Wednesday, January 31, 2024


 Tips to score good marks 

Almost everyone faces examinations at one juncture or the other. A few people fare well whereas others perform only moderately well. Don't think that your ability is worse than them. If you start organising from today, you too can do well in the examinations. 

Here are some interesting tips that will help you to score good marks. There is no short cut to success. For this reason, you have to study well first of all. 

Never fear or hate exam: The first thing that you must remember is that exams are not conducted with the intention to catch you out. An exam is only meant to assess whether you have a concise understanding of the subject or not. So leave all your fears and free your mind before starting to study. You have to be confident and it is the most essential power you should have for attaining victory.

Prepare a good time table: Prepare a time table before starting to study. This should include all the subjects but may not be with equal priority. Tough subjects can be given more time and easier ones less but most importantly, some time shall be allotted for entertainment and also there should be sufficient intervals between each subject.

Select a proper atmosphere for studying: Study atmosphere has a very important role. Can anyone study well while watching TV? So select a place where you feel comfortable. That is where you feel relaxed and can concentrate. If possible, make a small notice board with self instructions. 

Organise study materials: Make the study zone neat. Pick up the specific book and notes you want to study for the particular session. Pick up the supportive materials like pencil or scale. Keep the books of other subjects away from your eyesight so that you won't be upset about the things you have to learn. 

Utilize golden hours: You have to identify your golden hours. It is a block of 3 to 4 hours in which you will find it more comfortable to concentrate. For most of you, it may be 3 am to 7 am when all the surroundings will be in silence. Some of you will be night birds who prefer 8 pm to 12 pm. Your concentration in the golden hours really counts. 

Sit straight: This is so important that you have to sit in a proper manner while studying. Don't study on bed or lying on a chair. Instead sit straight. Keep your spinal cord straight. And try to place your legs parallel to ground, a little bit raised from the ground. 

Make notes while studying: While studying make small notes so that you can remember all the points while doing revision. An ideal note shall include all important formulae and figures and also other important points. It will be a lot worth if you use this for the revision in the last one or two hours.

Sleep well and eat well: You have to sleep well. A sound sleep for 6 hours is ideal for energetic preparation. Even the night before the exam you have to sleep well, at least for 5 hours. And have your food as in your daily diet. Don't fast on the exam day. This will have reverse effect, so it's advisable to have food properly. And don't forget to have a glass of water before you go to bed. It's essential to keep your brain cells charged.

Present well: Presentation is the major factor that affects your marks. Teachers may not be able to read all you have written. Remember they are going through 30 to 40 papers. They will scan for points. So try to present answers in points. In essay answers don't forget to underline the important points. Your hand writing also affects your marks. Try to write neatly. And care shall be taken so that you manage time well and are able to attend all questions. If there is any question out of syllabus, you just attend it. Usually full marks are awarded for such questions.

Believe in you: The last but not the least is your self confidence. Recall your best things and have a positive self talk. A one minute prayer or meditation can give immense energy and peace to your mind. And it is much important that you are confident about what you can do and it will always produce pleasant results.

If you are serious in your studies for the next few months/years of your life, then the remaining part of your life will be fruitful. So start organising from this moment and try your best.


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