Wednesday, February 22, 2023


 Accept who you are

A penguin was standing on the water’s edge when he looked up at an eagle soaring high above his head.

He watched him with great admiration for a few moments and then looked down at his own flippers with frustration.

“That looks so cool, I wish I could fly in the air like an eagle,” he thought to himself before accepting reality; sliding into the sea and swimming away.

The eagle looked down and saw the penguin swimming gracefully in the water. He watched him with similar admiration for a few moments and looked across at his own wings, wondering if they would work under water.

“That’s so cool, I wish I could fly in the water like a penguin,” he thought to himself, before accepting reality; catching another up draft and effortlessly soaring away into the distance.

A penguin is a penguin for a reason and it is remarkably good at what it was created for. An eagle is an eagle for a reason and it is remarkably good at what it was created for. And you are you for a reason and have the capacity to become remarkably good at what you were created for. The sooner you accept this, the happier and more successful you will be!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023



A tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica) is a common sight in the Indian countryside.

Interestingly, this tree is native to Madagascar, but has been growing in the Indian subcontinent so long that it is considered indigenous to India. Indeed, the very name 'tamarind' is derived from the Persian tamar-i-Hind, meaning 'date of India' (as it was erroneously believed to be the fruit of an Indian palm). It is a highly versatile tree, all of whose parts find use in the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries, and as fodder, timber and fuel.

 Tamarind is today grown in 54 countries of the world including India, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh and African, Central American and South American countries. India is the world's largest producer of tamarind products.

The tree is a large, handsome evergreen with a spreading crown. The leaves are compound leaves, consisting of 10 to 20 pairs of leaflets, about 1 cm long. The flowers, which cluster in small bunches around the leaves, are pale yellow with red veins. Each pod contains 3 to 12 seeds enveloped in a leathery parchment-like membrane. The pulp is brownish, traversed by numerous branched strands. Initially the pods are soft-skinned with sour green flesh and whitish seeds. On maturity, the skin turns into a brittle shell and the pulp becomes a reddish-brown sticky paste enclosed by a few coarse strands of fibre.

Tamarind fruit, leaves, flowers, seeds and bark find extensive use in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Chakradatta, an 11th century Indian physician, in his treatise Chikitsasangraha recommends a paste of tamarind pulp mixed with dates, raisins and pomegranate seeds as a remedy for the effects of intoxication from Datura and spurious liquors.

Tamarind made into sherbet with milk is given as a laxative to children suffering from fever. Tamarind water is gargled to heal mouth ulcers and sore throats. The boiled seeds are made into a poultice and applied to boils. A poultice of the flowers is applied to treat inflamed eyes. Juice extracted from the flowers is consumed as a remedy for bleeding piles. Tamarind pulp, alone or combined with lemon juice, milk, honey, dates or spices, is used in various remedies to aid digestion.

Tamarind is also prized for its many culinary uses. Throughout India, the pulp is used as a souring agent in a variety of dishes such as curries, sauces, lentil dishes like sambar, chutneys, and certain beverages. In Thailand, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines, the pulp is cleaned, mixed with sugar and made into toffees. In Ghana, the pulp is fermented, mixed with spices, and brewed into a drink known as 'Poha beer'. The drink is rich in carbohydrates, proteins and vitamin C and is used by Muslims to break their day-long fast during the month of Ramadan. Research suggests that its high vitamin C content could promote iron absorption and thus helps to counter iron-deficiency anemia.

 The tree and its parts also have many industrial and domestic uses. Tamarind pulp, mixed with sea salt, is useful for cleaning silver, brass and copper. The leaves are used as fodder for cattle. The leaves and flowers are also used in dye-making. The flowers are a good source of nectar for honeybees. The seeds yield an oil that is used to light lamps and as a varnish to coat dolls and idols. The bark is used to tan hides and to make dyes and inks. The wood is utilized in the manufacture of furniture, wheels, ploughs, knife handles and pestles.

