Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Boiled rice water
Drinking the water in which rice is cooked is really good as it can boost your energy levels. In India, farmers generally drink cooked rice water before they start their laborious work in the fields. They stay energetic throughout the day in spite of their hard work in the fields, thanks to rice water.
Most of us eat rice cooked in pressure cookers and electric cookers and that is the reason why we don’t have the habit of drinking cooked rice water. In fact, we don’t know the health benefits of boiled rice water. When rice is cooked in a pot along with water, the remaining water can be removed and consumed after the rice is cooked. That water is totally nutritious as the rice is boiled or cooked in it.
Rice is consumed almost all over India and some parts of Asia. In fact, cooked rice water is used for beauty purposes. It is included in many skin care and hair care recipes. Some people use raw rice water whereas others recommend cooked rice water to get the benefits better.
When rice gets cooked, it releases many of its nutrients into the water and that is the reason why that water should not be thrown away after the cooking process is over.
Some of the health benefits of boiled rice water:
Prevents gastroenteritis: Rice water is said to prevent gastroenteritis. This is one of the health benefits of cooked rice water. Consuming rice water regularly is good for health.
Prevents cancer: Drinking cooked rice water regularly may also prevent certain types of cancer. This is one of the benefits of drinking cooked rice water.
Protection from sun: Rice water contains a substance called oryzanol. It helps withstand the UV rays from the sun. Use rice water internally and externally to help your skin take the sun’s heat.
Alzheimer’s: Although research has not yet confirmed this, there are some sources that say that cooked rice water has the ability to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. This is one of the benefits of drinking cooked rice water.
Constipation: Rice water is good in preventing constipation. When you are suffering from constipation, try drinking cooked rice water as a remedy.
Carbohydrates: Rice water can be a good source of carbohydrates. If you are looking for a healthy source of carbohydrates, try drinking rice water.
Body temperature: Rice water plays an important role in regulating the temperature levels of your body. It is advisable to drink some rice water to withstand the summer heat.
Monday, April 15, 2024
What is a sting operation?
A sting operation is a deceptive operation designed to catch a criminal in the act. Typically, the police lay a trap for the suspect wherein he/she is induced to commit a crime. Usually the criminal act is recorded on a video camera so that the police can build a foolproof case against the offender. For example, an undercover police officer may approach a suspected drug dealer posing as a prospective buyer in order to catch him red-handed. Or the police may keep a bait car in an area where large-scale theft is happening.
Often a sting operation is carried out to expose corruption. It may, for example, expose a politician taking bribe, or a government official demanding money to do his duty.
In recent years many media houses have made effective use of stings to expose highly-placed corrupt persons. But sometimes the media is also accused of carrying out sensational sting operations in which innocent persons are victimised. Some people think it is unethical to tempt a person to commit a crime which he/she may not have otherwise committed.
In India too, we have had a number of stings carried out by journalists and activists.
Sunday, April 14, 2024
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar (1891-1956)
Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, social reformer, politician, and architect of the Indian constitution, was born on April 14, 1891 in Mhow, Madhya Pradesh, as the son of a Subhedar-Major in the British army. As he belonged to the Mahar community, considered untouchable, he faced caste discrimination all through his childhood. However, he was a brilliant student, and was determined to do well in his studies. After graduating from Bombay University, he managed to get a scholarship for higher studies in the U.S.A.
On returning to India, Ambedkar obtained a high post with the Maharaja of Baroda because of his impressive academic record. However, he had to face much caste discrimination and humiliation from colleagues and subordinates. He resigned in disgust and returned to Bombay.
In 1920, Ambedkar went to London to train as a barrister. On his return, he founded the Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabha (Outcastes' Welfare Association) for uplifting the downtrodden socially and politically. In 1927, he led the Mahad March at the Chowdar Tank at Colaba, near Bombay, to give the untouchables the right to draw water from the public tank which had hitherto been forbidden to them.
In 1936, Ambedkar established a new political party called the Independent Labour Party, devoted to the cause of landless labourers. When the British government held provincial elections in 1937, he and many candidates of his party were elected to the Bombay Legislative Assembly.
