What are crop circles?
What are crop circles?
Is the silvery covering on sweetmeats safe to eat?
The silvery coating is called vark, varakh or chandi-ka-vark or simply silver leaf. It is made by pounding thin strips of pure silver into ultra-thin fineness. Edible but tasteless, some say the custom of adding silver leaf to food is a carry- over of the practice of using silver in Ayurvedic medicine. But nowadays it is used more for decorative purposes and perhaps to increase the shelf life of the sweets.
Vark is perfectly safe to eat--- if it is not adulterated. Though the laws of the land do not allow it,sweetmeat manufacturers sometimes use vark that is made of impure silver, or worse, use vark that is made from aluminum. This can cause food poisoning or intestinal problems.
Krishna, the mischievous child
Krishna loved butter and would frequently steal milk and butter from other people’s homes, and the women would come to mother Yashoda to complain about her son's misbehaviour.
One day, the older children, including his brother Balarama, ran out to eat the fruits of a tree growing in the courtyard. Krishna adored those fruits, so he followed them despite the fact that no one had invited him. He was warned that he was too small to climb trees. He persisted in following them, so they assigned him the task of collecting the falling fruits. "Now, keep in mind, don't eat a single one," they warned, knowing his appetite. "All you have to do is gather the fruits, and we'll come and fairly distribute them."
But Krishna secretly ate the muddy fruits. His friends went and informed Yashoda. When Krishna returned home, Yashoda grabbed him by the ears chastised him for putting dirt in his mouth. Krishna immediately responded that he had a fight with his friends in the morning and that in order to exchange revenge, they were all lying and that Yashoda should not believe them. He claimed she was being unjust because she trusted them instead of her son.
Yashoda was all too familiar with her son. Yashoda started scolding Krishna. She said," if you haven't already done so, open your mouth. I'll find out for myself." Krishna obeyed by opening his mouth. But when Yashoda looked into his mouth, she was astounded. In his small mouth, she saw the entire universe: mountain ranges, deep oceans, solar systems, moon and other celestial objects. Yashoda was taken aback and began to wonder if she was dreaming or seeing something extraordinary!
Living in the mountainous regions of Europe, northern Asia and northern Africa, they can effortlessly leap up crumbling rock faces, gripping on to tiny footholds with their specially adapted hooves, and then run back down with just as much ease. This special skill is particularly useful for escaping predators, as very few creatures can follow their daring lead, but there are other benefits to living the high life too.
Alpine ibex in northern Italy have been spotted scaling the near-vertical Cingno Dam to lick the rocks at the very top. The rocks contain salt, which provide the goats with essential minerals such as calcium that are lacking from their vegetarian diet. However, to get to them they have to endure a perilous ascent, climbing more than 30 metres with only tiny cracks and ledges to cling onto.
This impressive climbing ability is mainly practiced by females and their young, as the larger body mass and cumbersome horns of the males make balancing on narrow ledges difficult.
Hooves made for climbing: Ibex hooves are well-adapted for climbing steep slopes, with two pincer-like toes on each foot. The top of each toe is made from hard keratin, the same material our fingernails are made from, making them incredibly strong, while the underside is soft and rubbery - this textured surface creates friction to provide extra grip. The hooves also spread when under load, distributing weight evenly.
The two toes of each hoof can move independently from each other, helping to compensate for uneven terrain and allowing the ibex to cling on to any protrusions in the rock.
Ibex anatomy
How are mountain goats so well adapted to climbing sheer rock?
Strong legs: Ibex can jump over 1.8 metres from a standing start, helping them leap from ledge to ledge.
Horns: Females are the best climbers, as their shorter horns do not get in their way on near vertical slopes.
Hooves: Two-toed hooves with soft undersides help them to grip onto the mountainside.
Muscular shoulders: Strong shoulder muscles help ibex pull themselves up steep inclines with ease.
Stocky body: Their short height gives them a low centre of gravity, enabling them to balance on small ledges.
Dewclaws: These extra hooves found on the backside of the legs prevent slipping down a slope.
Did you know?
Ibex can balance on ledges no wider than a tight rope.
Male ibex live in separate herds to females and their young, and only meet during the breeding season.
Colours: In India and across the globe
Red with anger, green with envy, white with fear.... these are just some of the ways we associate colours with our emotions. But every colour does have cultural symbolism attached to it and it is different in different parts of the world.
Let us take a colourful tour of the globe to see what these colours mean to us Indians and other cultures of the world.
White: in India is said to repel light and colours and is therefore kept away from all kinds of celebrations, and it categorically stands for mourning. In North America and Europe, white has been seen throughout the pop culture to symbolise purity, brides,weddings and peace.
Red: In India, red symbolises fire and purity, like Goddess Durga, which is why it is a central motif of matrimony in Indian weddings. In North America or Europe, however, it stands for love, passion, excitement and danger. In South Africa, red is famously seen as a colour of mourning, often used as the theme in case of a death or loss.
Pink: in India, as in many parts of North America and Europe, symbolises feminine, young girlish charm and nurturing presence. In Korea, pink is a solid symbol of trust and is associated with security and nurture.
Green: in India and a large portion of South-East Asia symbolises nature, harvests and new beginnings. It, therefore, reflects happiness and God himself. In countries like the USA, however pop culture has given the colour green a somewhat different image, with it being the colour of money and jealousy.
Yellow: As in most of the eastern world, yellow is a colour of honour --- sacred and imperial; it represents masculine power and wisdom. And it is also a colour of commerce --- it represents a merchant. These same colours however speak of cowardice and weakness in European countries. Also, in the western world, it represents caution. In Egypt, on the other hand, this colour is one of mourning and sadness.
Blue: In India, blue is associated with Lord Krishna and represents riches and virtue. Still, more recently, it has also been taken to convey a sense of patriotism and community due to the colour of the Indian cricket team’s uniform. However, on the other side of the globe, blue is the colour of ill health, depression and sadness.
Brown is a colour of mourning and is seen as a manifestation of sadness, and its drab nature makes it a colour of dull despair. In the west, though, it is a colour of the Earth, health and stability. It represents comfort and dependability; it also is a colour of appetite and thus has had immense success in food packaging and advertising in countries like the USA.
Purple: In India, purple or violet is a comforting colour. It is associated with reincarnation. In Japan, as it is in the majority of the western world, purple is a colour of privilege, wealth and prosperity. It symbolises fame, high-ranking positions of authority and royalty.
Black: In India, black is a symbol of barrenness, death and lack of energy; black has been used in India throughout the ages to ward-off evil as it is seen as an agent of evil. In Japan, the story is different. Black is the colour of the night, the colour of mystery, representing it as both a threat and a temptation. In Africa, on the other hand, it is seen as a symbol of experience and wisdom.
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