Friday, March 8, 2024


International Women's Day

There isn't a single field or domain that is untouched by women these days. They have excelled in numerous fields & events and never did they let a single factor stop or hinder them from achieving whatever they've dreamt of. They have become mountaineers, naturalists, astronomers, astronauts, artists, cobblers, blacksmiths, pilots, engineers, doctors, businesswomen and what not. They have demonstrated strength in times of weakness and bravery in times of darkness. They have worked hard and leaped so far to the front that they have become a symbol of power and strength. Commemorating their achievements and strengthening their beliefs, a day is dedicated as a tribute for all the women internationally i.e., March 8th. International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the historical, cultural, and political achievements of women.

International Women's Day (IWD) grew out of the efforts in the early 20th century to promote women's rights, especially suffrage, the right to vote. There has been numerous battles for women to fight to get the right to vote for women. Some people felt it to be unnecessary while some felt the need for women's vote to be nothing short of a sin. In its campaign for female enfranchisement, the Socialist Party of America in 1909 held the first National Woman's Day, which was highlighted by mass meetings across the United States. An International Women's Conference was organized by the German activist Clara Zetkin, in 1910 in the women's office.

On March 19, 1911, the first IWD was held in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland. More than one million people attended rallies marking the day. On March 8, 1917, women in St. Petersburg, Russia, marked the day by staging a strike to protest food shortages, poor living conditions, and World War I. This strike for "bread and peace" helped give rise to the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Susan B. Anthony was a political activist and an advocate of women's rights. After the Civil War, she fought for the 14th Amendment that was meant to grant all naturalised and native-born Americans citizenship in the hope that it would include suffrage rights. Although the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868, it still didn't secure their vote. In 1869, the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) was founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony to continue the fight for women's rights. In the early 1900s, women were experiencing pay inequality, a lack of voting rights, and they were being overworked. In response to all of this, 15,000 women marched through New York City in 1908 to demand their rights. In 1909, the first National Women's Day was observed in accordance with a declaration by the Socialist Party of America. This was celebrated on the last Sunday of February until 1913. On August 18, 1920, the 19th Amendment was ratified and white women were granted the right to vote in the U.S. The liberation movement took place in the 1960s and the effort led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act, allowing all women the right to vote. When the internet became more commonplace, feminism and the fight against gender inequality experienced a resurgence. Now we celebrate International Women's Day each year as we push continuously with the hope of creating a completely equal society.

This day is also observed to take action against gender inequalities in the world. Basing an entire argument that someone isn't capable on gender is baseless and outright stupid.

Regardless of what a woman does, she and her work should be respected because the world depends on women. There's no way the world could run the way it is running, without the contribution of women. Women are considered equal to God in India and it is believed that a house can never be a home without women. It's high time that we consider women to be capable of independence in living, decision making, choosing for themselves and providing for the family. A woman is capable of everything a man is capable of, since gender, in no way, hinders her from achieving her dreams.

Thursday, March 7, 2024


Maha Shivratri


Maha Shivratri is a vibrant and spiritually significant festival celebrated by millions of people around the world, particularly Hindus. It’s a time when devotees honour Lord Shiva, one of the principal deities in Hinduism, with great enthusiasm and devotion. Let’s delve into the heart of this festival to understand its significance and how it’s celebrated.

What is Maha Shivratri?

Maha Shivratri, which translates to “Great Night of Shiva,” falls on the 14th day of the dark fortnight in the Hindu month of Magha (usually between February and March). This auspicious day is dedicated to Lord Shiva, the supreme being who is revered as the destroyer of evil and the transformer of the universe.

Significance of Maha Shivratri:

According to Hindu mythology, Maha Shivratri marks the day when Lord Shiva performed the heavenly dance known as the ‘Tandava.’ It symbolises the cosmic cycles of creation and destruction. Devotees believe that observing rituals and prayers on this day can cleanse them of past sins and lead to spiritual enlightenment.

It also commemorates the marriage of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

Celebrations and Rituals:

The celebrations of Maha Shivratri vary across regions, but certain customs are observed by devotees worldwide. Many people fast throughout the day and night, offering prayers and performing special rituals like bathing the Shiva Lingam (a symbolic representation of Lord Shiva) with milk, honey, and water. Devotees also chant prayers and hymns dedicated to Lord Shiva, seeking his blessings for happiness and prosperity.

The Legend of Maha Shivratri:

There are various legends associated with Maha Shivratri, each highlighting the greatness of Lord Shiva. One popular legend narrates the story of how Lord Shiva saved the universe from destruction by swallowing the poison that emerged during the churning of the ocean. His act of consuming the poison turned his throat blue, earning him the name “Neelkanth” (the one with a blue throat).

Meditation and Spiritual Awakening:

Maha Shivratri is also a time for introspection and meditation. Many devotees stay awake throughout the night, engaging in meditation and chanting prayers. It’s believed that staying awake during this night-long vigil can awaken one’s inner consciousness and bring them closer to the divine.

Cultural Significance:

Beyond its religious significance, Maha Shivratri holds cultural importance as well. It’s a time for communities to come together, share meals, and participate in various cultural performances and events. The festival promotes unity and harmony among people of different backgrounds, fostering a sense of collective celebration.


Maha Shivratri is not just a festival; it’s a spiritual journey that brings people closer to Lord Shiva and to each other. Through rituals, prayers, and acts of devotion, devotees seek blessings, wisdom, and inner peace. As we celebrate Maha Shivratri, let us embrace the teachings of Lord Shiva and strive for a world filled with love, compassion, and understanding.

