Wednesday, March 29, 2023


 The window and the mirror

A wealthy merchant, as he grew older, became more and more unhappy.

He was perplexed by his own misery, and said to himself, “I have every luxury that money can buy. Yet nothing gives me pleasure anymore. How can this be?”

It so happened that a sage was staying in that town. The merchant invited the sage to his house to seek his advice.

When the sage arrived, he noticed a large window looking out into the town square, and also saw a mirror hanging on the wall.

The sage took the merchant by the hand and led him to the window. “What do you see?” the sage asked.

“I see people,” the merchant replied.

Then the sage led him to the mirror, and again asked: “What do you see?”

“I see myself,” the merchant replied.

The sage said: “In both, the window and the mirror, there is glass. But the glass in the mirror is covered with silver and as soon as silver is added, you cease to see others, and just see yourself.”

Later that day the merchant wandered through the town. For the first time in his life, he forgot about his own needs and saw the needs of others. He then decided to share his wealth with others, and kept only enough to feed and clothe himself. His misery disappeared and he lived happily thereafter!


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