Showing posts with label Do you know. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Do you know. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Do you know

Ever noticed the rough gravel under railway tracks and wondered why it’s there? Well, it’s not just for looks! The gravel, called ballast, plays a crucial role in keeping the tracks stable. It evenly spreads the heavy weight of trains, preventing the tracks from sinking into the ground. It also helps with drainage, allowing rainwater to pass through so that the tracks don’t get damaged. Plus, it absorbs vibrations from moving trains, making rides smoother and reducing noise. Without gravel, tracks would shift, wear out faster, and become unsafe. So, next time you see a train zooming by, you’ll know the secret beneath its tracks!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Do you know

We have all experienced itching at some point or the other in our lives. You may even feel this rather unpleasant sensation at the very moment. 
An itch, known also by its Latin name Pruritus, is a sensation to which your body wants you to respond with scratching. You may either feel an intense desire to scratch or simply have an involuntary reaction - a scratching reflex. 
Itch signals are received by the same part of the brain that receives pain signals. 
It is believed that about 5% of our pain nerves are preset to send itch signals. Itching is one of our defense mechanisms in many ways like tickling and pain itself. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Do you know

Chocolates are often packed in metallic foil for a couple of yummy reasons! First, the foil helps keep the chocolates fresh by protecting them from things like air and light that can make them go bad. Just like how you might put your favourite cookies in a jar to keep them tasty, chocolate needs a little wrapper to stay delicious. 
Second, the shiny foil makes the chocolate look extra special and fancy. It’s like giving the chocolates a shiny outfit! This makes them more appealing when you see them in the store or get them as a gift. Plus, the foil helps keep the chocolate from melting too quickly in your hands, so you can enjoy it without making a sticky mess. 
So, next time you unwrap chocolate with that crinkly sound, remember that the foil is like a superhero cape, protecting and presenting your sweet treat in the most delightful way!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Do you know

Chocolate melts when heated, but when you bake chocolate chip cookies, you don't end up with a gooey mess.
Why? Cooking chocolate tends to have less cocoa butter than eating chocolate, which raises the cooking chocolate's  melting temperature and makes it more difficult to melt. 
However, the chocolate will still melt in the oven. The chocolate chips in your cookies are simply held in shape by the surrounding cookie mixture. When the cookies cool, the chips solidify again, so it looks as if they never melted. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Do you know

Batteries generate electricity through chemical reactions that move electrons between terminals. In alkaline batteries, a gel called potassium hydroxide conducts electricity. Over time, as the battery works, hydrogen gas builds up inside the sealed casing, increasing pressure. This can create tiny cracks in the metal, causing potassium hydroxide to leak.
When exposed to air, it reacts with carbon dioxide, forming a crust of potassium carbonate, which is harmless. However, potassium hydroxide itself can irritate the skin. To safely dispose the leaking batteries, place them in a plastic bag and take them to a recycling center. Proper disposal prevents environmental harm and keeps everyone safe.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Do you know

Supersonic planes, like the Concorde or modern supersonic jets, create a sonic boom while flying faster than the speed of sound (about 767 mph or 1,235 km/h). The sonic boom is a thunder-like noise resulting from shockwaves produced by the aircraft. The loudness of a supersonic plane depends on various factors, including altitude and distance from the flight path. At ground level, a sonic boom can reach around 120 decibels, similar to a thunderclap. However, advancements in aerodynamics aim to minimise these disturbances. Newer supersonic planes incorporate design features to lessen the intensity of sonic booms, considering environmental impact and comfort.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Do you know