When India attained independence, Prime Minister Nehru invited Ambedkar to join his Cabinet as a Law Minister. The Constituent Assembly entrusted the job of drafting the Constitution to a committee and Ambedkar was elected as Chairman of this Drafting Committee. With his erudition and wisdom, he proved equal to his stupendous task. The Draft Constitution prepared by him was adopted on November 26, 1949.
Disillusioned with the treatment he had received from caste Hindus, Dr. Ambedkar embraced Buddhism in October 1956. Two months later, he passed away.
Saturday, April 13, 2024
They are individuals who have made significant contributions in their fields like arts, sciences, movies, or other areas of human endeavour. Famous examples of geniuses are Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Mozart, and others. But it's important to note that the definition of a genius can vary depending on cultural and social contexts. There is no objective or universally agreed standard for what constitutes a genius.
Geniuses have shaped the world we live in today with their innovative ideas and groundbreaking discoveries. While their exceptional abilities may seem inborn, the habits of geniuses have played a crucial role in their success. Here are some of the most common habits that geniuses have that you can also incorporate into your daily life to unlock your inner genius.
Curiosity - This is a trait that is commonly associated with geniuses. They are always curious about the world around them and have an avid desire to learn and explore. They ask questions, challenge assumptions, and seek out new experiences. To develop your curiosity, start asking questions about the things that interest you. Read widely to expose yourself to different perspectives and ideas. Take up new hobbies and activities that challenge you and push you out of your comfort zone.
Persistence - They are known for their persistence and determination. They don't give up easily and easily put in the time and effort required to achieve their goals. To develop your persistence, set clear goals for yourself and create a plan to achieve them. Break them into smaller, achievable steps, and focus on making progress each day. When faced with obstacles or setbacks, don't give up. Instead, use them as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Open-mindedness - They are open-minded and receptive to new ideas and perspectives. They consider viewpoints that are different from their own and are not afraid to challenge or cancel their own beliefs. To develop open mindedness, seek different viewpoints and perspectives. Listen to others without judgment and try to understand their point of view. Challenge your own beliefs and be open to changing your mind.
Creativity - They have the ability to think outside the box. They come up with innovative solutions to problems and see things from a different perspective. To develop your creativity, engage in activities that allow you to think creatively. Take up creative hobbies such as writing, painting, or music. Brainstorm ideas and challenge yourself to come up with new and innovative solutions to problems.
Focus - They focus intensely on a task or project for extended periods. They can shut out distractions and maintain their concentration, allowing them to achieve exceptional results. To develop your focus, eliminate distractions.
In conclusion, while geniuses may seem like they possess unique talents that cannot be replicated, their success is also due to the habits and traits they develop over time. By incorporating these habits into your own life, you can also unlock your inner genius and achieve exceptional results. Remember to stay curious, persistent, open-minded, creative, and focused, and you will be well on your way to achieving greatness.
Some Famous Quotes
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration - Thomas Edison
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination - Albert Einstein
Genius is the ability to put into effect what is in your mind - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see - Arthur Schopenhauer
Genius is the power of carrying the feelings of childhood into the powers of manhood - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Genius is the capacity for productive reaction against one's training - Bernard Berenson
A genius is someone who sees the same thing in a different way - Unknown
The greatest genius will never be worth much if he pretends to draw exclusively from his own resources - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Genius is the art of taking pains- Thomas Carlyle
Genius is the ability to renew one's emotions in daily experience - Paul Cezanned
Friday, April 12, 2024
Thursday, April 11, 2024
A sphygmomanometer is a device used to measure blood pressure. One of the most important men in the development of the sphygmomanometer was the Australian physician Karl Samuel Ritter Von Basch. The first clinically applicable sphygmomanometer was invented by him in 1881. Von Basch introduced the aneroid manometer, which uses a round dial that provides a pressure reading.
An improved version was introduced by Scipione Riva-Rocci's device in the USA, modernized it and popularised it within the medical community. In 1905, Russian physician Nikolai Korotkov discovered 'Korotkov Sounds' and included diastolic blood pressure measurement.
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