their impairments and is used by millions of people throughout the globe.

Braille Script A to Z

Braille symbols are formed within units of space known as braille cells. A full cell consists of six raised dots arranged in two parallel columns each having three dots. The dot positions are identified by numbers from one to six. Sixty-four combinations are possible using one or more of these six dots. A single cell can be used to represent an alphabet letter, number, punctuation mark, or even a whole word.

The alphabets of Braille:

As you can see from the chart with the alphabets, that it is meant to be picked up easily. You can see a recurring pattern in the alphabet. The second row is a replication of the first row with an addition of an extra dot in the bottom left corner and the third row is much the same with a dotted bottom row. To remember all the alphabets you just have to remember the first row. 

The following images represent the words Cat, Dog, Mouse and Braille:

If you take the dots, two-row at a time you can easily see from the key that it is simply substituting alphabets for dots. Because of this pattern it is very easy to pick up braille and this helps the parents and families of visually impaired people greatly. 

Writing in Braille is also just as simple. A combination of slate and stylus is used. Here the slate has embossing on it, the notation which is mapped to alphabets and the main point to notice is that the dots here are replaced with a hole. So if a paper is placed over the slate, you can make the dents in the pages by poking the page into the Braille holes in the slate with the help of a stylus.

Sunday, February 5, 2023


 Why biscuits have holes in them?

From children to elders, everyone likes to eat biscuits.

Tea and Biscuit is a combination that reigns in the heart of every Indian.

Apart from this, it is such a snack that has been made according to the needs of everyone.

As per the choice of children, biscuits of every flavour are available in the market from chocolate to strawberry.

Also you get sugar-free biscuits for diabetic patients.

But have you noticed something while eating them?

There are holes on them.

While eating them, you must have felt that these holes are made to give the design. However, apart from this, the holes made on the biscuits have scientific reason.

These holes are called dockers, the main reason for making them is to prevent the biscuits from rising too much which increases their size. Manufacturers first spread flour, sugar, and salt on a sheet-like tray which is then placed under a machine before the baking process. This machine then makes holes as desired in the dough.

On the other hand, if these holes are not made in the biscuit, then some air gets filled in them which swells them during heating in the oven. This makes the size of the biscuit bigger.

Apart from this, a scientific reason for

making holes is also to take out the heat

present in them. That is, if there are no

holes, then the heat of the biscuit will

not be able to come out and they will

start breaking from the middle. 

Saturday, February 4, 2023



Mawlynnong is a small village situated around 90 km from Shillong in the East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya and is also known as God's own Garden. It was declared as the cleanest village in Asia in 2003 by Discovery India which certainly makes it one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Indian state. Mawlynnong village is a community-based ecotourism initiative where the entire community made collective efforts in making and maintaining the cleanliness of the village.

Mawlynnong offers some of the most picturesque natural beauty with lush green valleys, crystal clear water in the river, an abundance of flowering orchids hanging from the trees and extremely clean roads which makes this small village a worth visiting destination for tourists visiting Meghalaya. Mawlynnong village also offers pleasant weather throughout the year and especially during monsoon, the village tends to extend its elegance which makes the visitors feels like heaven on earth. Apart from its cleanliness, Mawlynnong is also famous for its living root bridges, tribal locals having a 100% literacy rate with exceptional women empowerment and offering warm hospitality to the visitors.

Matrilineal society: As per tradition the females here are quite privileged as the Mawlynnong property and wealth are passed from the mother to the youngest of her daughters, who also keeps the mother's surname.

Mawlynnong is known for its cleanliness. The waste collected in the dustbins made of bamboo is directed to a pit and then used as manure. The travel magazine Discover India declared the village as the cleanest in Asia in 2003, and the cleanest in India in the year 2005.

Umngot river/Dawki river: While visiting Mawlynnong village from Shillong, you will

come across the Umngot/Dawki river

which is known as the cleanest river in

India. The water is so clean and clear that the boats seem like floating on the river bed, which is a once in a lifetime experience. 

