Wednesday, January 4, 2023


 The age of a person is calculated in three ways according to medical science.

They are Chronological Age, Mental Age and Physiological Age.

Chronological Age: It is the actual age of a person in years. This method of age determination is commonly used by all people for various purposes. In the case of chronological age, it is calculated from the date of birth of a person till date.

Mental Age: It is the age calculated as per the level of intelligence or the mental development of a person in relation to his chronological age. It is determined by a series of tests, such as Intelligence Quotient test (IQ) and other tests by a psychiatrist/psychologist. For example, if a person of 30 years of age can pass the tests meant for a child of 12years only, he/she is said to have a mental age of 12 years.

Physiological Age: It is determined according to one’s physique, appearance of the body, and behaviour of the person. For example, at a particular age some people seem to be younger and others seem to be older. Some seem to be older at the age of 40 while some others seem to be younger at the age of 60.


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