Sunday, January 29, 2023


They bring the nine chairs for ten children, and they tell the children that the winner is the one who gets the chair and whoever remains without a chair is out of the game.

Then they reduce the number of chairs each time and a child comes out every time until one child remains and he is declared the winner.

The child learns the culture of “Myself, myself, and in order to succeed, I must remove others.”

And in Japanese kindergartens, they play the game of chairs too.

They also come with nine chairs for ten kids with a difference!

There they tell the children that you have no more chairs. If one of you remains without a chair, everyone loses.

All the children try to hug each other so that all ten children can sit on nine chairs.

And then they reduce the number of chairs successively with the rule remaining that they must make sure that no one remains without a chair or else they will all lose.

The child learns culture:

“I cannot succeed without the help of others to succeed!”

From exclusion to inclusion.

Isn’t that simply awesome?

We should all change over to this beautiful version of Musical chairs.

Saturday, January 28, 2023



Surya Namaskar day is a day to express gratitude to the sun and is observed on Rathsaptami i.e. seventh day (saptami) in the bright half (shukla paksha) of the Hindu month ‘Magha’.

It is customary to perform Surya Puja (worship of sun) on this day.

Haldi-kunku, which starts on the occasion of Makar Sankranti, ends on this day.

Both religious and scientific reasons are given for celebrating Rathsaptami. It is also called Arogya Saptami.

Sun God is known as the most brilliant, powerful, intelligent and omniscient. He is the creator and controller of the world.

To seek His blessings, after sunrise in the morning, Surya Namaskar is performed in an open space on empty stomach, in controlled breathing, with proper postures and chanting shlokas.

This improves our physical health and sharpens memory. This exercise not only gives you a great workout but also gives you spiritual, mental and physical strength.

This ritual is also called Surya upasana.

The mantras of Surya namaskar are

related to the chakras in the body.

Friday, January 27, 2023



Aryabhatta was the first major mathematician and astronomer from the classical age of India.

His works include Aryabhatiya and the Arya-Siddhanta.

His most famous work was compiled when he was just 23 years old.

‘Ayrabhatiya’ covers several branches of mathematics such as Algebra, Arithmetic, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry.

His principal focus was mathematics; he went into extraordinary insight about arithmetic and geometric movements like 2, 4, 6, and 8 or 2, 10, 50, and 250.

He formulated a brilliant technique for finding the lengths of chords of circles with half chords as opposed to the full chord strategy utilised by the Greeks.

He came up with an approximation of pi.

He was the first mathematician to give what later came to be known as the tables of sine, cosine and converse sine to four decimal spots, which brought forth trigonometry.

Aryabhatta has named the initial 10 decimal places and derived the methods for extracting square roots, summing arithmetic series and solving indeterminate equations of the type ax – by = c.

Aryabhatta worked on the place value

system and discovered zero for the first

time, making use of letters to indicate

numbers and pointing out qualities.

He stated correctly the number of days in a year to be 365, alongside the seven-day week and about an intercalary month embedded into a year to make the calendar adjust to the seasons.

He discovered the position of nine planets and expressed that these likewise rotated around the sun.

He also provided the circumference and measurement of the Earth and the radius of the Earth and the radius of 9 planets.

Aryabhatta challenged many superstitious theories. Aryabhatta also gave a theory on eclipse; he said it wasn’t because of Rahu, but because of shadows cast by the earth and moon.

Aryabhatta pronounced that the moon has no light of its own. It is visible because it mirrors the light of the sun.

He concluded that the earth is round. He also stated that it rotates on its own axis, which is why we have days and night.

Another discipline Aryabhatta explored was astronomy; he concentrated on a few geometric and trigonometric parts of the celestial sphere that are still used to study stars.

In his old age, Aryabhatta composed another treatise, ‘Aryabhatta-Siddhanta’.  It’s a booklet for every day astronomical calculations as well as a guide to examine auspicious times for performing rituals. To this very day, astronomical data provided in this text is used for preparing Panchangs (Hindu calendars).

India’s first satellite was named after him.

There is also an Indian research centre is

called ‘Aryabhatta Research Institute Of

Observational Sciences’ in Nainital.

Thursday, January 26, 2023


What is democracy?

Democracy is a form of government in which it is the people who decide who will rule them. Democracy came into existence in ancient Greece, in the city state of Athens, during 6th century BC.

