Wednesday, July 26, 2023


 What makes a balloon fly?

     There was once a little black boy who had seen all his relatives and family suffer because of racial discrimination.
     Once, he went to a country fair and stood near a balloon man with lots of different coloured balloons. The man was evidently a good salesman because he allowed a red balloon to break loose and soar up high in the sky, thereby attracting a crowd of perspective young customers. 
     Then, he released a blue balloon, then a yellow one and a white one. They all went soaring up in the sky until they all disappeared. 
     The little black boy stood looking at the black balloon for a long time, and then asked, "Sir, will the black balloon also be able to fly as high as the other balloons?"
     The salesman said, "Yes, surely my dear. It is not the appearance but what is inside the balloons that makes them fly high." 
     It is what you are that makes you reach your destination in life and not how you are


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