Bophill Falls: While travelling to Mawlynnong from Dawki, you will be delighted to witness an amazing piece of natural beauty in the form of a waterfall known as Bophill falls. The water falls at a very incredible force to form a river in the Sylhet border area of Bangladesh, making the water appears milky white in colour. 

Umgrem Falls: Also known as Dawki falls, it is another waterfall situated near the border Road while travelling to Mawlynnong village which is considered as a hidden gem within the Meghalaya which is highly popular among the tourists. 

Sky view:
 Also called Sky Walk, the place

is a popular attraction at Mawlynnong

village made up of cane and bamboo which

offers complete view of Indo Bangladesh

border along with the village.

Mawlynnong Waterfall: There is another mid-size waterfall within the village itself which is considered as an amazing picnic spot for the tourists where they can enjoy a peaceful afternoon with the tingling sound of the waterfall in the background. 

Living root bridge and Riwai Village: After you have visited all the popular places in the Mawlynnong village, visit Riwai village which is situated just 2 Km away. The village is well known for its beautiful trekking through the rainforests. However, the most popular tourist destination in the village is the living root bridge. It is a small Bridge designed in the form of trees and made up of aerial roots of rubber fig trees for the purpose of crossing the river.

Mawlynnong offers pleasant weather throughout the year and this is why tourists can visit the cleanest village in Asia at any time of the year. However, monsoon is considered the best time to visit the place as the village turns lavishly green and picturesque which provides an unearthly feeling. During September-November, a number of festivals are celebrated around the village.

Friday, February 3, 2023


 World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day is celebrated each year on 2nd of February to raise awareness and increase people’s understanding about the critical importance of wetlands.

Wetlands support critical ecosystems and biodiversity. 40 percent of all plant and animal species live or breed in wetlands. Wetland agriculture and fisheries sustain food and nutrition security for communities around the world. They act as water sources, purifiers and protect our shores.

However, our activities are causing the loss of wetlands three times faster than forests. We must reverse the impact of our actions. There is an urgency to raise global awareness on wetlands to arrest and reverse their rapid loss and encourage actions to restore and conserve these vital ecosystems.

We can take action in 3 specific ways:

1. Conscious choices to minimize our own impact on wetlands.

2. Raise voice to educate and activate others to get involved in wetland restoration.

3. Take part in wetland restoration efforts locally.

 The theme of World Wetlands Day 2023 is “It's Time for Wetlands Restoration”.

YEAR 2023

 International year of millets

Millets have been an integral part of our diet for centuries.

In addition to a plethora of health benefits, millets are also good for the environment with low water & input requirement.

With the aim to create awareness and increase production & consumption of millets, United Nations, at the behest of the Government of India, declared 2023 the International Year Millets.

The Government of India sponsored the proposal for International Year of Millets (IYM) 2023 which was accepted by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

The declaration has been instrumental for the Government of India to be at the forefront in celebrating the IYM.

PM Narendra Modi has also shared his vision to make IYM 2023 a ‘People’s Movement’ alongside positioning India as the ‘Global Hub for Millets’

What are millets:

Millet is a common term for categorising small-seeded grasses that are often called Nutri-cereals.

Some of them are sorghum (jowar), pearl millet (bajra), finger millet (ragi), little millet (kutki), foxtail millet (kakun), proso millet (cheena), barnyard millet (sawa), and kodo millet (kodon).

An essential staple cereal crop for millions of smallholder dryland farmers across Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, millets offer nutrition, resilience, income and livelihood for farmers, and have multiple uses such as food, feed, fodder, biofuels and brewing.

Significance and benefits of millets:

Millets are nutritionally superior to wheat and rice owing to their higher protein levels and a more balanced amino acid profile. Millets also contain various phytochemicals which exert therapeutic properties owing to their anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. Further, besides being climate resilient, millet grains are rich sources of nutrients like carbohydrates, protein, dietary fibre, and good-quality fat; minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc and B complex vitamins.

Most importantly, millet production is not dependent on the use of chemical fertilizers.

Millet Producing States:

India produces all the nine commonly known millets and is the largest producer and fifth-largest exporter of millets in the world. Most of the states in India grow one or more millet crop species. Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana are the major millets producing states.



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