Sunday, January 14, 2024


   FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real 

    When a motivational guru was addressing the students of a leading school, a girl asked this question : “Sir, I am always afraid of exams. How can I overcome exam fear?”

     He reverted to her with another question : “Which is the best way to eat an elephant? Is it as a whole or one spoon at a time?" 

     After some thought, she replied, "Of course, one spoon at a time!”

     The guru said, "None of us would actually want to eat an elephant, but it gives a metaphorical picture of how we can get things done without feeling frightened!”

     He added, “Sometimes, the whole thing just looks too big to be tackled. But when you break it into smaller tasks, it becomes achievable. If you make a plan of preparation and adhere to it strictly, exam will be a cake walk for you.” 

    The girl thanked the guru for giving a paradigm shift in her views about exams.

     There are many types of fears like exam fear, stage fear, fear of criticism, fear of rejection, fear of failure etc. In fearful situations, the heart beats quickly, the body might begin to perspire, and "butterflies" in the stomach soon follow.

     But most of our fears are myths. If you analyze, 90 percent of your past fears which threatened you at those times passed away just like a mist.

     The word FEAR itself is an acronym with the expansion “False Evidence Appearing Real.”

     The future belongs to the risk takers, not to the security seekers. The moment you are armed with a plan of attack, you become capable of conquering any adventurous task.

     You are a born genius. You are a success material. Hence throw away all types of fears and become an adventurous person from today.


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