Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The ‘DOSE’ of daily life


 The ‘DOSE’ here denotes four wonderful chemicals or hormones which regulate many important functions in our body.

These are Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphin, which act as messengers between among the neurons in the brain.

A peripheral knowledge about these neurotransmitters, their production and functions will give us a better mileage in our physical and mental well-being.

This will in turn, bring better results in our actions and relationships.


Dopamine helps regulate attention, motivation, learning and emotional responses.

Since it enables the arousal of motivation to do things and the sustenance of motivation to complete a given task, it becomes a decisive factor in deciding the academic as well as non-academic achievements. Low levels of dopamine may reduce motivation and enthusiasm.


Oxytocin is a powerful hormone that underlies an individual’s social skills such as interpersonal relationships, empathy, generosity, recognition, trust etc. It is also a preventive factor of depressive feelings.


Serotonin is the chemical that helps with sleeping, eating and digesting. It has an effect on one’s emotions and motor skills. It is considered as a natural mood stabilizer which can reduce depression, anxiety, confusion etc.


The endorphins are of at least twenty different kinds which are responsible for blocking pain and controlling emotions. They are also responsible for the feelings of pleasure.


Relatively high or low levels of these chemicals in the brain may cause behavioural challenges or disability. Lack of regular physical exercises, habitual use of fast food, junk foods etc. can cause risk in children. Getting proper sleep by consistent bedtime and waking up, daily exercises/yoga/meditation, listening to music, balanced diet, spending sometime in the sun, outdoor games etc. help boost the levels of ‘DOSE’ in daily life.


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