Sunday, April 9, 2023


 Nicholas James Vujicic

Nick Vujicic was born to Dushka and Boris Vujicic, Serbian immigrants from Yugoslavia on December 4, 1982 in Melbourne, Australia. Although he was an otherwise healthy baby, Nick was born without arms and legs; he had no legs, but two small feet, one of which had two toes. Originally, the toes of one of his feet were fused. An operation was performed to separate the toes so that he could use them as fingers to grab. He refers to it as his chicken drumstick. When he was born, his mother refused to see him or hold him when the nurse held him in front of her. She and her husband went out of the hospital and vomited from seeing their son with no limbs, but they eventually accepted the condition. Nick has two siblings, Michelle and Aaron.

Initially, a Victoria state law prevented Nick from attending a mainstream school due to his physical disability in spite of a lack of mental impairment. However, Vujicic became one of the first physically disabled students integrated into a mainstream school once those laws changed. However, his lack of limbs made him a target for school bullies, and he fell into a severe depression. At age eight, he contemplated suicide and even tried to drown himself in his bathtub at age ten; his love for his parents prevented him from following through. He also stated in his music video "Something More" that God had a plan for his life and he could not bring himself to drown because of this.
Nick prayed very hard that God would give him arms and legs, and initially told God that, if his prayer remained unanswered, Nick would not praise him indefinitely. However, a key turning point in his faith came when his mother showed him a newspaper article about a man dealing with a severe disability. Vujicic realized he wasn't unique in his struggles and began to embrace his lack of limbs. After this, Nick realized his accomplishments could inspire others and became grateful for his life. 

Nick gradually figured out how to live a full life without limbs, adapting many of the daily skills limbed people accomplish without thinking. Nick writes with two toes on his left foot and a special grip that slid onto his big toe. He knows how to use a computer and can type up to 45 words per minute using the "heel and toe" method. He has also learned to throw tennis balls, play drum pedals, get a glass of water, comb his hair, brush his teeth, answer the phone and shave, in addition to participating in golf, swimming, and even sky-diving.
During secondary school, he was elected captain of MacGregor State in Queensland and worked with the student council on fundraising events for local charities and disability campaigns. When he was seventeen, he started to give talks at his prayer group, and later founded his non-profit organization, “Life Without Limbs”.

He lives in Los Angeles, California, United States.

In 2005, Vujicic was nominated for the Young Australian of the Year Award.

On 12 February 2012, he married his fiancée, Kanae Miyahara, and on 13 February 2013, their son Kiyoshi James Vujicic was born weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces.

He is a father of two boys and twin daughters (born in 2018).

To conclude in his words:

“Failure is not important, how you overcome it is.”


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