Tuesday, June 27, 2023


 Dead Sea

     The saltiest sea in the world is the Dead sea, an inland water-body between Jordan and Israel. At about 1370 feet below sea level, it is literally the lowest place on earth. It is 55km long and 3 to 18 km in width, It is one of the saltiest water-bodies in the world, with 33.7% salinity (the average salt content of the world's oceans is 6%). Because of its extreme salinity, aquatic animals and vegetation cannot survive in its waters --- hence its name. Also the density of water is very high, enabling even non-swimmers to float easily on its surface.
     There is a reason for the excessive salinity of the water. The Dead Sea is a land-locked water-body fed by the Jordan river. Once the river water enters the sea, the only way it can escape is through evaporation, When the water evaporates, the salty minerals are left behind, causing the remaining water to become more and more concentrated with salt.
     The mineral content of the Dead Sea is very different from that of the ocean water. At least 35 different kinds of mineral salts, including potassium, calcium and magnesium are present in large quantities. These have been proved to cure various ailments ranging from skin problems to rheumatic diseases,
     The Dead sea has attracted visitors from around the world for thousands of years. One of world's earliest health resorts, it has been the supplier of a variety of products, from balms for mummification to potash for fertilisers. Unfortunately, the water level is fast coming down, as the water level that used to feed it is being diverted for other purposes in Israel and Jordan. Environmentalists warn that if this trend continues, the Dead Sea would disappear completely by the year 2050.


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