Monday, February 20, 2023


The story of Panna Dai

     Rajasthan is studded with forts, many of them massive and imposing. These structures, rising majestically in the desolate desert, have spawned hundreds of captivating tales about the valour and courage of Rajput warriors, their fierce loyalty and their patriotism. Here’s one such story from the kingdom of Mewar, whose history and folklore are replete with tales of heroic deeds and sacrifices typical of Rajasthani people, particularly their women.

     Mewar is a region in south-central part of Rajasthan. The history of Mewar speaks about fierce and courageous women warriors --- Rajput royal women dying heroically for their honour or while protecting their kingdom from invaders. However, many stories also recount the spirit of ordinary women exhibiting extraordinary valour.

     One such story from Mewar is of a lady who was an ordinary mother. She was neither a queen, a warrior princess nor a general’s daughter. But she played a vital role in saving the Maharana of Mewar. Her loyalty and patriotism were unparalleled. Her name was Panna Dai. She was a maid serving her queen, Rani Karnavati. A very intelligent woman, her advice was often sought by the queen, even on political matters.

     Mewar was then being ruled by Vikramaditya, one of Rani Karnavati’s elder sons. Chittorgarh, which was a part of his kingdom, was attacked by Bahadur Shah of Gujrat. Vikramaditya fought hard with a small army but lost the battle.

     Rani Karnavati was not happy with her son Vikramaditya. She then entrusted her maid, Panna Dai, to groom her youngest son Udai Singh for the throne. Vikramaditya, meanwhile, hastened his own doom by misbehaving. He physically abused his chieftain at the court, which upset all the nobles. In their fury, they revolted and arrested Vikramaditya. Udai singh, Vikramaditya’s youngest brother, was the next heir to the throne but Udai Singh was a minor at that time, the court appointed a distant cousin, Banvir, to act as the regent.

      Banvir exploited the situation to fulfill his own ambitions. He wanted to become the king. One day, he assassinated Vikramaditya, who was then in prison. He was, however, spotted by a maid while he was still holding the blood-stained sword. The maid immediately informed Panna Dai about Banvir’s dastardly deed. She also alerted Panna Dai that Banvir was on his way to kill Udai Singh.

     Panna Dai now had to act quickly to save only living heir of Mewar. She concealed Udai Singh in a basket, covered it with fruits and put her own son Chandan on the bed of Udai Singh. Banvir came and killed Chandan without knowing of the substitution.

     In the meantime, Panna Dai took help from the other chieftains and ran away with the basket. Four years went by. Udai Singh got married to a Rajput princess. Panna Dai then revealed the secret of the esacpe of Udai Singh to the Rajput chieftains. They were convinced and felt it was their duty to restore the throne to the rightful heir. They fought on Udai singh’s side against Banvir Singh and defeated him.

     Finally, Udai Singh became the Maharana of Mewar. Panna Dai was very happy to see Udai Singh on the throne. Her sorrow was washed away as she felt that she had done her duty. She had saved Mewar.

     Thus, Panna Dai became a symbol of sacrifice and loyalty. She sacrificed her own son and her happiness for the sake of Mewar.

Sunday, February 19, 2023


 Shivaji Jayanti

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti is celebrated as the birthday of Maratha emperor and warrior King, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. This great creator of the Maratha Empire is considered one of the greatest warriors of all time.

He is adored passionately all over India and recognised as a great warrior, civil administrator and national hero. The festival commemorates Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's works and honours his great deeds, bravery and heroic triumphs.

The day is celebrated on a grand scale with colourful parades, processions where people dress up like Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and his associates and public shows enacting his life. Floral tributes are also paid to the statues of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. “Powada”, a traditional Marathi ballad that narrates historical events and glorifies Shivaji Maharaj are also sung on the occasion.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was born on 19th Februray, 1630, in Shivneri Fort, 60 kms north of Pune. His parents Jijabai and Shahaji Bhonsle named him Shivaji after local Goddess Shivai.

His father Shahaji Bhosle was the chief of the Bijapur kingdom. His mother had a great influence on him as he was introduced to Indian epics of Mahabharata, Ramayana and other holy books by her. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj also gained a lot of knowledge from his father’s military tactics, peacetime diplomacy and also possessed knowledge of Sanskrit and Hindu scriptures.

