Friday, July 21, 2023


Potato chips

     In the late 19th century, New Yorkers would throng Moon's Lake House at Saratoga Springs to eat the potato fries that Chef George Crum made.
     So it came as a surprise to Crum when one day a customer complained that his fries were too thick.
     To please the customer, Crum sliced the potatoes thin but the customer continued to complain that the fries were not to his satisfaction. Finally in exasperation, Crum sliced the potatoes so thin that they couldn't be eaten with a fork. To his utter surprise, the customer loved them.
     Crum's crisp fries are what we call potato chips today.

An African folktale

THE MAN WHO NEVER LIED Once upon a time, there lived a wise man named Mamad, known far and wide for never telling a lie. People from even di...