Monday, October 7, 2024


The wise farmer and the magic pot

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a poor but wise farmer. One day, while working in the field, he found a strange pot buried in the ground. To his surprise, the pot had magical powers. Whatever he placed inside it would double! The farmer used the pot wisely, placing seeds, grains and even money inside and soon he became prosperous. 

However, the farmer never let greed take over. He continued to help his neighbours and shared his newfound wealth with the village. Hearing about the pot, a greedy man from the village tried to steal it, but when he placed his hand inside, his greed caused the pot to trap him. The wise farmer, seeing this, warned everyone that greed leads to downfall. 

Moral: Use your blessings wisely and never let greed take over, for it can lead to your ruin. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024


Silver is found as crystals and usually occurs as massive or as thick wiry aggregates. Silver has been the most popular precious metal since ancient times. Silver mining is done only in a few countries like Mexico, Peru, Australia, China, Chile, Bolivia and Russia among others. It is used mainly as an Industrial byproduct in the world.
In medieval times, silver was more valuable than gold. It was the main metal used for money as coins, and for fine metal works. Today too, this precious metal is very expensive and is used as bullion, for investment, in jewellery and utensil making. 
Metallic silver is used for silver plating in electronic and photographic industry.
Odisha’s famous filigree work is based on silver. Silver is useful because like gold it is also soft and easy to work with and is difficult to destroy. It is popular for business investment and as social security because it’s easy to store in big chunks and can be sold easily in difficult financial situations.
Now it has been scientifically proven by some doctors that silver is good for health too; something our forefathers always believed in and that is why eating and drinking in silver utensils was encouraged. A book entitled “The Most Precious Metal” by Dr. Gordon Pedersen, Medical Director of the Silver Health Institute, and co-authored by Dr. Bryan Frank, has almost surprised everyone in the Western world as they describe in 90 pages how silver helps to fight germs and is good for health. Silver is ingrained in the psyche of Indians with the precious metal being used in religious ceremonies, festivals, weddings and many other cultural events. 
Even the name of the Indian currency ‘Rupee’ is derived from the Sanskrit word for silver, which is ‘Rupya’. 
In India, foods can be found decorated with a thin layer of silver, known as ‘Varak.’ 
Silver in India is valued next only to gold for making ornaments due to its softness and attractive white colour. It had been an important currency metal in several parts of the world. It is also used in the manufacture of chemicals, electroplating, photography and for colouring glass, etc.
It is found mixed with several other metals such as copper, lead, gold, zinc, etc. India is not a major producer of silver. Our major production comes from Zawar mines in Udaipur district of Rajasthan. Here, silver is obtained as a by-product during the concentration and smelting of galena ore in Hindustan Zinc Smelter. The silver content varies from 171.4 gm to 774.5 gm per tonne of zinc and lead concentrates respectively.
The Tundoo Lead Smelter in Dhanbad district of Jharkhand is another important producer of silver as a by-product of lead. Some silver is produced by Kolar Gold Fields and Hutti gold mines in Karnataka during refining of gold. The Hindustan Copper Ltd. at Maubhandar smelter in Singhbhum district of Jharkhand obtains silver from copper slimes. Silver is also produced by Vizag Zinc smelter in Andhra Pradesh from the lead concentrates. Traces of silver also occur in Hazaribag, Palamu, Ranchi and Singhbhum districts of Jharkhand; Cuddapah, Guntur and Kumool districts of Andhra Pradesh; Vadodara in Gujarat, Bellary district of Karnataka, Baramula.

Saturday, October 5, 2024


Sri Vijaya Puram 

Port Blair, the capital city of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, will now be known as ‘Sri Vijaya Puram’. The name has been changed to “free the nation from colonial imprints”. The city was named after Captain Archibald Blair, a British colonial navy official of the East India Company.

What is the process to rename an Indian city?

Typically, the renaming process begins with a proposal made by a Member of the Legislative Assembly in the state assembly, which outlines the reasons for the name change. The proposal is then discussed in the state assembly and a simple majority vote is required for the proposal to pass. Once passed, the proposal is sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs at the central government level where various agencies are consulted before issuing a No Objection Certificate (NOC). Upon receiving the NOC, the state government can issue an official notification in the state gazette to finalise the name change.

Port Blair is the 8th major city to have been renamed in the last decade.

