Tuesday, December 24, 2024


What is the meaning and origin of the expression ‘bucket list’?
A ‘bucket list’ consists of a list of things that you have never done, but would like to before you leave this world. It comes from the idiom ‘kick the bucket’, meaning ‘to die’. 
A ‘bucket list’ is your personal wish list, and it may include anything — climbing Mt. Everest, going sky diving, getting a picture taken standing in front of the Taj, eating your favourite dish in a well­ known hotel in the city, having a conversation with a famous author, winning a chess tournament etc. These are mostly things that you have not experienced or achieved till now, but would like to before dying. 
The expression was coined and made popular by Justin Zackham, the man who wrote the screenplay for the Hollywood film, The Bucket List, starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. 
Publishing more than 5000 posts on my blog! That’s one more item to add to my bucket list.
What is your bucket list?

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