He was instrumental in uniting the Maratha chiefs. His military and civil administration was of greatest importance. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is known as the Father of Indian Navy, as he was the first to realise the importance of having a naval force, and established a navy and forts on the coastline to defend the Konkan side of Maharashtra.

Shivaji Maharaj was formally crowned as a Chhatrapati in 1674 at Raigad fort and henceforth came to be known as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. He laid the foundation of a Hindu empire, “Hindavi Swaraj”.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj will always be a source of inspiration and pride for generations for his courage and military acumen. He will be remembered for his equality and justice towards all religions, caste, creed and sex.

Salutions to the king who rules the pages of history and minds of the people.


Saturday, February 18, 2023


 Maha Shivratri

Maha Shivratri is a Hindu festival celebrated annually in honour of Bhagwan Shiva. There are more than one stories surrounding this occasion. Here are a few:

One is that Bhagwan Shiva married Mata Parvati on this day. So, it is a celebration of this sacred union.

Another is that when the Gods and demons churned the ocean together to obtain ambrosia that lay in its depths, a pot of poison emerged. Bhagwan Shiva consumed this poison, saving both the Gods and mankind. The poison lodged in the Bhagwan Shiva's throat, turning Him blue. To honour the savior of the world, Shivratri is celebrated.

One more legend is that as Goddess

Ganga descended from heaven in full

force, Bhagwan Shiva caught Her in His

matted locks, and released Her on to

Earth as several streams. This prevented

destruction on Earth. As a tribute to

Him, the Shivalinga is bathed on this

auspicious night.

Also, it is believed that the formless God Sadashiv appeared in the form of a Lingodhbhav Moorthi at midnight. Hence, people stay awake all night, offering prayers to God.

There once lived a tribal hunter who was a Shiva devotee. One day he lost his way while hunting and was trapped in the forest at night. Soon wild animals started to gather around him and he climbed a Bel or Bilva tree. In order to keep himself awake, he started plucking Bilva leaves and dropped it down repeating ‘𝐎𝐦 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐡 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐲𝐚.’ In the morning, he discovered that he had been dropping the leaves on a Shivling. And the word spread that he was saved by Bhagwan Shiva. People started celebrating the day as Shivratri. The story is mentioned in Mahabharata by Bhishma while on the bed of arrows. The hunter was born as King Chitra Bhanu who could remember his previous births. And he discussed the importance of Shivaratri with a Sage.

Devotees observe fast and meditate on this day. They chant Om Namah Shivaya, Shiv Tandav Stotram and Kaal Bhairav Ashtakam. They also attend Mahashivratri Puja or Rudra Puja and worship the Shivalinga and offer Bel Patra to the Shivalinga.

Friday, February 17, 2023



Bharatanatyam is the oldest classical dance style, with a history that is more than five thousand years old, and this dance style is acclaimed internationally, too. It is not surprising to watch young children learn Bharata Natyam in New York, Paris, London or Zurich for that matter.

The eight distinct classical dance styles of India are Bharatanatyam (Tamil Nadu), Kathakali and Mohiniattam (Kerala), Kuchipudi (Andhra Pradesh), Odissi (Orissa), Manipuri (Manipur), Kathak (northern India) and Sattriya from Assam. Bharatanatyam reigns supreme and particularly popular even in European countries.


Architectural and sculptural evidence proves that Bharatanatyam and some other classical dance styles like Odissi and Manipuri originated from the temples. The earliest reference in the second century from the Tamil epic classic Shilapaddikaram and the temples that developed during the sixth to ninth century signifies and defines dance as a well-refined art form.

Varied aspects of music and dance were derived from the four Vedas, namely, Rig, Yajur, Atharva and Sam, and the fifth Veda known as Natya Veda was believed to have been created by Lord Brahma. Lord Nataraja (Shiva) is considered the king of dance and all the classical dance styles portray stories from Hindu mythology. Lately, stories from the Holy Bible are also recreated in the dance format. The eight types of classical dance styles are based on texts like Bharata’s Natya Sastra, Nandikesvaroa’s Abhinaya Darpana, Sangita Ratnakara, etc. Stories are told through the medium of varied intricate movements, body language and expressional dancing in order to establish the inter-relationship between the human soul and the divine soul.

