Tuesday, May 7, 2024


World Laughter Day 😃😂🤣
Everybody knows that laughing feels good, but few realise how valuable these simple tools can be in improving our wellness and wellbeing. Laughter cannot heal or solve anything but it can improve the situation. That’s what World Laughter Day is for!
World Laughter Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May annually and is a global celebration of laughter, smiling and of all things positive. 
It can be celebrated by anyone, but it is mostly observed in cities where large groups of people gather to laugh together, spread some joy and bond. Laughter is a universal language that brings us all together. World Laughter Day is all about uniting us with the power of fun and laughter. 
History of World Laughter Day: World Laughter Day was founded by Dr. Madan Kataria in Mumbai, India in 1998. Dr. Kataria started the Laughter Yoga movement in 1995 as he understood the positive effects laughing and smiling have on the body. He wanted to spread the message across the globe. Today this message has spread over 70 countries.
The benefits of laughing: We all love to laugh but did you know that laughter has proven to actually improve your health? Here are just a few benefits from having a laugh. 
* Laughter boosts the immune system - It helps to increase infection fighting antibodies which can help combat infection. 
* Laughter relaxes the body and reduces stress - A proper belly laugh can help reduce stress and can relax your muscles.
* Laughter is good for your heart - Laughing can help increase blood flow and improves the functioning of blood vessels which can help protect you against heart attacks. 
* Laughter burns off calories - Laughing for around 10-15 minutes a day can burn off up to 40 calories. 

Monday, May 6, 2024


Pato is a sport that has been played for hundreds of years in South America and is considered one of the oldest sports on the continent. It is a unique and exciting sport that combines elements of basketball, polo, and rugby. 
The game is played with two teams of four players each, who ride horses and try to score goals using a ball that has six handles on it. The ball is made of leather and is about the size of a soccer ball. 
The aim of the game is to score goals by throwing the ball through a vertical hoop that is located at each end of the field. The hoops are placed 2.5 metres above the ground and are similar to basketball hoops. 
The game starts with a throw-off, where one team throws the ball into the air, and both teams try to catch it. Once a player has possession of the ball, they can ride their horse and try to pass it to a teammate or shoot it towards the goal.
The game is very fast-paced and requires a lot of skill, coordination, and teamwork. 
Players need to have good riding skills and be able to control their horses while also handling the ball. 
Pato is not just a sport but also a cultural tradition in South America, where it is considered a symbol of the gaucho (cowboy) culture. It is often played at festivals and celebrations and is a great way for people to come together and enjoy the excitement and camaraderie of the game. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024


Why doughnuts have holes?
The origin of why doughnuts have holes is a bit unclear, and there are several different stories or theories. 
One popular theory is that a man named Hanson Gregory, who was a sailor in the mid-nineteenth century was the first to create the hole in the doughnut. The story goes that Hanson wanted a better way to cook his doughnuts while on board a ship, so he used a round tin pepper container to punch a whole in the middle of the dough, which allowed the doughnut to cook more evenly and prevented the centre from being undercooked. 
Another theory is that doughnuts were traditionally made as a twisted shape, and the hole was added to make them cook more evenly and quickly. 
Yet another theory is that the hole was added for practical reasons, such as making it easier to carry several doughnuts at once on a stick or string.
Regardless of the exact reason, the hole in the centre of the doughnut has  become a defining characteristic of this popular treat. Today doughnuts come in a wide variety of flavours and styles, from traditional glazed doughnuts to more modern creations like bacon maple bars or cronuts (a hybrid of a croissant and a doughnut)