Have you ever noticed large mounds standing out in your backyard, even with water all around them? Did you know that's an anthill or the home of all the ants together? That's amazing, isn’t it?
Ants are known for their remarkable resilience and adaptability. They are quite adept at surviving the most challenging conditions. When caught in a heavy downpour, it can seem like they have no chance of survival. However, the crafty bugs are safe and dry in their subterranean home. 
The ant fortresses have a number of defence systems. The first is the anthill that sits right on top of the nest. The mounds are usually made with special kinds of dirt or sand that absorbs water and dries quickly. Water hitting the convex dirt tends to bead and run off the side. 
Ants tend to burrow at least a foot underground and have an intricate system of tunnels that work like storm-water drains. When heavy rain leads to rainwater entering the tunnel, it rarely penetrates that deep into the soil. The tunnels channel water away from the colony. 
With this clever tunnelling, ants also trap air in various chambers throughout the mound, and entrances to chambers come from below, preventing rainwater from coming in. 
Some ant species dig their anthills extremely deep. The deepest anthill on record belongs to the leafcutter ant, which can be as much as 26feet deep. While that's pretty extreme, many species of ants avoid heavy rain by hiding beneath it. 
Deepest leafcutter anthill 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Do you know

Medicine is given in different forms because of the necessity for convenience or speed. It can be given by mouth (orally) in the form of tablets, capsules or draughts. It can be inhaled in the form of gases, fine aerosols, or very rarely, exceedingly fine powder. Injections of medicines are given subcutaneously (beneath the skin), intramuscularly or intravenously. Sometimes solid implants in the form of tablets may be placed subcutaneously. Injections may also be given in the spine or brain. 
Medicines can be given through the rectum as solids or enemas. Finally, they are solutions, powders, creams and ointments which are placed locally on the skin. 
Convenient medicines are those which can be taken or administered easily by the patient himself. Oral medicines and inhalation are convenient and a great deal of research is carried out to make these more palatable. 
Manufacturers prefer oral preparations because they can be attractively coloured and flavoured and made impressively mysterious in size and shape. They can also be code-stamped or named for identification. Injections have to be sterile and kept in appropriate containers and are therefore relatively expensive. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Gypsum crystal

The desert rose is neither soft nor fragrant. In fact, it is not a flower at all but a gypsum crystal. Do you know what gypsum is? It is a mineral used in the creation of concrete, sheet-rock and plaster of paris. In the desert, gypsum crystals are found in sand dunes. The grains of sand interfere with the growth of crystals and the result is that the crystals are formed in the shape of petals. Desert Rose gypsum is found in many locations around the world and specimens found in different places can look radically different, but all of them are without doubt delicate beauties born of the earth. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Based on size measurements

The Ahmedabad International Flower Show is organised annually by the Amdavad Municipal Corporation and attracts millions of visitors every year. After winning the Guinness World Record for the Longest Flower Wall last year, Ahmedabad has once again earned a place in the Guinness World Records this year for the World’s Largest Flower Bouquet (based on size measurements). The award winning floral bouquet was 10.24m high and had a 10.84m radius.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Do you know

'Soaring' here means a bird gliding without flapping its wings. This is mostly done by riding rising currents of warm air called 'thermals'. Eagles are very good at finding thermals or standing waves ( parcels of rising air). So, although they are descending through the air, that air column is rising faster than their descent speed, so they can stay aloft without having to work at it. Eagles can easily glide from one thermal to another - many hundreds of miles can be covered this way, with little effort other than by steering in the right direction. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Do you know

Motion sickness experienced by some while moving in a vehicle, results from a defence mechanism in the brain aiming to keep us safe. The balance-maintaining parts of the brain receive inputs from what we see and what we feel. In a moving car, our eyes signal to the brain that we are stationary, creating a sensory conflict as the brain senses the car’s motion. This mismatch triggers nausea as the brain perceives a potential issue. To alleviate this, fixate on a steady point in the distance, like the horizon, to minimize visual disruptions. Opening windows for fresh air can also help mitigate motion sickness. These simple strategies can ease discomfort and enhance travel experiences.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Do you know



You can pop corn with any heat source, but to puff rice you also need a pressure chamber. Popcorn is the only grain that can be ‘puffed’ at home because it has the right moisture content – 14 per cent – and a fragile hull. When the temperature of the kernel reaches 100 degrees Celsius, water starts to boil inside the starchy cells of the endosperm, causing them to expand. At 175 degrees Celsius, the superheated starchy material explodes through the hull of the kernel and instantly cools to form a chewy bubble. Grains of rice don’t contain enough moisture to pop under normal conditions. Instead, the rice must be heated in a pressure chamber at up to 14 kilograms per square centimetre. When the chamber is opened, the sudden change in pressure and volume causes the hot starch cells in the rice to expand rapidly, bursting through and puffing up like popcorn.


