Saturday, June 22, 2024


What causes lightning and thunder?
Have you ever wondered why we have thunder and lightning during storms? Well, this is because when clouds move around in the sky, they bump into each other and create electricity. This electricity builds up until it suddenly bursts out in a big flash of lightning! The lightning is like a super-fast bolt of energy that lights up the sky. And the loud rumbling thunder you hear afterwards is because the lightning heats up the air so fast that it makes a booming noise. 
Thunderstorms always have lightning (since thunder is caused by lightning, and you can't have a thunderstorm without thunder), but you can have lightning without a thunderstorm. Lighting can also be seen in volcanic eruptions, extremely intense forest fires, surface nuclear detonations, and even in heavy snowstorms! It is possible that you might see lightning and not hear any thunder, because it was too far away. Sometimes this is called 'heat lightning' because it occurs most often in the summer. So, the next time you see lightning and hear thunder, remember that it's just nature putting on a spectacular show for us to enjoy!

Friday, June 21, 2024


International Yoga Day

International Yoga day is celebrated every year on June 21st. This special day highlights the importance of yoga, an ancient practice that began in India over 5,000 years ago. 

Yoga is a combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation that helps to keep both body and mind healthy. Yoga is not just about twisting and turning your body into different poses. It teaches us how to control our breath, relax our mind, and stay focused. Many people practice yoga to stay fit, reduce stress, and find inner peace.

International Yoga Day was first celebrated in 2015 after it was proposed by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, and adopted by the United Nations. Since then, millions of people from all around the world come together to practice yoga on this day. One of the great things about yoga is that anyone can do it, regardless of age or fitness level. There are simple poses which help with balance and  stretching which improve flexibility. There are also more challenging poses for those who want to push their limits.

On International Yoga Day, many schools, parks, and community centres offer free yoga classes. These events often start with a peaceful meditation, followed by a series of yoga poses, and end with relaxation. It’s a wonderful opportunity for everyone to try yoga and experience its benefits. 

Yoga also has a special connection to nature. Many people prefer to practice yoga outdoors, in a park or garden, where they can breathe fresh air and feel connected to the earth. This connection to nature helps to enhance the calming effects of yoga. Besides physical and mental benefits, yoga teaches important values like patience, perseverance, and mindfulness. It encourages us to listen to our minds and respect our bodies, promoting a sense of self-awareness and compassion. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 Celebrating music's universal language


World Music Day, also known as FĂȘte de la Musique, is celebrated on June 21st every year. This international day of music is observed in over 100 countries, making it a global celebration of music and its power to bring people together.

On this day, people from all walks of life come together to play music, sing, and dance in the streets, parks, and public spaces. The event is marked by a series of concerts, jam sessions, and impromptu performances, featuring a wide range of genres and styles.

From classical to rock, pop to jazz, and traditional folk to experimental music, World Music Day showcases the diversity and richness of music from around the world. The event aims to promote cultural exchange, understanding, and harmony, and is a testament to the universal language of music that transcends borders and languages.

Music is a universal language that transcends borders and cultures. From African rhythms to Indian classical music, the world is a treasure trove of diverse musical styles. Salsa and bossa nova rhythms enter the scene, getting people moving, while Japanese enka ballads and Korean pop (K-pop) enter the global spotlight, gaining popularity. In Africa, Afro beat and high life rhythms enter the scene, blending traditional instruments with modern beats, while in the Caribbean, calypso and reggae music pulsate with island vibes.

Despite geographical differences, music has the power to unite people across cultures, languages, and continents. With its ability to evoke emotions, tell stories, and bring people together, music enters the hearts of people around the world. As a result, music is a true global language that will continue to inspire and delight us for generations to come.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


The Sly Cat


An eagle, a cat and a sow (female pig) all lived in the same tree. The eagle had made its nest on the topmost branches, the cat and her kittens lived in a hollow halfway down the tree, and the sow lived at the foot of the tree.

One day the cat said to the eagle, "Be careful! I've heard the sow is planning to raid your nest while you are away and carry away your chicks to feed to her piglets." 

The eagle turned pale and from the next day on stopped going out to hunt. Then the sly cat said to the sow, "Have you noticed? The eagle has stopped going out. I've heard she's planning to feed your helpless piglets to her chicks while you're away. Be warned!"

