Monday, January 8, 2024


 Body language

Body language is the series of gestures and movements we make with our face, head, arms, hands and indeed our whole bodies, to signal thoughts and feelings. Head and facial gestures can say a lot about how we feel. How often do you raise your eyebrows when you are surprised, for instance, or nod your head when you say 'yes'? Our body language shows how we feel. People who are tired tend to hunch up and look smaller. People who are excited and happy make big and confident gestures.

Whole body gestures, meaning the way we stand or sit, can also communicate a lot. Confident people tend to show they are sure of themselves by standing up straight. A fine example of body language is when two dogs meet. You will see them take up a number of different poses at various times- ears and nose down, tail between their legs, ears pricked, teeth bared, or tail up and wagging. It is actions like these that allow dogs to tell each other when they want to fight, to run away, or to make friends.


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