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Do you know

Have you ever wished your gadgets could charge without the hassle of plugging them in? Now, wireless charging without the need of cables or cords! This fantastic blend of science and convenience is making our lives easier and our gadgets more user-friendly. 

What is wireless charging? Wireless charging allows you to power your device without using a cable. Instead of plugging in your phone, tablet or any other gadget, you can simply place it on a special charging pad or stand. It’s like a wireless handshake between the pad and your device, transforming energy without a physical connection!

How does it work? The magic behind wireless charging is called electromagnetic induction. Inside the charging pad, a coil of wire generates an electromagnetic field when electricity flows through it. Your device, like a smartphone, has a similar coil Inside. When you place your device on the charging pad, the electromagnetic field transfers energy to the device’s coil, which then charges its battery. 

The future of wireless charging: The future looks bright for wireless charging. Scientists and engineers are working on making it even more powerful and efficient. Imagine a world where entire room or even outdoor spaces have wireless charging zones, and you can charge your devices just by being nearby!

● Believe it or not, some of the first gadgets to use wireless charging were electric toothbrushes!
● Wireless charging can help reduce e-waste by eliminating the need for multiple charging cables and connectors. 
● Wireless charging isn’t as new as you might think! The idea goes back over a century to a famous inventor named Nikola Tesla. In the late 1800s, Tesla demonstrated the ability to transfer electricity without wires. 

Sunday, December 22, 2024


Why is the foam of a shampoo always white irrespective of the colour of the shampoo?
To understand this better, let’s use an analogy. When a balloon is deflated, it is opaque with its colour very much visible. As we go on inflating the balloon, it becomes lighter in colour. If we continue to inflate the balloon without bursting it, there will come a point when it will become almost white. The same is the case with the bubbles that form in the foam of a shampoo. The pigments in the shampoo become so thin when mixed with water that the visible light gets scattered. The light rays get reflected in several directions after striking a surface (bubbles in this case) much like how the sky appears white or grey at times. Also the dye that is used in colouring a shampoo is highly diluted, which means that when further diluted with water, the colour becomes much lighter. 
The scattering of light in case of the foam happens as the light has to pass through several bubbles, which means several surfaces. The light spreads in multiple directions making it almost impossible for the human eye to detect colours. The same thing happens with soap bars, body washes, hand washes etc.

Monday, December 9, 2024


How do self-driving cars detect other vehicles on the road?
Self driving cars use many sensors as a replacement for the driver’s sense of sight and hearing. Autonomous cars create and maintain a map of their surroundings based on a variety of sensors situated in different parts of the vehicle. Radar sensors monitor the position of nearby vehicles. Video cameras detect traffic lights, read road signs, track other vehicles, and look for pedestrians.

Saturday, December 7, 2024


How do aeroplane toilets work?
Aeroplane loos don’t work like your toilet at home, which uses water and gravity to move waste into the sewer system. Instead they use a strong vacuum, along with a blue chemical that cleans and removes smells every time you flush.
A stinky tank
This sucking system is very much like the vacuum cleaners people use at home to remove dirt and dust from their floors. This dirt and dust ends up in a container that you empty into a rubbish bin. Similarly, the waste and the blue cleaning fluid from the aeroplane’s lavatories ends up in an underfloor storage tank, at the very back of the plane’s cargo hold. With so many people on a plane needing to use the toilet, you can imagine how big this tank has to be.
The vacuum pressure system moves all the solid and liquid waste from the toilet along a plumbing pipe that connects to the storage tank. There is a valve on the storage tank that opens when the loo is flushed and snaps shut when the toilet is not in use. This prevents foul odours escaping from the tank. This, along with the blue chemicals, helps keep the stink down.