The sow too stopped going out to feed. In a few days the young ones of both the eagle and the sow died of hunger. The sorrowing parents went away and the cat and her family had a feast.

Moral: Beware of mischief-makers.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Ram Manohar Lohia 
On March 23, 1910, a boy was born in Akbarpur, a remote village in Uttar Pradesh. He was later to become famous as the great socialist thinker, humanitarian and politician - Ram Manohar Lohia (1910 - 1967).
Ram Manohar, who lost his mother at a very young age, was brought up by his father, Hira Lal, a Congress party worker. When he was ten years old, the family moved to Bombay. Thus, in 1920, Ram Manohar was enrolled at Marwari High School in Bombay. His political career effectively started the same year. When Lokmanya Tilak passed away on August 1, the boy organized his fellow-students and led them in a hartal. 
In 1925, Lohia completed his matriculation, standing first in his school. By now, he was deeply involved in the Swadeshi movement. He joined the Banaras Hindu university to do his Intermediate. Here, his leadership qualities blossomed and he developed into a fiery orator. He went on to graduate from Calcutta University. 
In 1929, Lohia went to Berlin for higher studies. Here too, he was actively involved in the cause of Indian nationalism. In 1932, he got a doctorate for his brilliant thesis on the topic of the Salt Satyagraha in India. He then returned to India and joined the Indian National Congress, where he soon made his mark as an intellectual and an expert on foreign affairs. 
When World War II broke out, Lohia opposed the British government's move to forcibly involve India in the war. For his anti-British propaganda, he was arrested in 1940 and sentenced to two years' rigorous imprisonment. He was locked up in Bareilly Central Jail, where he was subjected to torture. He bore everything with fortitude. 
After his release, Lohia wrote many articles calling for nationwide agitation against the British. In 1942, the Quit India Movement started. In a bid to suppress the rebellion, the government imprisoned all the national leaders, including Lohia, went underground and took charge of the movement. Lohia took up the job of getting posters and pamphlets printed at a secret press. He also set up an underground radio station, broadcasting patriotic messages. His voice became familiar to many in the country. In 1944, the British finally captured Lohia. He was taken to a prison in Lahore, where he was tortured day and night. Finally, he managed to smuggle out a letter to a leader of the British Labour Party. This letter made the headlines of all the British and Indian newspapers. Yielding to public pressure, the British government was forced to transfer Lohia to Agra Central Jail, where the treatment was much more humane.  While here, he lost his father - his only surviving relative. Although he was offered parole, he declined the favour. His father's last rites were performed by his friends and followers. 
At last, under pressure from Mahatma Gandhi, the government was forced to release Lohia on April 11, 1946. He came out to a hero's welcome. But the tortures in prison had wrecked his health. On his friend's insistence, he went to Goa for a vacation. But there too, instead of resting, he got involved in the local liberation movement (Goa,  in those days, was a Portuguese colony). After India attained independence, the socialists in the Congress, unhappy with the way it was functioning, left to form their own party. One of the leaders was Lohia. He soon proved that he was no power-seeker, but a man of people. He was a great visionary and a principled man, who would never compromise on certain basic issues.
In 1963, Lohia was elected to the Lok Sabha. He was so engrossed in public service that he remained a lifelong bachelor. He never owned any property. His house in Delhi was always open to party workers. 
On October 12, 1967, Dr. Lohia passed away after a prolonged illness. He left behind no bank balance, but only a legacy of lofty ideas and unselfish service. The nation mourned his loss deeply. The Wellington Hospital, where he died, was later named Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital - in tribute to him.

