Saturday, June 24, 2023


 A journey to Earth 

     Lord Yama is king of the underworld. Everyone trembles when he visits their house. They know he has come to take a dear one away from this world. Death and lord Yama walk hand-in-hand. No wonder lord Yama is never on anyone’s guest list!

     A long time ago, Lord Yama came down to earth for a holiday. He took the guise of an ordinary man. It was a wise decision. People liked him and invited him to their house. This was a new experience for him. He had got used to people wailing at the sight of him! 

     He was sitting by the river one day, when he met a beautiful girl. She had come to help her father haul up his fishing net. Lord Yama fell in love with her. The fisherman’s daughter, Mohana, agreed to be his wife. A delighted Lord Yama decided to extend his sojourn on earth. The grand wedding ceremony took place in the village temple hall. Everyone had only one remark to make. The couple made a handsome pair! The fisherman’s son-in-law looked like a prince. Mohana was a very, very lucky girl!

     A year passed. Mohana was surprised her husband never went to work. However, as he never was short of money, she did not complain. The days passed by quickly. Lord Yama was convinced he had discovered heaven on earth! A year later, Mohana gave birth to a bonny baby boy. All seemed well in their little world. 

     Now there was a drastic change in Mohana’s personality. She suddenly realised her husband was always idle. He was never interested in doing work. In fact, her husband was a good-for nothing! 

     “All you do is play with our little son,” said Mohana angrily. “You never do any work. Soon we will need more money to buy food and clothes. Will it fall from a coconut tree?”, she added.

     Poor Lord Yama! He could not tell her he was the Lord of the dark underworld. There was absolutely no need for him to work! He dearly loved his little son, Prasad. One day he would have to return to his own dark world. Until then, he wanted to be on earth with his family. 

     But Mohana was very angry. She insisted her husband should go and find work. He could start by helping his father-in-law catch fish. That was a big mistake. The time had changed. His identity was getting disclosed. The moment the fish sensed Lord Yama was close by, they refused to be ensnared into the fishing net! 

“Mohana, we caught no fish today,” said her father sadly. Mohana glared angrily at her husband. 

“Now you are bringing us bad luck as well!” 

     Next day she refused to milk the cows. So lord Yama went out to do the first chore of his life! The cows mooed in fright when they saw him. They refused to fill the buckets with milk. Mohana was very angry. 

“What a useless man you are!” sneered Mohana angrily. “You do not even know how to milk the cows. You seem to think you area royal prince. But work you will have to do. Our son should not have a father who is a good-for nothing!” 

When she sent him to buy vegetables, a strange thing happened.

The vegetables came back all shriveled up! Also, cats yowled and dogs howled when he crossed their path. Suddenly, nobody wanted to talk to LordYama. Word had spread like wildfire that strange things happened when little Prasad’s father walked by their house! 
     Mohana yelled and ranted the whole day long. Lord Yama was now petrified of his beautiful wife. He yearned to go back to his own beautiful, dark world! He was sad at the thought of leaving his son behind. But he told the boy just to call for him whenever he needed help. Lord Yama then hurried away from his house and disappeared into thin air. He was glad to be finally back home and once again the king of the dark underworld!

     Meanwhile Prasad grew up into a fine, handsome boy. He still loved his father dearly, though his mother was glad her ‘good-for-nothing’ husband had left the house. “One mouth less to feed!” said Mohana sarcastically. 

     Prasad needed a job. He prayed to his father to come and help him. That night, Lord Yama came to his bedside. Prasad blinked unbelievingly at his father. His father was Lord Yama, the Lord of death! “Tell everyone you can cure all diseases,” said Lord Yama, handing him a bag full of medicinal herbs. “This pouch will always contain medicine. If you find me standing near the patient’s head, you will know that death waits at his door. My blessings will always be with you, my beloved son.” 

     Prasad soon became famous far and wide. He refused to treat patients whom he knew were going to die. Lord Yama was always at their bedside. The others recovered miraculously from their maladies. Prasad became very rich. Mohana was very happy. At least her son was not a good-for-nothing! 

     Then one day the princess fell very, very ill. The distraught king summoned Prasad to the royal palace. He promised Prasad a handsome reward if he cured the ailing princess. Prasad was stunned to see his father, LordYama, standing at the head of the princess’s bed. He knew the princess was going to die. What was he now supposed to do?Prasad was in a dilemma. He had to give his medicine to the princess. If she was not cured, the king would throw him into the dark dungeons. He would proclaim to the world that Prasad was a fraud! The rest of his life would be spent within the four walls of a dark, dingy prison.

     He had to find a way to make his dear father go away. Prasad pondered on what to do. Then a smile lit his face. Now he knew exactly what he had to do! He told the guards that he wanted his mother to be brought to the palace. Mohana was brought into the princess’s room. Lord Yama went pale when he saw her. She could not see him. He was visible only to their son. “If only your ‘good-for-nothing’ father was here!” sneered Mohana. “He would have seen whose brains you inherited!” Lord Yama cringed in the corner of the room. His wife’s rasping voice brought back the nasty days of the past! He was sure she would soon see him. Then she would once again rave and rant about what a ‘useless’ man he had been. He decided to do the vanishing act. 

