Saturday, March 2, 2024


 Why do people stutter?

Stuttering is when someone has trouble speaking smoothly, and their words may repeat or get stuck. It happens because of a mix of factors. For most, it's not about being nervous or unsure; it's more like a hiccup in the brain's communication with the mouth. 

Imagine your brain is like a control centre, sending messages to different parts of your body. When people stutter, there might be a little miscommunication between the brain and the muscles used for speaking. It’s bit like a traffic jam on the communication highway. 

Sometimes, It’s just a phase and can improve on its own. Other times, it might be due to a combination of genetics (family history), how the brain is wired, and maybe a bit of stress. The good news is that many people who stutter find ways to speak more smoothly with the help of speech therapy, where they learn techniques to make the traffic in their communication highway flow better.


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