Tuesday, December 5, 2023


  The fisherman and the businessman 

     Once upon a time, a businessman sat on the beach in a small Italian village. As he sat, taking a brief break from the stress of his daily schedule, he saw a fisherman rowing a small boat back into the harbour. In the boat were a few large fish. 

     Impressed, the businessman asked the fisherman, "How long does it take you to catch even more?"

     "More? This is enough to feed my entire family and even offer some to my neighbours," the fisherman said. 

     "So what do you do for the rest of the day?" Enquired the businessman. 

     The fisherman replied, "Well, I've usually caught my fish by late morning, at which point I go home, spend some time with my wife and play with my kids. In the afternoon, I take a nap and read. I go to the village in the evening to enjoy myself with my friends, play guitar, sing, and dance into the night!"

     Putting his entrepreneurial hat on, the businessman offered a suggestion. 

     "I have a Ph. D. in business! I can help you become much more successful. From now on, you should spend longer at sea and catch as many fish as possible. When you've saved enough money, buy a bigger boat to catch even more fish. From there, you’ll soon be able to buy more boats, set up your own company, build a production plant to can the fish and control distribution, and move on to the city to control your other branches."

     To this, the fisherman asks, And after that?"

     The businessman laughs, "After that you'll be able to live like a king, take your company public, float your shares and be rich!"

     "And after that?" Asks the businessman once more. 

     "After that you can retire, move to a house by the sea, wake up early in the morning to go fishing, then return home to spend time with your wife, play with your kids, take a nap in the afternoon and join your friends in the village, play guitar and dance into the night!"

     Puzzled, the fisherman replies, "But isn't that what I'm doing already?"

Moral of the story: Be content with what you have. Find happiness in your work. Do not let stress steal your joy. 

Sunday, December 3, 2023



    The name Varanasi fills our mind with thoughts like land of colour, resounding mantras, fragrance of burning incense, River Ganga; Ghats, sanyasis, temples, tourists etc. --- all in an environment filled with devotion! Varanasi, also known as Banaras (and Kashi), is one of the oldest living cities of the world. This city lies on the banks of the mighty river, the holy Ganga (also called Ganges), in Uttar Pradesh. Varanasi is considered as one of the seven most sacred religious places of the Hindus. 

     "Banaras is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend and looks twice as old as all of them put together", Mark Twain. 

     Most Hindus dream of visiting Varanasi at least once in lifetime, taking a holy dip in the Ganga, and walking along the river banks, city lanes and the Panchakosi road that borders Varanasi. For the Hindus and the devotees of other religions of Indian origin, Varanasi is a divine place. They believe that if they pass away in Varanasi, the divine abode of Lord Shiva, they will attain the very purpose of human life --- Moksha.

     The name Varanasi is derived from Varuna River to the North and Assi River to the south that the river Ganga flows through. The name Banaras goes to its root to Pali language. 

     Known also as the city of Ghats, Varanasi has a lot of uniqueness. The Ganga Aarti (ritualistically worshipping Ganga), big and small roads, boat-rides,views of Ashrams and temples, rhythmic and continuing chanting of mantras, and the surroundings bearing the fragrance of burning incense --- all leading to a unique spiritually elevated feeling within --- can be felt in Varanasi. 

Research reveals that urban settlement began in 2000 BCE. The city was famous for textiles, perfumes, ivory and other sculptures. (Even now, Banaras sari is a prized possession of women in Indian households). With growing international trade, the city further developed its reputation as a holy  city. Persian invasion in the 17th century destroyed many temples, but from the start of the 18th century, the city began to regain its past glory, restoring the destroyed temples and building new ones. Besides being known for knowledge and spirituality, Varanasi was the centre point of India’s culture and heritage. Classical music and art, gharanas etc. were promoted here. One of the most famous universities of the world, BHU (Banaras Hindu University) is in Varanasi. Religious and philosophical discourses used to be held here. As the centre of learning, Varanasi has given birth to different interpretations of Religious, spiritual and philosophical treatise. 

     It is believed that Shiva and Parvati witnessed from Varanasi the actualization of the concept of time. Most legendary characters' life is closely linked to this place, especially with respect to Buddhist scriptures and the Mahabharat. The birthplace of Buddhism in 528 BCE was in Sarnath, near Varanasi. It is here that the revered Tulsidas wrote his epic poem Ramcharit Manas. 