     Given the situation, it was the best thing to do! He forgot he had to escort the princess to the nether world. Only one thought loomed inside his head. He had to get far away from his frightening loud-mouthed wife! Prasad was delighted. His medicines cured the sickly princess. He was now famous all over the kingdom. The king made him the royal physician. Prasad’s cup of happiness was now full to the brim. His mother was very happy. She no longer had to do any hard work. “Your ‘good-for-nothing’ father should now see us!” gloated Mohana angrily. “Mother, his blessings will always make tomorrow what we want it to be!” replied her wise son happily. 

Friday, June 23, 2023



     The word stands for Light Amplification of Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser gives a narrow, accurate beam of very bright light. Unlike ordinary light, all rays of a beam of laser have the same wavelength and are perfectly in phase and parallel to one another.      
     According to Quantum Theory, energy is transmitted in packets (Quanta). In laser, the quanta are organized end to end. Thus in vibrating together, they produce light of a very high intensity. 
     Laser beams can either be visible light or be invisible, in which case they are composed of infrared rays. An infrared laser can cut through substances ranging from metal to human tissues with extremely fine accuracy.  Therefore, it has found application in the field of medicine, especially for microsurgery. Visible light lasers are also used in recording, CD Rom players and fiber-optic communications. 
     A laser beam is produced by exciting atoms of a medium that can both absorb and release energy. There are a variety of substances that can work as a medium, such as ruby, some liquid dyes or a gas like carbon dioxide. 
     Charles H Townes, an American physicist, discovered laser in the early 1950s. He and his students constructed the first maser and showed that a similar device producing a visible light (laser) was also possible. For his invention of maser and later laser, he shared the 1964 Nobel Prize with Aleksandr M Prokhorov and Nikolay G.Basov. Based on Charles H Townes’ earlier work, Theodore Maiman constructed the first laser in 1960, using a rod of ruby.

* Before the laser was developed, there was the“maser” . This stood for “microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation” and was based on Albert Einstein’s principle of stimulated emission masers, which were used in atomic clocks.

* The light in a laser is more parallel than any other light source; every part of the beam has almost the exact direction.

* In 1974 lasers were used commercially for the first time in supermarket bar code scanners.

Thursday, June 22, 2023


 World Rainforest Day

     World rainforest day is celebrated annually on June 22. The theme for this year's celebration is 'Conserve, Restore, Regenerate.' This theme captures the critical work that must be done to safeguard rainforests against any further damage.

     There are two types of rainforests --- tropical and temperate. Tropical rainforests are found closer to the equator where it is warm and rains all year long. Tropical rainforests are found closer to the equator where it is warm and rains all year long. Temperate rainforests are found near cooler coastal areas further north or south of the equator.

Adaptations in rainforest plants:

* Plants in rainforests have adapted to survive in their unique environment,

* Woody vines like lianas root in the ground, but they climb up trees to reach sunlight. Their leaves and flowers grow in the treetops.

* Tree trunks are tall and thin so that trees can reach the sunlight. The bark of these trees is smooth so that water can flow down easily to the roots.

* Plants have leaves with pointed tips. This allows rainwater to run off the leaves quickly without damaging or breaking them.

* Some plants have supporting roots or buttress roots. These are large roots with ribs that form a large surface and support large trees.

Some facts about the rainforests:

* Rainforests are found in Central and South America, Western and central Africa, Western India, Southeast Asia, the island of New Guinea and Australia.

* The Amazon Rainforest is the world's largest tropical rainforest. It covers area of 5.5 million sq. kms. Due to the thickness of the tree canopy here, the forest floor is always in darkness. It is said that it takes 10 minutes for the rain to pass through the canopy and rich the ground!

* Around 400 to 500 indigenous American tribes live in the Amazon Rainforest. It is believed that many of these tribes have never had any contact with the outside world!

* 20% of oxygen we breathe comes from the rainforests of the Amazon.

* The Daintree Rainforest in Australia is said to be between 135 and 180 million year's old! It is the world's oldest tropical lowland rainforest.

Did you know?

Rainforests are being destroyed by human greed!

Their trees are being cut down to:

* grow crops like soya beans

* use the wood for furniture and timber

* make room for mining projects

* build roads for farmers, loggers and miners

* create space for development projects such as hydropower and infrastructure 

* make space for building houses.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


 International Day Of Yoga

This year, it is the 9th International Yoga Day and the theme is 'Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,' effectively encapsulating our collective aspiration for 'One Earth, One Family, and One Future.' 

Background: Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word ‘yoga’ derives from Sanskrit and means to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness.

Today it is practiced in various forms around the world and continues to grow in popularity. Recognizing its universal appeal, on 11 December 2014, the United Nations proclaimed 21 June as International Yoga Day by resolution 69/131. 

