Monday, December 5, 2022


 Do It Now!

One day a perceptive old man was unusually laughing away.

Someone asked him, “What is it that amuses you so much?”

“Look!” he said, “See that stone in the middle of the footpath there. I have already seen six people stumble and fall over it.

Each one got up, dusted off their clothes, stared intently at the stone, cursed it, and then went their way.

Yet none of them ever thought of removing it from there.”

There is an old saying: “Tomorrow will be better if you do something about it today.”

It is always the doers that move the world.

Ideas are of little or no value until they are followed by action. There are only two paths in front of the people.

Choose to do something, or not to choose to do it.

It is important to be a doer, after all.

For the doer accomplishes tasks; learns to overcome obstacles; and thereby develops a purpose for success.

Whenever you feel tempted by your lower self to put off, to wait, or to delay, remember the motto: “There’s no time like the present to do it.”

Take cue from what Benjamin Franklin once said, 

“The world is not crying for men of talent, or larger brains. What the world needs and wants is doers. Men of action; men who do not wait for opportunity, but create their own opportunities right where they stand. It’s not the dreamers who move our civilization forward. It’s the doers. The do it nowers! If you can do it now, then just do it. Don’t you procrastinate, please. Procrastination is the thief of time!”

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Navy Day


4th December, Navy Day

The Indian Navy celebrates 4th December as Navy day, to commemorate its achievements and its role in Operation Trident against Pakistan during the Indo-Pak War of 1971. The Indian Navy is a well balanced three-dimensional force, capable of operating above, on and under the surface of the oceans, and safe guards our national interests.

The theme for Navy Day 2022 is Swarnim Vijay Varsh, marking 50 years of India’s triumph in the 1971 Indo-Pak War. Navy Day celebrations stretch over a week, and comprises of functions/activities to raise awareness among the general public about the role of the Indian Navy. On most of the naval bases, the warships and aircrafts of the Indian Navy are accessible to visitors during Navy Week open house.

The Indian Navy plays a significant role in securing the marine borders of the nation as well as accelerating the international relations of India through various means like seaport visits, joint ventures, patriotic missions calamity relief and many others. The modern-day Indian Navy has been transformed in order to improve its position in the Indian Ocean and beyond. The invocation to Lord Varuna (The Sea God) in the Vedas was adopted by the Indian Navy for its emblem, with the motto “Sam no Varunah” meaning “Be auspicious unto us, Oh Varuna”.


The operational and administrative control of the Indian Navy is exercised by the Chief of the Naval Staff(CNS) who is of the rank of Admiral from Integrated Headquarters of the Ministry of Defence (Navy).

The Navy has three commands, each under the control of a Flag officer Commanding-in-chief:

1) The Western Naval Command (Headquarters at Mumbai)

2) The Eastern Naval Command (Headquarters at Visakhapatnam)

3) The Southern Naval Command (Headquarters at Kochi)

The primary objective of the Navy is to safeguard the nation’s maritime borders, in conjunction with other Armed Forces of the Union, to act to deter or defeat any threats or aggression against the territory, people or maritime interests of India, both in war and peace. The Navy has gone through many phases of change and it has continued to evolve since independence embracing the latest technologies, war tactics, strategies, roles and even in its very looks.

On 2nd September 2022, the Honourable Prime Minister Modi introduced the new Naval Ensign (flag) in Kochi. This new ensign or nishaan of the Indian Navy does away with remnants of the colonial past and reflects India’s rich maritime heritage.

Joining the Indian Navy is a dream come true for most youngsters because you are choosing more than a `job’. The navy offers ample opportunities to explore your potential in every sphere of life. It provides professional challenges along with the security and comfort that is almost unparalleled. The Indian Navy offers a chance to grow as a professional, by learning new skills and acquiring unrivalled experience in the process of applying those skills. In fact, the experience that you gain in the Navy can help you shape your future through adequate financial benefits, unparalleled career potential and personal growth you have been waiting for. As long as you have the drive to make the difference in the world and in your own life, there will be a place for you in the Indian Navy.

Saturday, December 3, 2022


 Gita Jayanti

  Also known as Gita Mahotsav, this day commemorates the creation of the Bhagvad Gita.

  Gita Jayanti is celebrated on Ekadashi (11th day) of Shukla Paksha of Margashirsh month of Hindu calendar. 

  In the epic Mahabharata, the story of the Bhagavad Gita takes place just before the start of the Kurukshetra War.

  After several attempts at reconciliation failed, war was inevitable. Out of pure compassion and sincere love for his devotee and best friend, Arjuna, Lord Krishna decided to become his charioteer during the battle.

  The day of the war finally came, and the armies faced off on the field of war.

  Just as the battle was about to start, Arjuna asked Lord Krishna to drive the chariot to the middle of the battlefield, between the armies, to look more closely at the opposing forces.

  Seeing his grandfather, Bhishma, who raised him with great affection since childhood, and his teacher, Dronacharya who had trained him to become the greatest archer, Arjuna's heart began to melt.

  His body started to tremble and his mind got confused.

  He was unable to perform his duty as a Kshatriya (warrior).