In fact the very word is of Greek origin
and it means ‘rule by the people’.

In a democracy, each individual adult in a

country, city or specific area, can vote

for a candidate who will represent him in

the government. This means that power is

not concentrated in the hands of one

person, or a group of people, but is

shared equally by all the members of the

society. The idea of democracy is based

on the belief that everyone should enjoy

the same rights and freedom, in short,

that all men and women are born equal.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023


Ganesh Jayanti

Once, Bhagwan Shiva was away and Parvati Mata went for a bath in the river. 

She took a little turmeric paste from Her body and started to mould a human baby boy from it and gave Him life. 

She clearly instructed the boy to keep a guard and not allow anyone inside.

Meanwhile, Bhagwan Shiva returned and wanted to go to His beloved Parvati Devi.

The Boy refused admission to Bhagwan Shiva. Bhagwan Shiva became furious and He threw His trident towards the boy, decapitating Him.

When Parvati Mata returned, She was very sad to see Her dear son lying lifeless. Bhagwan Shiva tried to console Parvati Devi but was not successful. 

Bhagwan Shiva then sent His army to fetch the head of anyone they meet. 

The army men first saw the dying elephant. 

They fetched that head and came back to Bhagwan Shiva. Bhagwan Shiva attached the head on the boy’s body and brought Him back to life.

 Parvati Mata was very happy but was also worried that Her son would be mocked by all the Gods. 

Bhagwan Shiva sensed Her sadness and to allay Her fear, He invoked all the Gods and asked them to bless their son. 

All the Gods showered their blessings and boons upon Shri Ganesha.


Get ready for the celestial event:  Green Comet

The rare green comet that last came to Earth about 50,000 years ago has returned to the skies of Earth. C/2022 E3 (ZTF) can be seen with the naked eye if the conditions in the sky are just right. The comet will reach its highest magnitude as it gets closest to the planet in its orbit.

The comet, recently went close to the Sun, completing its over 50,000-year-long orbit. The last time it came this close to Earth, modern humans were yet to be fully evolved and Neanderthals roamed the planet. The comet has already amazed stargazers and astrophotographers with its unique greenish tinge and long tail.

What is Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)?

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) was first discovered in March last year by the wide-field survey camera at the Zwicky Transient Facility when it was already inside the orbit of Jupiter. While it was initially believed to be an asteroid, it began developing a tail as the Sun's influence began vapourising the ice. At the time of its discovery, it was shining with a magnitude of 17.3.

Comets consist mostly of ice coated with dark organic material. They are referred to as dirty snowballs and may yield important clues about the formation of our solar system. NASA said that Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is now sweeping through stars near the northern boundary of the constellation Bootes. It is outward bound but still growing brighter.

Is the green comet visible?

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is now visible in several parts of the world, thanks to its close approach and the rise in magnitude. The comet no longer requires a telescope for viewing and can be seen with the naked eye in countries like Spain with little light pollution and clear skies.

According to NASA, Comet ZTF will make its closest approach on February 2, coming to within about 2.4 light-minutes of our planet. "Its faint ion tail has been buffeted by recent solar activity. This visitor from the distant Oort cloud rounded the Sun on January 12," NASA said in a statement.

 Will it be visible in India?

The comet will be visible in the skies above India in several parts of the country, including in Ladakh, and eastern India. The Indian Astronomical Observatory in Hanle had captured the comet while it was in transit. Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) was photographed by astronomers using the Himalayan Chandra Telescope, which is operated by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), Bengaluru.

At its closest, Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) will be just 42 million kilometers away from Earth. The next time it comes this close to Earth, our entire species might have fully evolved into something else or maybe even become interplanetary settled in colonies on Mars and the Moon.

The comet is estimated to come closest to Earth around February 2.

NASA has said the comet could be visible with telescopes and binoculars, and might even be visible to the naked eye under a clear night sky.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023


 National Girl Child Day

National Girl Child Day is celebrated on 24 January in India to spread awareness about the rights of girls, to highlight the inequalities that they face in their lives and also to promote the importance of education, health and nutrition.

National Girl Child Day was first initiated in 2008 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. To mark the occasion this year, the Women and Child Development Department will celebrate National Girl Child Week from 24 to 30 January.

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