Amit Katha
वाचनं ज्ञानदं बाल्ये, तारुण्ये शीलरक्षकम्।
वार्धक्ये दुःखहरणम्, हितं सद्ग्रन्थवाचनम्॥
सद्ग्रन्थानां पठनं बाल्यकाले ज्ञानदायकं तारुण्यावस्थायां तत् शीलरक्षकं भवति वार्धक्यकाले तत् दुःखहारकं भवति। अतः पठनं सदा लाभकरमेव भवति।
पढ़ना बचपन में ज्ञान प्रदान करता है। यह वयस्कता में हमारे चरित्र की रक्षा करता है।
यह वृद्धावस्था के दु:खों को दूर करता है। दरअसल, एक अच्छी किताब पढ़ना हमेशा फायदेमंद होता है।
Reading provides knowledge in childhood. It protects our character in adulthood.
It removes sorrow in old age. Indeed, reading a good book is always beneficial.
is to the mind, what exercise is to the body.”
Words combine into phrases.
Phrases penned down in order become sentences.
Sentences result in paragraphs.
Paragraphs build up a chapter / an article.
Chapters make a book and articles make a blog.
Language is a tool to create this marvel.
Being a voracious reader, I have read
a few books, innumerable articles and countless stories.
Some have left an indelible mark on my
Some have slipped my mind and got erased
from memory.
But some have been treasured by me as
a hard or a soft copy.
I have enriched myself with literature
written in Sanskrit, English, Hindi, Marathi and Konkani.
Through this blog, I would like to
share those precious gems which I have collected at every milestone in the
journey of my life as a reader.
Some are my own; some are from known
and unknown writers to whom I am highly indebted.
Have a memorable and enriching journey through my blog "Amit Katha" meaning infinite stories which intent to inspire young minds through the posts published on diverse topics.
Let us explore the knowlege by decoding wisdom encoded in alphabets.
Happy reading!
Courtesy: Google search engine, Google images, Books, Newspapers, Magazines etc.