  He felt weak and sickened at the thought that he would have to kill his relatives, his friends and revered persons in this confrontation. Despondent, he told Krishna of his sudden change of heart and turned to him for advice.

  The conversation that ensued, Lord Krishna's advice, messages and teachings to Arjuna, is what is known now as the Bhagavad Gita(the song of the Lord), the ancient scripture and philosophical work.

  The Gita is said to be a concise summary of the four Vedas of Hinduism.  Bhagvad Gita has 700 verses and 18 chapters.

  It is not a religious book but a guide to live a good, happy and successful life. Bhagavad-gita shows us where that happiness is. 

  Just like when we purchase a new gadget, a user’s manual comes with it. The manual teaches us how to make the best use of that gadget and derive maximum happiness out of it.

  For the want of proper knowledge we may invent our own ways of using it but finally we will become frustrated.

  So, Bhagavad-gita is manual given by the Supreme Lord Krishna which guides us in making the best use of this human life and to deriving real happiness from it.

  In the modern times when people are more confused and misdirected, the Gita becomes all the more relevant for the individual as well as the society at large in bringing back the stability and happiness in life.

One of the youngest freedom fighters


Khudiram Bose

The young martyr, Khudiram Bose (3 Dec 1889 – 11 Aug 1908) was born to Trailokyanath and Lakshmipriya Devi in a small village named Mohobani, situated under Keshpur Police Station in Medinipur district of Bengal.

His father was a Tehsildar in Nerajol.

He lost his mother when he was 6 years and his father died a year after.

Aparupa Roy, his elder sister, brought him to her house at Hatgachha village under Daspur Police Station.

Her husband, Amritalal Roy, got him admitted to Tamluk's Hamilton High School.

In 1902 and 1903, Sri Aurobindo and Sister Nivedita visited Midnapore.

They held a series of public lectures and private session with existing revolutionary groups for freedom.

Khudiram, a teenager, was an active participant in discussions about the revolution.

He joined Anushilan Samiti and came into contact with network of Barindra Kumar Ghosh of Calcutta.

He became a volunteer at age 15 and was arrested for distributing pamphlets against the British rule in India.

At age 16, he took part in planting bombs near police stations and targeted government officials.

Along with Prafulla Chaki, he attempted to assassinate a British judge, Magistrate Douglas Kingsford, by throwing bombs on his carriage.

Kingsford, however, was seated in a different carriage and the bombs resulted in deaths of 2 British women.

Prafulla fatally shot himself before the arrest.

Khudiram was arrested and tried for murder of the 2 women, ultimately being sentenced to death.

He was one of the first freedom fighters in Bengal to be executed by Britishers.

At time of hanging, he was 18 years, 8 months & 11 days old.

Heartfelt tributes to the revolutionary freedom fighter.


Friday, December 2, 2022



Keep Going

While perfecting the phonograph (gramophone), one of his many inventions, Thomas Alva Edison, encountered the problem of eliminating muffled low noise and harsh high tones on it. 

He entrusted this to an assistant to look into.After unsuccessfully working at it for two years, the assistant told him, “I have spent thousands of your dollars, and two years of my life on this. But I have achieved nothing. If there was a solution to this problem, I would by now have found it out. I therefore wish to resign.”

To this, Edison thoughtfully replied, “George, I believe that for every problem God has given us, He has also provided a solution. We may not necessarily find it; but some day someone will. So go back and keep trying at it.”

Society today is so obsessed with success and achievement, that failure cannot be tolerated in the process.

Failures and mistakes are hidden away, and they are regarded as a weakness.

However, faults and defeats are inevitable in life.

We must learn from them.

If we strive to do everything exceedingly right, and get too obsessed with perfection, then experiencing a successful and happy life would be impossible.

Embrace your failures in good spirit, whether they be a single one or multiple ones. A willingness to learn from your mistakes, can guarantee a lifetime of success.

Perfection may not be possible on earth.

Please treat adversities as opportunities.

Bruce Lee, the legendary Kung-Fu King, once said, “Don’t fear failure. Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts, it is glorious even to fail.”

Thursday, December 1, 2022



There was a farmer who sold a pound of butter to a baker.

One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see if he was getting the right amount, which he wasn’t.

Angry about this, he took the farmer to court.

The judge asked the farmer if he was using any measure to weigh the butter.

The farmer replied, “Your Honour, I am primitive. I don’t have a proper measure, but I do have a scale.”

The judge asked, “Then how do you weigh the butter?”

The farmer replied, “Your Honour, long before the baker started buying butter from me, I have been buying a pound loaf of bread from him. Every day when the baker brings the bread, I put it on the scale and give him the same weight in butter. If anyone is to be blamed, it is the baker.”

In life, you get what you give.

It is important to live life with honour.

The success of one’s life is not measured in terms of wealth or positions that one acquires.

Instead, one’s life is measured in terms of convictions by which he/she has lived.



Trusting in God won’t make the mountain smaller, but will make climbing easier.

Don’t ask God for a lighter road, but ask him for a stronger back!

- Anonymous


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