Sunday, November 3, 2024


The art and joy of reading 📚 
Reading or writing is an art. When you are at it, the kind of joy that both provide has to be experienced by oneself. And when you get a book of your preference, and that too after a long wait, it evokes in you a bubbling and child-like enthusiasm. Reading may be a compulsory exercise for a student, past-time for a retired person, but a pleasure for many. 
Reading disturbs the mind, and good reading generates waves of thinking and emotion, thus the pleasure is instant, and it continues to linger in the mind. Good reading lifts you up from the harsh realities of life into the world of imagination. A motivational book impels and helps to transmute grief into joy, failure into success, pain into pleasure and fear into hope. While we read from top, an inspiring book elevates us from bottom up.
To a book-lover, nothing can be more fascinating than a favourite book, and one who is interested and absorbed in his daily occupation, wants occasionally to escape out of his drudgery into the wonderland for recreation and enjoyment. Living in an era where virtually everything has turned into 'e' mode, there are certain old and die-hard habits that will never go into oblivion, and a book in print is one such. 

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