     Known as the temple city, Varanasi is famous for Kashi Vishwanath temple, the 8th century Durga temple, Sankatmochan Hanuman temple, the Sakshi Vinayak temple of Lord Ganesh, the Kaal Bhairav temple, the Nepal-style temple built by the king of Nepal on Lalita Ghat, the Bindu Madhav temple near the Panchaganga Ghat, and the Tailang Swami Math.

     With all beautiful and colourful sights, and with an awe-inspiring history, the holy city of Varanasi --- modern yet rooted deep to spirituality --- is a must-visit for one and all.

Saturday, December 2, 2023


 How and why flowers develop their scent?

     When a plant grows, it produces certain essential oils that decompose to form volatile oils. These oils are usually present in petals but they can also be found in fruits, leaves, barks and seeds. When the oil evaporates, the flower gives off smell. The type of fragrance depends on the chemical composition of the volatile oils. 

     No two flower species have the same scent although their colour and petal structure may look quite similar. 

     The purpose of the scent is to lure pollinators. Plant species pollinated by bees and flies have sweet scent while those pollinated by beetles have musty or fruity odours. Large flowers like Rafflesia arnoldii and Titan arum smell like decomposing corpses and the smell attracts their pollinators, the flies.


    Flowers give off scent only when their prospective pollinators are most active. Thus plants like the Jasmine that are pollinated by moths and bats bloom at night and emit a sweet fragrance. 

     While some plants emit strong scents to keep animals away, the Venus flytrap uses its scent to attract insects which are then eaten by the plant!


The statue of Christ, the Redeemer 

      The statue of Christ the Redeemer, known in Portuguese as Cristo Redentor, is located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. One of Brazil's most recognised landmarks, the statue, depicting Jesus Christ with arms wide open in the gesture of a hug, stands on the peak of the 2300 ft high Corcovado mountain overlooking the city of Rio. In 2007, the statue was elected one of the New 7 wonders of the world from among a selection of 200 existing monuments in a popularity poll organised by a Switzerland-based organisation, The New 7 Wonders Foundation. 

     The idea of a huge statue of Christ atop Mount Corcovado was mooted in the 1850s by Pedro Maria Boss, a Vincentian priest, in honour of Isabel, the princess regent of Brazil. However, the project was shelved for want of official approval and was not revived until about 70 years later, in 1921, when it was taken up by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro. The foundation stone was laid on April 4, 1922. The same year a competition was held to choose the best design for the statue, and Heitor da Silva Costa, an engineer emerged the winner in collaboration with artist Carlos Oswald. The church raised the funds for the project, and construction began in 1926 under the leadership of French sculptor Paul Landowski. The workers and materials were transported to the peak by mountain railway. The construction materials were reinforced concrete and soapstone, with the latter being chosen for its durability and resistance to the effects of extreme weather conditions on the mountain-top. The building process took 5 years and the statue --- standing 98 ft tall, on a 26 ft pedestal, with outstretched arms spanning 92 ft --- was formally inaugurated on October 12, 1931.

     Over the years, many renovations have been carried out on the statue. In 2003, mechanised access became possible, with panaromic elevators and escalators, and it is no longer necessary to climb the 220 steps to the foot of the statue. The iconic statue now attracts over 3 lakh visitors, with a bonus to the pilgrimage up the mountain being a spectacular, panoramic view of the city of Rio.

Friday, December 1, 2023



 Discovering the Magic of Dudhsagar Falls

     Today, we will embark on a virtual journey to explore a magnificent natural wonder, the Dudhsagar Falls. Nestled in the vibrant land of Goa, India, these falls are truly exceptional.

A Natural Marvel:

Dudhsagar Falls, which translates to “Sea of Milk” in the local language, gets its name because of its frothy, milky appearance. It is one of India’s tallest waterfalls, standing at an impressive 1017 feet (310 meters). Imagine four football fields stacked on top of each other—that’s how tall it is!

The Four-Tiered Beauty:

What makes Dudhsagar Falls truly exceptional is its four-tiered structure. The water tumbles down from the mountain in four stages, creating a breathtaking cascade that is a sight to behold. The falls are surrounded by lush greenery, making it a picture-perfect scene for anyone lucky enough to visit.

