Thursday, November 23, 2023


“Education is the most powerful weapon one can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela.
     One of the most crucial aspects of a person’s success is education. It has the capacity to sway a person’s life for the better. It enriches not just the individual, but also the community.
    Thus, the value of education in life and society cannot be overlooked. We’ve all come across articles about worrying incidents, such as a child being denied admission to a school because he belongs to a certain caste, or a girl dropping out from school because society believes female education is of no use, and perhaps even those where one’s bank balance decided which school their children could attend. As harsh as it may sound, such kinds of discrimination and inequality are faced by several people each day.
     Educational equality asserts that every student, regardless of where they come from, their ethnicity, gender, disability, social background or gender identity, should have equal access to a high-quality education. An equitable education system enables each student to gain the knowledge and skills they need to integrate into society and become valuable citizens.
     Each student is unique in terms of the guidance they need to scceed. Some students may have different needs than others because they come from a disadvantaged social environment or because they have special educational needs.      Everyone is entitled to the same level of education. And so, nothing should prevent a child from pursuing his or her interests and talents. Giving all children an equal start would have positive economic and social consequences for people, communities and our country.
     Now the question arises: What can we do to bridge this gap of inequality and discrimination in our education system?
     The strategy should begin with ensuring that school enrolment and attendance are equitable. When we stress the concept of 'learning for all' we can make significant progress. This feat will just be the start of a global movement, with every student in every country learning about basic life skills and approaches to sustainable development from well-trained teachers who are well-equipped with resources and a well-designed curriculum.
     Every stakeholder in the education system should endeavour to see that the government's policies are implemented. The effectiveness of these regulations must also be evaluated regularly. The significance of achieving equal education can be instilled through a set of pledges and aims combined with effective education programmes.
     As Malcolm X rightly stated, "Education now is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." We as individuals must come together and work to attain quality education for one and all.


    Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an aromatic plant, native to the Mediterranean area of Southern Europe, that has been prized for its culinary and medical uses for centuries. Part of its appeal stemmed from the widespread belief that Rosemary stimulated and strengthened the memory, a quality for which it is still traditionally used. The plant gets its name from the Latin Rosmarinus, meaning 'dew of the sea'.
     In Europe, Rosemary is associated with remembrance and as such, was used for long in funerals and weddings. Mourners dropped Rosemary springs into the grave to symbolize remembrance (of the deceased). In Shakespeare's Hamlet, the mentally unbalanced Ophelia, babbling about her father's death, "There's Rosemary --- that's for remembrance; pray, love, remember." Rosemary leaves and flowers were entwined the wreath worn by brides. A branch of Rosemary, decorated with silk ribbons, was presented to wedding guests as a symbol of love and loyalty. 
     One of the most common aromatic wild plants of the Mediterranean landscape, Rosemary grows abundantly in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Southern France and Greece. It is also grown in Algeria, China, Middle East, Morocco, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey and to a limited extent in India (in the Nilgiris), where it is known as rusmari in Hindi. 
     The plant is a stiff, bushy shrub, much branched, with a characteristic aromatic fragrance. Leaves are 2 to 4mm wide, greenish and crinkled on top and covered with densely matted woolly hairs underneath. 
     Rosemary tea, made by steeping Rosemary flowers and leaves in boiling water, is used as a tonic for the digestive tract and the gall bladder. It is also used as an antiseptic gargle and a mouthwash, as it is known to cure bad breath and mouth infections. In Tunisia, Rosemary leaves are consumed to relieve spasms and to expel intestinal parasites. The essential oil of Rosemary forms part of many antibacterial medicines for the respiratory passages. 
     Rosemary also has many culinary uses. It is extensively used in French, Spanish and Italian cooking to flavour vegetable preparations such as roasted potatoes, stocks and stews and various kinds of grilled and roasted meats and fish. 
     Rosemary oil, distilled from the leaves and flowering tops of the plant, is extensively used in the manufacture of soaps, lotions, creams and perfumes. It is also used in processed food products such as frozen desserts, candies and alcoholic beverages. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


 History of Olympics 

     Today, let’s have a peep into the history of Olympics that had originated centuries ago in the epic land of Greece. There are many stories related to the origin of Olympic games. 

     Hercules and Pelops were the sons of Soyuz, the King of Gods. Once Egias, the King of Elissa made a bet with Hercules. The bet was to clean the cowshed within a day. If Hercules succeeded in this task, he would be gifted one tenth of the cows. It was considered to be an almost impossible task to clean the dirty cowshed within such a short time. But Hercules was wise enough to do the job. He diverted a river and cleaned the cow shed. However, Egias was not ready to honour his promise. Thus, Hercules waged a war with Egias and killed him. He took away all the cows. 

To celebrate his success, a sports festival was organised in Olympia. The name Olympics originated from the name Olympia. This is a story in Greek epics.

     According to another story, there was a temple for the Greek Goddess Riya in Olympia valley. People used to run to light a lamp at the altar of this temple. This was later developed into a competition.

     Olympics was the victory of Hercules’ brother Pelops over the King, is another version of the story. 

     Again, it is believed that the Olympics was organised in honour of the King Petross’s funeral who faced a heroic death on the battlefield. All these are the epic stories which people love to believe.    