Devadasis or servants of the gods:

During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the devadasi system prevailed; young teenaged girls were married to the “lord” which was part of the temple ritual. These girls were trained in classical music and dance and performed during religious and social occasions. Bharatanatyam then was also known as devadasi attam or ‘sadir’. The degradation of classical dance started when devadasis moved on from the temple courtyards to dance for the elite chieftains and zamindars and ultimately for kings and enjoyed royal patronage.

While the dancers were ostracized by society, the society was equally responsible for the shift from the “spirit” to the “body”. The colonial British banned the devadasi system and described the dancers as “nautch” girls. There were protests as the sanctity of classical dance was disturbed and dances were witnessed only in quarters. Classical dances underwent varied stages of progression and regression due to varied social and political changes over the century.

During the twentieth century, American dancer Esther Sherman renamed herself as Ragini Devi in order to learn classical dance. Lawyer and critic E. Krishna Iyer donned female attire in order to attract children from respectable families to learn classical dance. Theosophist and founder of Kalakshetra School in Chennai, Dr Rukmani Devi Arundale, and the legendary dancer from the devadasi community, Balasaraswati, are considered the pioneers of the dance movement in India. Ram Gopal and Uday Shankar placed classical dances on the international platform. Great poets like Rabindranath Tagore and Maha Kavi Vallathol promoted classical dance in order to regain its respectability.

Music and technique:

Music is in the classical Carnatic music style and the trinity of Carnatic music, namely, Tygaraja, Shyama Sastri and Muthuswami Dikshitar, were the main composers whose musical compositions form the main repertoire of any Bharatanatyam performance. Compositions of saint poets like Shankaracharya, Meera, Tulsidas and several others were also used in the dances. Hindustani music was also used in Bharatanatyam, particularly by the Maratha rulers of Tanjavur.

The technique of Bharatanatyam is quite intricate and complex. Bha is expressions (Bhavam); Ra is musical melody (Ragam); Ta is time measure or rhythm (talam) and Natyam is dramatic quality. Furthermore, Bharata Natyam is a beautiful and divine art form that combines, music, melody, histrionics, philosophy, psychology, mythology, varied movements, etc.

Students start learning at the tender age of five, and the minimum learning duration is at least ten years, varied movements and steps “adavus” that become quite intricate, and later all the movements and gestures are used in a particular item or number. After completion, the student performs Arangetram (ascending to the stage). The performance begins with invocations and prayers to the gods, todaya, mangalam, pushpanjali, alarippu, jatiswaram, sabdam, varnam, padam and the final, thillana.

Some of the top exponents of Bharatanatyam are Mrinalini Sarabhai, Yamani Krishnamurthy, Padma Subrahmanyam, Chitra Visweswaran, Sudharani Raghupathy, Malavika Sarukkai, Alarmel Valli and Nilesh Singha. To pursue a career in classical dance is not easy as you need a lot of patience, determination, willpower and hard work to become an accomplished performer.

Thursday, February 16, 2023


 Plastic Bottle Village

The plastic bottle village is an eco-friendly initiative to tackle the menace of plastic. An average person living in a city uses hundreds of thousands of plastic bottles in his lifetime. This creates a huge burden on landfills. Besides, plastic takes hundreds of years to break down into tiny pieces, and will never really completely disappear.

To address this issue, Canadian entrepreneur Robert Bezeau came up with a unique solution. 

He decided to live inside what he had consumed and discarded. In other words, he used recycled plastic bottles to build stylish and sturdy homes!

An entire such eco-friendly village comprising over 120 homes has been built amid woods on the island of Bocas Del Toro in Panama. Each home consists of a steel frame framework packed with thousands of recycled plastic bottles act as insulators; such houses are naturally cool inside, thus removing the need for air-conditioners. Not only are the plastic bottle houses cheaper to build, they also require less time for construction and are earthquake resistant.


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