Sunday, June 18, 2023


Story of two frogs


    In a pond lived two frogs. One rainy day, they went about happily hopping around here and there. Eventually, they entered a house, and accidentally fell into a can of milk kept on the kitchen table. They desperately tried to jump out of the can. But their efforts were in vain. Soon, both frogs were about to drown inside the can. One frog became totally exhausted, lost all hope, and said, “I can’t swim anymore.” It soon sank to the bottom of the milk can and drowned. The other frog, however, didn’t give up. It kept on trying to leap out. After some time, because of its rapid movements, the milk turned into butter. The frog was then able to climb atop the butter heap, and hop out of the milk can to safety. 

     At one time or another, everyone reaches a point in life when they want something very badly. But they may lose hope and become ready to lose out, like the frog which drowned. Don’t give up just because you’re tired from many failures. Ignore failures and keep on struggling with determination. Plan and work toward your planned goals with optimism and confidence. Remain focused, positive-minded, and progressive in the face of challenges, and persist until you win. An old adage says, ‘It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up’. Remember, Napoleon failed as an essay writer, Shakespeare as a wool merchant, Lincoln as a storekeeper, and Walt Disney as a newspaper editor. But none of them ever gave up their efforts. They tried other things for which they were better suited, and ultimately attained the amazing results that we all know and see today. Remember that the only real failure is giving up!


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