Friday, October 4, 2024



Lovebirds are small, multi-hued parrots that get their name from their habit of pairing for life. If separated, they are believed to pine away!
There are nine species of lovebirds and they are native to sub-Saharan Africa with one species, the grey-headed, found only in Madagascar. Also known as short-tailed parrots, they are popular aviary birds as well as pets. One can find feral (a domesticated animal that returns to the wild after being released or escaping captivity) populations in the United States, Australia and South Africa. 
Like parrots, lovebirds have bright green plumage on their bodies but different colours on their heads, ranging from crimson and orange, to deep rust and greyish white. They have hooked bills and zygodactyl feet, which means that two toes point forward and two toes point backward. Unlike parrots which can grow to around 100 cm in length, lovebirds range from 12 to 15 cm long.
Four species—the masked, black-cheeked, Nyasa and Fischer’s lovebirds—have distinctive white eye rings. They are monogamous, choosing to be with one mate for their lifespan of 15 years. Since parrots in general are social, gregarious birds that move about in big flocks, the lifelong pairing is believed to keep the group stable. It has been observed that if separated from its flock or if its companion dies, a lovebird shows signs of stress and behaves differently. If reunited, one will feed morsels of food to the other to rekindle the bond they shared!
In the wild, lovebirds like most parrots, live in cavities, such as tree holes, or niches in rocks and shrubs. They may nest together as a flock or as individual pairs. In cities, feral birds choose crevices in buildings or trees in urban parks to nest. Peach-faced or rosyfaced lovebirds in Phoenix, Arizona, often make their homes in cacti. 
The nests are typically constructed of grass, stalks and bark. Some even build a domed roof over the nest. If the lovebirds are feeling lazy, they often occupy communal nests abandoned by weaver birds.
The birds may not be lovey-dovey all the time as their name suggests! Parrots are territorial and lovebirds, too, will attack other species and each other, especially during the breeding season.
Lovebirds eat seeds, berries, fruits, and occasionally insect larvae in the wild. In Africa, farmers consider them pests, as they love to feast on maize and millet crops. 
Fact File
● Their closest relatives are hanging parrots found in Asia. The vernal hanging parrot is native to India.
● Fossils of ancient lovebird species dating as far back as 1.9 million years ago, have been unearthed in South Africa. 
● In some species, the females sport different colours but in others, it is difficult to tell the two sexes apart.
● Lovebirds are affectionate, sociable and intelligent, making them ideal as pets. Fischer’s lovebird, the peach-faced lovebird and the black-masked lovebird are favourites. In fact, Fischer’s lovebird was so widely traded that its population declined drastically in the 1980s.
● Unlike other parrots, lovebirds cannot talk or mimic sounds. They are very noisy birds, though, twittering and chirping the livelong day!
● Unusually, after moulting, a lovebird’s feathers may grow back in a jumble of colours it didn’t have before!

Thursday, October 3, 2024


The little studs on jeans, also known as "rivets", serve a functional purpose to reinforce and strengthen areas of the jeans that are subject to stress and wear. They are typically found near pockets, belt loops, and other stress points. The rivets prevent the fabric from tearing or fraying over time, especially in areas that experience frequent movement and tension. 
Originally designed in the late 1800s by Levi Strauss to improve the durability of workwear, rivets have become a standard feature in modern jeans. Apart from enhancing the jeans' longevity, rivets add a stylish and distinctive element to the overall design, making them a practical and fashionable addition to denim apparel.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Pataleo, a traditional Goan delicacy, is a sweet and savoury dish that holds a special place in the hearts and palates of Goans. Made primarily during monsoon season on festivals such as Nag Panchami, Chaturthi and also on Feasts, this steamed dish is a labour of love, reflecting Goa's rich culinary heritage. 
The key ingredient in Patoleo is turmeric leaves, which lend a distinct aroma and flavour to the dish. The filling consists of a sweet and sticky mixture of coconut, jaggery and rice flour, often flavoured with cardamom or other spices. The mixture is carefully wrapped in the turmeric leaves, creating small, rectangular parcels. 
After being neatly folded, these parcels are steamed to perfection, resulting in a delightful blend of sweet and savoury flavours. Patoleo is a testament to Goa's cultural diversity and the influence of Konkani traditions on its cuisines. It is equally relished by all, irrespective of religion and culture. It’s not a dish; it’s a culinary masterpiece that connects generations and preserves the unique flavours of Goa's past.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


The Volcano Snail
In the depths of the Indian Ocean, where sea water is heated by underlying magma reaching 750 degree Fahrenheit or more, a snail wanders around in its shell made of iron. This is the scaly-foot snail, also known as the Volcano snail, and it’s perhaps one of the most absurd creatures in the world. 
First discovered in 2001, the Volcano snail is endemic to three known hydrothermal vent fields along the deep-sea ridges in the Indian Ocean. Down there, magma is pouring out from under the ground and bringing toxins with it, leaving almost no room for oxygen. This is an extremely tough environment, which is why the Volcanic snail has evolved amazing features to adapt and thrive. 
There's no food since it's three kilometers below the surface, which is why the snail has evolved to live primarily on bacteria, meaning that the snail isn’t eating food but instead relying on microbes for sustenance. 
The snail has evolved a special gut where bacteria live and produce food. They break down the chemicals that leak from the volcanic vents, creating food in the process. Besides food, these bacteria also help keep the snail alive in extremely hot conditions 
The Volcano snail draws iron sulphide from its environment to develop a suit of armour to protect its soft parts. It’s the only known organism to incorporate metals into its skeleton, both into its shell and into the hundreds of external scales. Another cool fact about the Volcano snail is its big heart, which is approximately four percent of its body volume. This makes it the largest heart relative to body size in the entire animal kingdom, helping the snail to live in an oxygen-lacking environment. Thus, scientists have associated the snail with a big-hearted knight in shining armour. 
Sadly, the Volcano snail is on the verge of extinction. In 2019, it was listed as endangered. Their existence is continuously under threat due to deep-sea mining operations interfering with their habitat. 


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