What happens when the plane lands?
Once the plane has touched down on the ground, a special truck comes to meet it. A large hose is plugged into the waste tank valve and sucks out all the poo and wee into a container on the back of the truck.
Once everything has been emptied from the aircraft, the truck is driven to a special area at the airport where the waste from all the aeroplanes goes. From here, all of this faecal matter (a posh way of saying “poo”) is emptied into the airport’s sewer system. Driving this truck is a very important – and delicate – job. It takes three days of training for operators to learn how to use it.
FAST-FLYING FAECES On some planes waste zips into the storage tank at speeds of up to 130 miles per hour.

Watch out for blue ice
It has been reported that sometimes the valve that allows the truck to connect to the aeroplane’s waste tank can leak a small amount of the waste and blue chemical. This happens more often on older planes. The outside temperature at a normal cruising altitude of 10,000 metres is around -56°C, so the chemical turns into what is known as “blue ice”.
This blue ice remains attached to the plane as long as the temperature remains below freezing. However, as the aeroplane descends the blue ice begins to thaw, and may even fall off. There have been several occasions reported in the news where people have witnessed this flying poo.

FLUSHED WITH SUCCESS On a long-haul flight, the onboard toilets may be flushed more than 1,000 times.

In-flight dumping
In case you were wondering, the captain of the plane doesn’t have a button to release all the poo and wee from the storage tank while the plane is flying. Any waste that might leak out of the plane would be totally accidental.
Some people do think that aeroplane contrails (the white lines aircraft sometimes leave behind them in the sky) are either a special mind-control chemical or the toilet waste. Neither is true. What you are actually seeing is water vapour from the engines turning into solid crystals of ice, and forming a thin cloud in the sky.

Thursday, December 5, 2024


Lollipop stick notch / Lollipop stick groove
The hole in the "lollipop stick notch" or :lollipop stick groove", serves a functional purpose during the candy-making process and enhances the eating experience for consumers. When lollipops are manufactured, the liquid candy mixture is poured into moulds, and the sticks are inserted into the mixture. The hole in the stick allows the candy to adhere and harden around it, securely holding the stick in place within the lollipop. 
For consumers, the hole in the stick offers a practical grip, making it easier and more comfortable to hold and enjoy the lollipop without the risk of it slipping or falling off the stick. It also prevents accidental swallowing of the stick as it creates an air passage while consuming the candy. 

Saturday, November 30, 2024


Why do people shrink as they get older?
As people age, it’s common to get shorter. This can start as early as in your 30s! By the time men reach 70, they can lose about an inch, while women may lose two inches. But why does this happen?
As we age, the cartilage between our joints wears out, and conditions like osteoporosis cause bones to weaken, making the spine shorter. Another condition called Sarcopenia leads to muscle loss, which can also make people shrink. 
By eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D and staying active, older people can help keep their bones strong and slow down the shrinking process!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


What makes popcorn pop?
A popcorn kernel is actually a seed. At its centre is a tiny plant embryo, a life form in its earliest phase. The embryo is surrounded by a soft, starchy material that contains water. Surrounding the embryo is a hard shell. 
When the dried popcorn kernels are heated to 356 degrees Fahrenheit or 180 degrees Celsius, the moisture inside the kernel turns to steam, the starches inside gelatinize, the steam builds up to an enormous pressure and then the corn POP! When the protective covering or hull ruptures, the starch and endosperm inside the hull expands into a foam which is soft and edible. 

Do you know

WHY ARE RAILWAY TRACKS ALWAYS LAID ON GRAVEL? Ever noticed the rough gravel under railway tracks and wondered why it’s there? Well, it’s not...