June 21, which is the Summer Solstice, is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and has special significance in many parts of the world.

International Yoga Day aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga.

IDY Logo: Folding of both hands in the logo symbolise Yoga, the IYD logounion, which reflects the union of individual Consciousness with that of universal Consciousness, a perfect harmony between mind & body, man & nature; a holistic approach to health & well being. The brown leaves symbolise the Earth element, the green leaves symbolise the Nature, blue symbolises the Water element, brightness symbolises the Fire element and the Sun symbolise the source of energy and inspiration. The logo reflects harmony and peace for humanity, which is the essence of Yoga.

Benefits of Yoga: Yoga is very necessary and beneficial for all human beings if it is practiced by all on daily basis in the early morning. The benefits of Yoga include :-

  • Increased muscle strength and tone
  • Increased flexibility
  • Improved respiration, energy and vitality
  • Maintaining a balanced metabolism
  • Weight reduction
  • Cardio and circulatory health
  • Improved athletic performance

Tuesday, June 20, 2023


Face Challenges Boldly

     When young, Swami Vivekananda, founder of the Ramakrishna Mission, was known as Narendra. One day, while going to the Durga temple in Kashmir, a troop of monkeys steadily followed him. Narendra became frightened. He did not know what to do. On instinct he decided to run away and escape from there. With all his might he began to run. But the monkeys followed him faster than before.

     A Sanyasi was watching the scene. He cried out “Instead of running from them, turn back and face them boldly.”

     Narendra obeyed his words. He stopped running. Then he turned back, and stood bravely facing the animals. The monkeys also stopped. After a while, they dispersed and disappeared.

     Challenges are a part of everyday life. They come in many different forms; both big and small; and often unexpectedly.

     For some people, the challenge would be doing well at school. For others, it may be worries, like certain prevailing difficulties, past mistakes, or failures. Challenges actually help us become stronger, braver, and better. Without them, life might be somewhat meaningless. For we might then have nothing to compare the good times to.       We do not have control over the past. But we do have control over decisions we make now and in future. Therefore, choose to believe in your ability to make rightful and practical decisions in the face of challenges. Don’t ever be hasty.     

     Remember the famous adage, “A calm mind is the ultimate weapon against challenges in life.” Be continually prepared to face challenges prudently and optimistically. Thus you shall move ahead and succeed in life.

Monday, June 19, 2023


 Is it safe for consumption?

     The process of food irradiation involves exposing the food to the energy from short-wave radiations like gamma rays, X-rays or electrons.

     Research over the last 40 years has proved that irradiated food does not retain any radioactive property and hence is completely safe. Moreover, irradiation does not diminish the nutritive value of the food.

This technology is used to destroy the bacterial, fungal or viral growth in food that can spoil it or cause diseases. Irradiated food thus has a longer shelf life. As irradiation is a cold process, it causes no change in the freshness or texture of the food unlike certain other procedures that involve heat. In fact, it is difficult to tell an irradiated apple from a normal one, as it remains as juicy and crisp. 

     Presently over 40 food items such as fruits, vegetables, spices, seafood, grains meat and poultry are available in irradiated form. Many specially-marked irradiated fruits and vegetables are commercially sold in the US, France, China, South Africa and Netherlands.
     Although the process of irradiation greatly reduces the growth of bacteria, it does not completely eliminate it. Hence irradiated poultry needs refrigeration. As for irradiated fruits, refrigeration is not essential, though they will last much longer in a refrigerator.
     In India too, many irradiated food items like onions, potatoes, garlic, spices etc. are now available.

Sunday, June 18, 2023


Story of two frogs


    In a pond lived two frogs. One rainy day, they went about happily hopping around here and there. Eventually, they entered a house, and accidentally fell into a can of milk kept on the kitchen table. They desperately tried to jump out of the can. But their efforts were in vain. Soon, both frogs were about to drown inside the can. One frog became totally exhausted, lost all hope, and said, “I can’t swim anymore.” It soon sank to the bottom of the milk can and drowned. The other frog, however, didn’t give up. It kept on trying to leap out. After some time, because of its rapid movements, the milk turned into butter. The frog was then able to climb atop the butter heap, and hop out of the milk can to safety. 

     At one time or another, everyone reaches a point in life when they want something very badly. But they may lose hope and become ready to lose out, like the frog which drowned. Don’t give up just because you’re tired from many failures. Ignore failures and keep on struggling with determination. Plan and work toward your planned goals with optimism and confidence. Remain focused, positive-minded, and progressive in the face of challenges, and persist until you win. An old adage says, ‘It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up’. Remember, Napoleon failed as an essay writer, Shakespeare as a wool merchant, Lincoln as a storekeeper, and Walt Disney as a newspaper editor. But none of them ever gave up their efforts. They tried other things for which they were better suited, and ultimately attained the amazing results that we all know and see today. Remember that the only real failure is giving up!


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