You are currently viewing Exploring Maha Shivratri: A Joyous Celebration of Lord Shiva

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


 Career as an Archeologist

Archaeology studies human past and present from the different remains and relics of the past that exist today. This is done methodically and involves analyzing existing data, bio-facts and carbon-dating. The artifacts and ruins are studied to understand more about what people’s daily lives looked like, what were the government structures, what were the languages and tongues spoken and other interesting aspects of their culture and civilization.

Archaeology branches out further into different studies like Bioarchaeology (study of human remains), Zooarchaeology (study of ancient animals), Paleoethnobotany(study of ancient plants), Lithics (study of stone tools) etc. There is also underwater archaeology that studies materials at the bottom of lakes, rivers and oceans, for example the remains of ancient shipwrecks or submerged islands.

Archaeologists find evidence based on which they will decide on the sites and locations to excavate and dig at. Once that is determined, they use scientific sampling to decide where to dig on the site. The findings dug up from the site are then recorded, categorised  and interpreted. Most archaeologists in India work for the Archaeological Survey of India.

Tasks of Archeologist:

1) Investigate artifacts and structures found during excavation to recognise, date, and authenticate them as well as to decipher their significance.

2) Investigate, examine or evaluate the locations of past communities and cultures to find answers to specific research questions.

3) Create reports on the findings and methodology of site work like site history, artifact analysis results and recommendations for conserving or interpreting findings.

4) Present any findings or discoveries from archaeological research to peers in the field as well as the general public.

5) Manage archaeological sites’ resources, development, security and conservation efforts.

6) Create archaeological simulations of what a product or site could have looked like in the past using computer programmes like computer-aided design (CAD) and geographic information systems (GIS).

7) Teach archaeology at colleges and universities.

How to pursue Archeology in India:

* To pursue archaeology, you can start with your choice of bachelor’s degree. There is no requirement to pursue any particular stream like humanities in the 12th grade. 

* For your bachelors, you can choose to complete in Archaeology or History.

* This must be followed up with an M.A. or PGDP in Archaeology. One can also pursue an M.Phil. in archaeology for even better skills and job opportunities in the field.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


 What is an Alpha City?

It is a city which plays major role in the economy of the country and is a hub of international business. It has a stock exchange and major financial institutions. Many international companies have their offices in an Alpha City. It has advanced banking and real estate sectors. It has a port and container facilities. It has a well equipped international airport and a well maintained public transit system comprising trains, buses and other transport. It has renowned universities and educational institutions. It has centres of media and communication for global networks. 

Alpha cities are major cultural centres and popular tourist destinations. They have a tremendous political and social clout and influence global affairs significantly. 

Also called a global city or world city, it is a familiar name all over the world. People can easily associate the name with its landmarks, country etc.

London and New York are ranked Alpha ++ cities as they are vastly connected to the global economy. Mumbai is ranked as Alpha + city on par with Tokyo, Dubai and Singapore. 

The second and third ranking cities are Beta and Gamma cities.

Monday, March 4, 2024



Whales are large marine animals that are found in every ocean of the world. Whales do not have gills like other fishes. They have lungs and breathe when they come to the surface of the water through the blowhole located on top of their head. 

Whales also produce milk to feed their young ones. 

There are two kinds of whales, baleen and toothed whales. Baleen whales have large plates in their mouth, which they use to trap food. Toothed whales have sharp teeth, which they use to catch their prey.

A group of whales is called a pod. A baby whale is called a calf. Whales have a thick layer of fat on their body called blubber that keeps them warm in cold waters. A whale's lifespan is around 80 to 90 years on average. But some species live for over 100 years. Whales feed on 🦈,octopuses 🐙, shrimp 🍤, mackerel and many other smaller marine creatures. 

Whale habits:

1) Baleen whales swim with their mouths open. The plates in their mouths have bristles that help them trap food as they swim. 

2) Some whale species like humpback whales migrate from one place to another during certain seasons of the year. 

3) Many species of toothed whales travel in groups to protect themselves from predators and to search for food. 

4) Whales produce a variety of sounds to communicate with each other, including whistles and clicks. 

5) Certain whale species like blue whales 🐳 and humpback 🐋 whales, produce loud melodious sounds that resemble songs. 

Types of whales:

Blue whale 

Bow head whale 

Sperm whale 

Humpback whale 

Did you know?

The blue whale is the largest animal known to have lived. It can grow to more than 100 feet in length and can weigh upto 2,00,000 kilograms!

Sunday, March 3, 2024


World Wildlife Day
World Wildlife Day celebrated on 3rd each year, is a special time to honour the incredible diversity of animals around the world. This day is like a big birthday party for all the creatures that roam the Earth, from the tiniest insects to the majestic elephants. We celebrate their uniqueness and the important roles they play in keeping our planet healthy. 
World Wildlife Day teaches us about the significance of protecting animals and their own habitats. Just like how we have homes, animals have their own special places to live. Sadly, some are in danger because of people cutting down forests or hunting them for their fur and horns. On this day, we learn how to be good friends with the animals by understanding their needs and working together to make sure they have safe and happy homes for many birthdays to come. 

Saturday, March 2, 2024


 Why do people stutter?

Stuttering is when someone has trouble speaking smoothly, and their words may repeat or get stuck. It happens because of a mix of factors. For most, it's not about being nervous or unsure; it's more like a hiccup in the brain's communication with the mouth. 

Imagine your brain is like a control centre, sending messages to different parts of your body. When people stutter, there might be a little miscommunication between the brain and the muscles used for speaking. It’s bit like a traffic jam on the communication highway. 

Sometimes, It’s just a phase and can improve on its own. Other times, it might be due to a combination of genetics (family history), how the brain is wired, and maybe a bit of stress. The good news is that many people who stutter find ways to speak more smoothly with the help of speech therapy, where they learn techniques to make the traffic in their communication highway flow better.


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