Saturday, September 24, 2022


 The Frozen Snake

A man was returning home from work one cold winter evening, when he saw something black on the ground.

It was a snake.

The snake appeared frozen.

Feeling sorry for the reptile, the man wrapped it in his blanket to keep it warm.

When he reached home, he set the snake gently down before the fire so that it will feel warm.

The man’s children were excited and waited around the snake and watched it gradually come back to life. 

Wanting to help the snake recover faster, the man’s youngest son bent down to stroke it.

However, the snake raised its head, bared its fangs and was about to strike the boy when the man struck it with his axe.

Moral of the Story: Don’t expect a snake to change its nature.There are some who never change their nature, regardless of how good we behave with them. Always stay alert and maintain the distance from those who only think about their benefits.


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