Tuesday, August 8, 2023


 Mother Teresa

"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."

-----Mother Teresa

     Saint Mother Teresa (1910-1997) lived a life so filled with purpose that it transformed the dreary lives of those she served. The actions of this Nobel Prize winner and Angel of the Poor continue to inspire people across the globe. The incident that follows is certain to touch your heart today.

     Even observing Saint Mother Teresa going about her routine was enough to strike awe in one’s heart. She gave constantly – a warm smile here, a caring touch there. One might imagine that casual onlookers would scarcely believe what they were seeing – for it was nothing short of love in action.

     An American journalist witnessed a sick man in her care. He had ulcers that smelt rather foul, yet Mother Teresa attended to him. The story goes that the journalist called out in disgust, “I wouldn’t do that for a million dollars!”

     The Saint replied, “Yes, for a million dollars, I wouldn’t do it either.” 

     It is not surprising; money cannot always motivate us to do things that repulse us. But love can. And Mother Teresa was in love; she was loving – she did it for Lord Jesus Christ. 


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