Monday, June 17, 2024


Celebrating Father’s Day
Father’s day is celebrated on every third Sunday in the month of June to signify the special bond between the father and his children. Although a father's love is not dependent on a single day celebration, but this day is celebrated across the world to honour all those super dads who keep their children’s happiness above everything. 
Dads are always the unsung heroes, with steady hands for you, having strongest hearts and at times emotional too. Father’s day reminds us of the significant role fathers play in shaping our lives. It also symbolises the influence fathers have on their children and families, embodying qualities of strength, compassion and dedication.
Father plays several roles, from protector and provider to mentor and friend. He serves as pillar of strength during challenging times, offering guidance and wisdom to navigate life's complexities. His unconditional love and support creates a sense of security and stability that lay the foundation for emotional well-being and personal growth.
Father inspires us to dream, to learn perseverance and to strive for greatness. His encouragement fuels our aspirations, instilling confidence and resilience to overcome obstacles. Whether teaching us to ride a bike, imparting valuable lessons or simply being a listening ear, father leaves an indelible mark on our lives, shaping our values, beliefs and aspirations. He is a superhero who supports us to rise and face the world. 
Father’s day is an opportunity to reflect on cherished memories and lessons learned from father. From childhood adventures to heartfelt conversations, these moments serve as reminders of the life-long impact he has in shaping our identities and perspectives. Whether imparting practical skills or invaluable life lessons, father leaves a legacy that transcends generations. 
Father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way. A father's love is as pervasive and essential as the divine love of God. It is a love that knows no conditions, no limits - a love that is as boundless as the sky and as deep as the ocean. Let us, therefore, not reserve our admiration for fathers for a single day; let us embrace the spirit of gratitude and tenderness in every moment, cherishing the subtle miracles they weave into our lives with every breath. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024


A telephone is defined as an instrument that facilitates the simultaneous transmission and reception of human voice. Telephones are not very expensive and are easy to operate, offering immediate and personal communication. The word telephone is derived from two Greek words, 'tele' which means 'far', and 'phone', which means 'sound'. Since its invention, the telephone has also helped send documents by fax and it is the basic infrastructure on which the internet is built. 
History of telephone: Before the invention of the telephone, the telegraph was used for communication. It was a simple electrical circuit that stretched many miles, usually along a railway line. Messages were sent down the telegraph line in the form of electrical bursts. However, telegraphs were slow, tedious to use and required people to learn Morse Code. Telephone changed all of this. 
In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell sent me first words by telephone. Later in the year, he also made the first long-distance call to his assistant who was 2 miles away. He was the first person to be granted a United States patent for the telephone. Within seven years of the invention of the telephone, telephone exchanges were established in Bombay (now Mumbai), Madras (now Chennai) and Calcutta (now Kolkata). By 1896, the telephone instrument was improved upon by Thomas Watson, Emil Berliner and Thomas Edison among others. By 1915, people could make transcontinental calls - the first call was made by Dr Bell in New York to Mr Watson in San Francisco, USA. By 1927, people could make International calls - the first was made across the Atlantic Ocean. In the late 1970s the first cell phones appeared. Around the same time, fax machines became common too. They used telephone wires to send words and images. 
How telephone works: The traditional telephone relies on telephone wires to transmit sound. It consists of a handset and a base that are joined by a cord. The user holds the handset while talking - one end of it has a microphone to speak into and the other end has a loudspeaker to hear the user on the other end. The wire in the base connects the telephone to an electric current. 
When a user talks into the handset, the microphone converts the sound of the user's voice to an electric signal. The signal is sent out by the base through its wire. The signal's path from there depends on where the call is going. It either remains as an electric current, passing through wires and cables, or travels through thin glass fibres in the form of light. Sending information in this manner is called fibre optics. The signal can also be converted to radio waves and sent through the air via antennas and satellites. When the signal reaches the telephone of the other user, the loudspeaker converts it back to the sound of a voice. 
Different types of telephones:
● Cordless telephone: A cordless telephone does not have a cord connecting the handset and the base, which allows the user to walk or move while talking. It uses electric signals and radio waves to operate. The base receives the call in the form of an electric signal and turns it into radio waves. The base then sends the waves through the air to the handset using the antenna. The handset's antenna picks up the waves and then the handset converts the waves into sound.
● cell phone: Cell phones, also known as cellular phones or mobile phones, operate over a wider area and are more convenient than cordless phones. They make and receive calls through radio waves. This works with the help of cell phone companies. They divide an area into sections called cells. Each cell has a tower that can receive and send radio waves. If the person on call moves from one cell phone to another, the call also switches from one tower to another. So essentially, the cell phone can work anywhere the cell company has a network. The phone transmits a special signal when it is turned on. This signal tells the network where to direct the calls that the phone receives. Today, cell phones can do many things other than calling, like sending text messages, taking photographs, playing music, getting information from the internet and emailing. Smartphones can also run applications or apps that allow people to play games, shop, read, view maps, manage calendars and perform many other tasks. 


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