Saturday, May 4, 2024


The need to protect the body from heat and cold using fabrics has existed as long as humans have. Over time, this fabric has evolved from animal skin, to cloth made from plant fibres and most recently, to synthetic fibres. 
Clothing is among humankind's most basic needs. In the late Stone Age, that is roughly around 1,00,000 years ago, humans wore clothes made from animal skin and used bones and antlers as pins to hold garments together. They also used vegetation to cover themselves such that their bodies were protected from cold, heat and rain.
The first evidence of woven textiles dates back to around 6,000 BC, when this kind of fabric was used to wrap dead bodies in Anatolia, Turkey. Historians have found traces of linen in Ancient Egypt around 5,000 BC. Two millenia later in 3,000 BC, domesticated animals like sheep were used as a source of cloth fibre. Throughout the Indus Valley Civilisation, fabrics made of cotton were used in India. In 2,600 BC, a Chinese princess discovered silk, which then came to India via the Silk Route. 
During the Middle Ages, simple clothing was favoured by the majority of people, while finer materials such as silks and linens were available only to royalty and the rich. 
The ancient methods of manufacturing textile didn't change significantly until the Industrial Revolution, when the speed and capacity of production increased phenomenally. It was during this time that the production of synthetic fabrics began. The first synthetic material was invented by Sir Joseph Swan in the early 1880s. He presented his research in 1885 during the International Inventions Exhibition and noted that synthetic materials could overcome many of the limitations of natural fibres. Rayon, also known as artificial silk, was the first manufactured fibre and was produced in 1910. Nylon came into the market by 1939 as one of the first synthetic materials created from petrochemicals. Polyester was discovered in 1953 and quickly became the most commonly used man-made fibre in the USA. Synthetic fibres are more durable than most natural fibres. They are stretchable, waterproof and stain resistant. 
Microfibre or ultrasuede was invented only 20 years ago in Japan and it is the thinnest man-made fibre ever made. It is 100 times thinner than a strand of human hair. 
Fibres are of two kinds - natural fibres, which include animal fibres, and man-made fibres, which are synthetic fibres. 
Natural fibres are derived from various sources - animals, plants and minerals. Plant fibres are sourced from the seeds, leaves, fruits, stalks and even the trunks of trees and plants. For many years, there have been four main natural fibres ruling the industry - flax, cotton, wool and silk. Natural fibres are also used to make paper and felt. 
Flax is considered to be the oldest natural textile fibre used. In ancient times, people used flax fibres by separating them into strands and then plaiting or weaving them into simple fabrics. These fabrics were then coloured with dyes extracted from plants. Flax linen was also used as burial shrouds for Egyptian pharaohs.
Cotton and wool came into existence around 3,000 BC. Cotton fibre is sourced from the Gossypium plant, also known as the cotton plant. 
Bamboo was also a major source of fibre and was used to make clothes, shoes and hats. 
Silk, wool, fur, cashmere and catgut are examples of animal fibres that are drawn from animal hair, feathers, silk or even the produce of animals. Animal fibres are obtained from animals like goats, sheep, rabbits, camels and even dogs. Animal fibres are obtained by methods that include combing, plucking, shearing etc.

Friday, May 3, 2024


World Pulses Day

Our parents insist that we should have healthy and nutritious food. To stay strong, we need proteins which are essential nutrients to living beings.

Edible seeds of pod-bearing plants are called pulses. Pulses exist in various shapes, colours and sizes. These include lentils (dals), pigeon peas, red kidney beans, chickpeas and horse gram.

Pulses are a rich source of proteins, especially for those on a meat-free diet. They also contain essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals making them important and healthy super foods. They contain fibre as well. 

Why is the World Pulses Day celebrated?

An African country, named Burkina Faso, proposed the observance of World Pulses Day to the United Nations. Accordingly, the World Pulses Day was designated by the UN General Assembly in 2018 and it is observed every year on 10 February. 

Many countries have recognised the potentials of pulses and that it could contribute to the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development of the Population of the world. 

Where are pulses grown?

Pulses are a staple food in many nations including India, Ethiopia, Nigeria, China and Turkey, to name some. India is the largest producer and consumer of pulses in the world. Madhya Pradesh is India’s largest pulse-producing state and therefore, called the ‘Pulse Bowl of India'.

What is the benefit of growing pulses?

Pulse crops need less water and are therefore better for the environment. They are cheap, easy to store and nutritious. The nitrogen fixing qualities of leguminous plants also help to improve the quality of the soil.

What is the purpose behind The World Pulses Day?

This yearly event honours pulses as a staple food across the world. It also raises awareness about their role in ensuring food security. In short, the world’s growing population could be fed more sustainably with pulses.

What delicious dishes can be prepared with pulses?

