Monday, July 3, 2023


Guru Purnima

     Swami Vivekananda, Shivaji the great… –today the whole world is well- versed with these names. Their words, writings, and philanthropic works are today acknowledged and praised by the intellectuals and elites all around the world. Verily, such iconic personalities in every era have left an indelible impression on the world. However, these great ones who are adored all across the globe, in turn, offered multitudes of gratitude and expressed themselves as indebted to 'someone', who in reality carved, shaped, trained, guided, helped, and loved them unconditionally. This 'someone', who they deemed as their most adorable, most beloved, the dearest, was one and the only– their Guru, the Spiritual Master! What to say of the great personages, even the divine incarnations such as Rama and Krishna have eloquently sung the glory of their Guru, despite themselves being the Avatars! That's why their words, encapsulated in the form of scriptures, are replete with appreciation and gratefulness for the Guru! 

     Every year, the full moon day during the Ashadha month is celebrated as the Guru Purnima day. This day, which carries a great significance for the disciples of a Satguru, is dedicated for Guru Puja or worship of the Guru. This tradition was started by the disciples of the sage of yesteryears, Ved Vyasa, who wrote Mahabharata, was born to Satyavati and Sage Parashar on this day. This day is also celebrated as Vyasa Poornima. On this day, the disciples offer heartfelt reverences and pay respect to their holy Guru. The Satguru, the Spiritual Master is the power of the highest order of reverence in the entire universe! 

Guru Poornima is celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Buddhists all over the world, on a full moon day in the month of Ashadha, according to the Hindu calendar, in honour our Gurus.
In the word ”Guru”, "Gu” means darkness and "Ru” means the eradication of darkness. Thus "Guru" means the one who eliminates the darkness of ignorance and illuminates our lives with knowledge.
On this day,
In Hinduism, Bhagwan Shiva started the transmission of Yoga and lectures to the Saptarishis.
In Buddhism, Bhagwan Gautam Buddha on this day gave His first Sermon in Sarnath after attaining enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya.
In Jainism, Bhagwan Mahavir made his first disciple on this day and thus became a Guru.

ॐ श्री गुरवे नमः
Humble salutions to the Guru.


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