Monday, November 14, 2022

Birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

 Children’s Day

Hope all of you have heard about Chacha Nehru.

His name was PanditJawaharlal Nehru; but children loved to call him Chacha Nehru.

He was India’s first prime minister.

Jawaharlal was born on 14 November, 1889, as the son of Motilal Nehru, who was a leader of the freedom movement.

Jawaharlal went to England to study law and became a lawyer. However, when he came back to India and met Gandhiji, he gave up his profession, and joined the freedom movement.

He was close to Mahatma Gandhi, and spent nine years in jail as part of the freedom struggle.

As India gained independence, Gandhiji felt Nehru was the best person to lead the country.

So, he became the first Prime Minister of India.

Jawaharlal was also a great scholar who wrote several books including “The Discovery of India” and “Glimpses of World History”. He wrote a book for children too, named Letters from a Father to His Daughter.

This book is a collection of letters he had written to his ten-year-old daughter Indira Gandhi.

It tells the story of our civilisation and natural history, in general.

As a tribute to his love for children, Jawaharlal’s birthday has been celebrated as ‘Children’s Day’ in India since 1954.

The day is usually celebrated in schools, by organising debates, elocution, quiz and other competitions.

Nehru once said: “The children of today will make the India of tomorrow. The way we bring them up will determine the future of our country.”

We must take a pledge on this November 14, to become proud Indians, who will make a better India.

Sunday, November 13, 2022



Cooking rice

 If you were to cook 3 cups of rice, would you add 3 cups of salt to it?

Certainly not!

So, in every preparation of rice, the rice always outnumbers the salt, yet a little salt makes a huge difference or impact in the overall outcome.

In the room in which you currently are, look up at the ceiling... 

What is the size of the bulb compared to the size of the room? It is probably a ratio of 1:5000.

Yet, darkness flees the entire space once the small bulb is flipped on.

If I am the salt of the earth, and the light of the world, then "little me" has the ability to make big things happen..

Sometimes, because we feel outnumbered or overwhelmed at the sheer magnitude of evil or wrong-doers, we then choose powerlessness, and decide to go with the flow, not standing up for what we believe is right.

Little doesn't mean insignificant.

You are significant. Your presence should make a BIG difference. Stop waiting to be on the side of the majority. They may be the majority, but they are the trivial majority and you are the impactful minority.

They are the rice of the world, and you are the salt of the world.

They are the room and you are the light.

Make your influence felt!


You are the world's seasoning, to make it beautiful...

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Words worth reading


It matters in life

 Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you; not because they are not nice, but you are nicer.

Whatever you give to life, it gives you back. Love others and love will come back to you.

 Don’t go the way life takes you. Take life the way you go!

What you are today is the result of your past actions. Decide how you have to act now.

 An arrow goes forward only after pulling it backward. A bullet goes forward only after pulling it backward. Every human being will be happy only after facing the difficulties on their life path.

 The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you; it is when you don’t understand yourself. 

Never search for happiness in others, which will make you feel alone; rather search for it in yourself. You will feel happy even if you are left alone.


Friday, November 11, 2022

Do you know

 Why chefs wear tall hats?

The chef’s tall hat also called toque, has its origin in mediaeval Europe (period in history between about 1100 and 1500AD), when in some countries, invading barbarians targeted intellectuals and skilled workers like chefs, causing them to seek shelter in churches.

Chefs and others moved around in the guise of priests, wearing tall hats, similar to those worn by clergy.

According to another legend, the hat was modeled after kings’ crowns, to give chefs a sense of importance, lest they spoil the food or even poison it.

Thursday, November 10, 2022



Music speaks what cannot be expressed by words.

People are enamoured with music.

Music touches our souls in a profound way that words alone cannot.

It stirs our imagination, energises our bodies and transforms our mood.

Music can cheer us and or overwhelm us with emotions.

It can make us feel blue or make us feel over the moon.

It can pump us up or calm us down.

Music is something we all get touched by.

It works like a healing therapy.

It moves people and connects them, which no other medium can do.

It pulls heart strings.

It acts as medicine.

Music gives people a new chance to express themselves.

As rightly said, “Music can heal the wounds that medicine cannot touch.”

