Our comfort zone is the place we are most at home.
Within our comfort zones, there is little stress
and strain.
Many of us are reluctant to move out of our comfort
We feel great in our comfort zones, but that is not
where we need to be.
“A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what
ships are built for.” Getting stuck in a routine is easy to do.
Comfort zones encourage in us an attitude of
learned helplessness or hopelessness, making progress or evolution stiffer.
The capability to take risks by marching outside
our comfort zone is the rudimentary or primary way by which we grow.
In fact, comfort zones are not really about
comfort, they are about anxiety or fear.
We have to break the chains of fear to get outside.
Once we do this, we will learn to enjoy the process
of taking risks and growing in the process.
While staying in our comfort zone can result in
constant, stable performance, walking out of our comfort zone into a new task
can create the conditions for ideal performance.
Learning, creating, growing happen only when we
step outside our castle and endeavour into the wilderness.
People who regularly seek out fresh experiences
tend to be more productive and emotionally resilient than those who remain
stuck in routine.
Innovation or invention happens when we move
outside our comfort zone.
Being stagnant in routine often results in plunging
creativity or ingenuity.
Brian Tracy rightly said, “Move out of your comfort
You can only grow if you are willing to feel
awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.”
Whatever goal we are trying to accomplish, no doubt, at some stage we will have to make a move that makes us feel uncomfortable.
Greatness is found beyond our comfort zones.