     Whatever be the origin of Olympics, it is now the greatest international sports celebration in the world.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023


 Helen Keller 
     Helen Adams Keller was born on June 27th, 1880, in the small town of Tuscumbia in Alabama, United States of America. She became deaf and blind when she was only 19 months old, after becoming very sick with a very high body temperature. So she could neither hear nor could see. Her mother noticed that something was not right when she didn't respond to the dinner bell or when a hand was waved in front of her face. 
     Although Helen Keller tried to communicate with others, she often screamed and attacked people because she was frustrated. Her family described her as a little monster. 
     No one could help her until she met a teacher named Anne Sullivan, in 1887. Anne Sullivan was also partially blind but was very patient with her until Helen could communicate and knew how to read books using Braille. 
     Braille is a series of raised dots on paper that can be read using fingers. With the help of Anne Sullivan's teachings and Helen's hard work in studying, Helen learnt how to communicate with other people. 
     In 1890, she went to Perkins School for the blind in Watertown, Massachusetts, to learn how to speak. When Helen was 19 years old, she went to study at Radcliffe College of Harvard University. She was the first deaf-blind person to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree. Helen tried to help other disabled people all her life. 
     Helen wrote many books, spoke to people all around the world. She spoke about her life as a disabled person. She was an activist who fought for the rights of women and people with disabilities. Helen Keller lived to the age of 87. In her efforts to bring some social change, she became famous and inspired many people worldwide. 

Monday, November 20, 2023


Kukur Tihar / Kukur Puja 
     In Nepal, the five-day-long festival of Diwali is known as 𝐓𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐫 or 𝐘𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐤 and it is celebrated by worshipping animals.
     The first day of Tihar is known as '𝐊𝐚𝐚𝐠 𝐓𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐫' (crow festival). It is celebrated by feeding crows and ravens. The crow symbolises the messenger of Yama Dev(God of death). it is believed that worshipping them can bring good luck.
     '𝐊𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐫' or '𝐊𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐮𝐣𝐚' falls on the second day of Yamapanchak. On this day, dogs are worshipped with floral garlands and Tilak. After a ceremonial Puja, they are treated to their favourite meals. 
     On the third day, '𝐆𝐚𝐢 𝐏𝐮𝐣𝐚' (cow festival) is observed during the day and the Goddess Laxmi (the Goddess of wealth) is worshipped in the evening for prosperity.
     Day four favours oxen and day five is dedicated to people, with sisters traditionally putting tilaka on their brothers' foreheads in the belief that it will secure a long and happy life.
     Kukur Tihar falls on the second day of the Tihar festival, which is a five-day-long Hindu festival of lights, celebrated in Nepal and by the Nepali diaspora. Kukur Tihar  is an important day of Tihar festival to celebrate the long friendship and loyalty of dogs. People thank dogs for their loyalty and companionship.
     Dogs are considered special in Sanatan Dharma as they are believed to be the messengers of Yama Dev and incarnations of the God Bhairava(a form of Lord Shiva). It is considered a sin to be disrespectful to a dog on this day.
     Kukur Tihar is also known as Khicha puja by Newars. Adorned with colourful garlands made up of marigold flowers and Tilaka, all dogs, including strays, are gently bathed by families and served their favourite food  to acknowledge the cherished bonding between humans and dogs. 

Sunday, November 19, 2023


Learning about zippers
     When you wear a jacket or close your bag, there is a zip right? This mechanism has become so deeply a part of our everyday life that we often forget that it is actually a machine that was invented long ago! Have you ever stopped by to just think about how zippers work? What is the mechanism behind them?
     Invented in 1917 by Gideon Sundback, a zipper comprises two rows of interlocking teeth, each of which includes a hook and a hollow. Every hook on one of the two tracks of the zipper is intended to latch into a hollow on the other track. The slider which serves as the latching mechanism, is nothing more than a group of wedges. 
     The first principle in use is that of the wedge --- any triangular object that has the ability to apply force perpendicular to it qualifies as a wedge. A wedge pushed between a door and its frame will apply lateral pressure on the door and the frame, simultaneously keeping the door closed. 
     The second principle in use is the hook --- a curved structure with a handle for holding onto anything. 
     If you examine the teeth closely, you will see that similar and spaced exactly the same distance apart from one another. This is important for any zip to work properly. 
     The teeth on the zipper track are made in a way that they can interlock with one another since they are formed like hooks. Each tooth may latch onto the one above it and the one below it with the help of the slider. Each hook is brought together at a certain angle due to the slider. This locks the hook in place before the slider moves forward. 
     When opening the zip, the teeth are once again angled so they may be released while the slider moves in the other direction and wedge during the slide actually pushes the teeth apart. As the force applied by a wedge is always perpendicular to it, as we already learned, the slider forces the zip's teeth sideways even as it descends.

Friday, November 17, 2023


 Weather forecasting

     Weather forecasting has been a significant part of traditions in all civilisations for thousands of years.

Origin: In 1831, a naval officer named Robert FitzRoy came up with the idea of predicting the weather. Deeply troubled with loss of life due to unpredictable, extreme weather, he was determined to set up an office in London where he used some basic equipment such as the barometer, nautical charts and recorded patterns to predict the weather. As the telegraph network expanded in the 1830s, FitzRoy could gather idea from different coasts at his London office. 

If he thought a storm was approaching, he immediately released a warning telegraph to the concerned port where a drum was raised to alarm the sailors. The first ever daily weather forecast was published in The Times newspaper on August 1, 1861.

Method of forecasting weather: Meteorology is the study of weather and the atmosphere. A Meteorologist is a person who studies weather patterns and predicts Earth’s atmospheric phenomena. Meteorologists gather information about the weather from satellites, balloons and other instruments. They use powerful computers to analyse the collected data and then draw weather maps to forecast the weather. 

Importance: Weather forecasting forewarns people about future weather conditions. It also warns people about other weather hazards such as thunderstorms, hurricanes and heavy rainfall. Thus far, accurate weather predictions have been able to save the lives of many.

How precise are they: After technological advancements, the weather forecast stations today are well equipped to provide advanced warnings of severe weather, but they aren't always accurate. Accurate weather forecasting requires a lot of observational data collected from thousands of weather stations across the globe. Also it is tough to predict the weather, which constantly changes at a quick pace.


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