Jungle Adventure:

The Dudhsagar Falls are located in the Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary, so you can explore the surrounding jungle while visiting the falls. For young explorers like you, it’s like stepping into a real-life jungle book! Keep your eyes peeled for colorful birds, playful monkeys, and maybe even a hidden waterfall or two along the way.

An Exciting Trek:

Getting to the Dudhsagar Falls is an adventure in itself. One way to reach this incredible natural wonder is by trekking. You must follow a thrilling trail through the dense forest, crossing streams and navigating uneven terrain. It’s an opportunity to connect with nature, get some exercise, and build unforgettable memories.

Refreshing Swimming:

The pool at the base of the falls is the perfect place for a refreshing swim. You can take a dip and cool off in the crystal-clear waters of Dudhsagar. It’s like having your natural swimming pool surrounded by the beauty of the jungle.

A Historical Bridge:

As you approach the falls, you’ll encounter a historic railway bridge. The view from here is absolutely stunning. Trains passing on the bridge create a postcard-like scene with the falls in the background. It’s a great place for a family photo!

Visit in the Monsoon:

Dudhsagar Falls are at their most magnificent during the monsoon season, from June to September. This is when the waterfall is at its fullest and most spectacular. The surrounding greenery is also at its most vibrant during this time.

Respecting Nature:

While enjoying this incredible place, respecting the environment is important. Always follow the national park rules and ensure you leave no trace behind. Let’s ensure that Dudhsagar Falls remains a magical place for generations to come.

In a Nutshell:

Dudhsagar Falls is a natural marvel, standing tall at 1017 feet with a four-tiered structure. It’s in a lush jungle, making it an exciting destination for trekkers and nature enthusiasts. The monsoon season is the best time to visit to see this marvel of nature. 

Thursday, November 30, 2023


 Pran Kumar Sharma


     Pran Kumar Sharma was born on 15 August, 1938 in Kasur, a small border town in Pakistan. He was a child when his family fled to India in 1947 and settled down in Firozpur in Punjab. 

     To escape the harsh memories of the violence of partition, Pran sought refuge in the magic world of cartoons. While still in college, he drew political cartoons for the newspaper Dainik Milap. He got his first break when his cartoons were published in 'Shankar's Weekly' a popular magazine. 

     In those days, newspapers carried only Western comics like Phantom and Mandrake as no one was making Indian comics. Pran decided to change that and established the Pran Features Syndicate to create comics strips.

     Pran's most popular comics strip was Chacha Choudhary. Originally produced in Lotpot magazine, the series is about an indomitable old man with a characteristic moustache and turban. The short sprightly man solves various issues with his incisive wit with the help of his associates like the giant Sabu and pet dog Rocket.

     Pran was commended in the list of 'people of the year 1995' by Limca Book of Records for popularizing comics in India.  Two episodes of Chacha Choudhary were acquired by the International Museum of Cartoon Art, USA and Pran was honoured with a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2001 from the Indian Institute of Cartoonists.

     Though Pran passed away on 5 August 2014, he will be remembered for generations to come as the 'father of Indian comics'.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


What is a tangram?
     A tangram is a classic Chinese puzzle that consists of a square divided into 7 flat pieces, called tans, which are to be rearranged into various shapes. The pieces are of different shapes and sizes --- five right triangles (two small, one medium-sized, and two large), one square, and one parallelogram/rhomboid. The objective of the game is to make a specific shape using all the seven pieces, as they are (no trimming them to fit), by laying them flat so that they touch one another but with no overlapping. The tans may be rotated or flipped as necessary to obtain the desired figure. In this manner, they can be rotated or flipped as necessary to obtain the desired figure. In this manner, they can be arranged to form hundreds of silhouette patterns, ranging from animals and people to everyday objects, letters and numbers. 
     Little is known about the early history of the tangram, apart from the fact that it originated in China several centuries ago. Apparently, the ancient Chinese regarded the tangram as a game meant for women and  children, too trivial to be worthy of serious study. Hence there are hardly any records of its origin and evolution. In the 19th century it was introduced to the West, where it rapidly became very popular. Famous tangram fans include Napoleon Bonaparte, Edgar Allen Poe and Lewis Carroll.
     One of the classic puzzles that appeals to young and old alike, the tangram attracts people on various levels. While maths buffs are hooked on the geometry and the ratios of the pieces, artists are fascinated by their form and visual appeal. Tangrams are used as a teaching tool in school maths classes. 


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