It heals the heart and is a stress buster in our everyday life.

After a tiring day, music is a form of relaxation and has a calming effect on the body. 

It washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul.

It’s a world of melody.

Listening to music can bring back old memories.

It can sometimes even make a huge difference in the lives of people with brain injuries and can activate cells of the brain, resulting in improvement.

When something seems unbalanced and out of rhythm, a song is enough to tune things up in a moment.

That’s the power of music as therapy.

Many studies have shown that music therapy can regularise the heartbeat.

It is the best remedy for ill people and for everyone at times when we feel low.

Being skilled in any aspect of music is a real gift from God.

I feel heartfelt gratitude towards all the great musicians who create wonderful, melodious music for all of us.

Musicians are the loud voice for so many quiet hearts. 

Music helps us to deal with low times as well as celebrate good times.

Music is a core component of our lives and is highly effective in relieving any kind of mental or physical problem.

Without music, life would be dull and blank.

Music has added colour to our lives.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


 The Ass And The Grasshoppers

 An ass heard some grasshoppers chirping merrily.

“Ah! Grasshoppers have a very sweet voice!” thought the ass.

 “I wish I had a voice like theirs!”

The ass watched the grasshoppers in admiration and wondered how they had such a sweet voice.

“Perhaps it’s the food they eat!” thought the ass and so he asked the insects what food they ate.

The grasshoppers told the ass that they only ate dew. “Dew? That’s strange!” said the ass.

“Anyway, I shall eat only dew from now on.

”A bird sitting on a tree heard the ass and warned him that he would not be able to survive only on dew.

The ass wouldn’t listen and it was only after a couple of days when he didn’t have the energy to even stand up that he realized his folly.

Moral of the story: What is food for one may be unsuitable for another.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Meet the scientist

 I am Galileo

Hey, Kids! I am Galileo, a scientist, mathematician, and astronomer.

 I was born on 15th February, 1564 in Pisa, Italy, the same place where the leaning tower of Pisa is standing.

My father was a famous music teacher and musician.

I grew up with my brothers during the Italian Renaissance.

 We moved to the city of Florence when I was ten years old.

It was in Florence that I began my education at the Camaldolese monastery.

Even I was a musician and an excellent student.

At first, I wanted to become a doctor rand hence went to the University of Pisa to study medicine.

 Later, I became interested in physics and mathematics.

One of my first scientific observations was on a lamp hanging from the ceiling of the cathedral.

I noticed that despite how far the lamp swung it always took the same amount of time to swing back and forth.

My fellow professors did not agree with this.    

Soon I left the university and got a job as a teacher.

I also began to experiment with pendulums, levers, balls, and other objects and tried to describe how they moved using mathematic equations.

Do you know what other scientific achievements I have done when I was alive?

No? Then let me tell you.

Pisa Tower Experiment – During my time people thought that if you dropped two items of different weights, but the same size and shape, the heavier item would hit the ground first.

I disproved them by going to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and dropping two balls of the same size, but different weights.

They landed at the same time.

These experiments made some people angry because they didn't want the traditional views to be questioned.

So, I moved from Pisa to the University of Padua, where I was permitted to freely experiment and discuss new ideas.

Copernicus was an astronomer who lived in the early 1500s.

He claimed that the Sun was the centre of the universe.

But most people believed that the Earth was the centre.

So, I began to study Copernicus' work and felt that he was correct.

But people did not want to believe that.

Telescope – Later, I heard of an invention from Holland called the telescope that could make faraway items appear much closer.

So, I decided to build my own better telescope and began to use it to view the planets.

Soon my version of the telescope was used throughout Europe.


I made several excellent discoveries using my telescopes like the four large moons around Jupiter and the phases of the planet Venus.

I also discovered sunspots and learned that the Moon was not smooth but was covered with craters.

All my discoveries made the powerful Catholic Church angry and they sentenced me to life in prison, but later allowed him to live at my home under house arrest.

Soon, my health deteriorated, I became blind, and then I died on January 8, 1642.

An African folktale

THE MAN WHO NEVER LIED Once upon a time, there lived a wise man named Mamad, known far and wide for never telling a lie. People from even di...