Many yummy dishes can be prepared with pulses.Here are a few popular ones : Dal makhani, dal tadka, dahi bhalla from North India. Idli, dosa, vada and sambar to mention a few from South India. Besan ke gate ki subzi, puran poli, sweet and spicy tuvar dal from Western India and litti chokha and cholar dal from the Eastern part of India. Cod and colourful beans ‘en papillote from Netherlands, anwagashi from Japan and bandeja paisa from Columbia.

Thursday, May 2, 2024


Tidal energy
Our planet has two types of energy - renewable and non-renewable. We have to begin to explore renewable energy sources as we will eventually run out of non-renewable sources such as fossil fuels. In recent years, tidal energy that is powered by ocean tides has emerged as a forerunner of renewable energy. 
Tides are the rise and fall of ocean waters. Tides are caused by moon's gravitational pull - as the Earth spins, the ocean water closest to the moon gets pulled towards the moon until it spins away; this action can be used to help generate electricity. 
History: People had harnessed tides and used them for many centuries. The oldest excavated tide mill dates to 619; it was found in a monastery in Northern Ireland. This mill was most likely used for grinding grain. Tide mills eventually gained popularity during the Middle Ages. During those times, a tide mill would have a storage pond, which would fill up as the tide came in; and as the tide went out, the water rotated a water wheel. Eventually, tidal power was used to generate electricity, with the first instance being seen in France on the Rance River in 1966.
The Process: Tidal power can be converted into energy in two ways - tidal turbines and tidal barrages. Tidal turbines look like windmills, but their blades are smaller and stronger to deal with the tide. Water currents turn the blades of the turbines, which are attached to a shaft. So when the blades turn, the shaft also turns. This turning motion activates a generator, which in turn generates electricity. 
Tidal barrages are similar to dams and are constructed close to a bay or an estuary. As the tide enters the barrage, the tide flows through the dam into an estuary or a bay. When the tide subsides, the barrage's gates close and trap the water. The gates then open and the water hits turbines to produce energy. 
Applications: Tidal energy has several applications, some more modern than others. Tidal energy can be used for grain mills. Sometimes countries construct tidal energy stations to help save coastlines from damage as the stations act as barriers to the force of the water current. However, the most critical application is the generation of electricity in a renewable way, without producing greenhouse gases. According to estimates by the Indian government, the country has the potential to produce 8,000 MW of tidal energy. This includes about 7,000 MW in the Gulf of Cambay in Gujarat, 1,200 MW in the Gulf of Kutch and 100 MW in the Gangetic delta in the Sundarbans region of West Bengal. 
Advantages: Since tidal energy stations are installed on coastlines, they leave the land area open to be explored for other uses. More importantly, when the process of energy generation takes place, there are no greenhouse gases produced. In addition to this, tidal energy is a renewable resource, which means we will never run out of ocean water. The development of tides is a well understood cycle. This makes it easier to develop tidal energy systems with the correct dimensions. This further means that it is easier to predict how much energy will be generated and when it will be generated. 
Disadvantages: Tidal energy stations have high construction costs, making them initially challenging to install. While they do not impact the environment, they affect the area's aquatic life, such as fishes and other small critters, as they die when they come in contact with the blades or when they get trapped in tidal barrages. Tidal power depends on tidal surges, which mainly occur twice a day; the rest of the time, the system is rendered useless. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Dare to be different 
Being different means thinking and doing things in a different way and keeping away from what others are thinking and doing. Being different does not mean you are wrong. It means being you. It means you stand out to explore new ground. At the same time, it does not make you less interesting or less valued as a person. It makes you accomplish your goals by following a different way that the others are not following. That is your own unique way and it defines you. It makes you who you are and keeps you living in your own way, defining your terms with your values.
It is to set an example to show others that there are alternate ways to accomplish things. Being different may be a bit difficult and hard. However, it is not bad. Diversity offers different prospects by expanding ways to boost productivity and success. Every human being behaves differently in different circumstances and we are all unique in our personality. While we cannot change our past, we can very well control how to react to it. Sometimes this uniqueness makes us beautiful. 
Why should we be different and what are the benefits that we are going to get by being different? Acknowledge what makes you different and that becomes your uniqueness. Your uniqueness is your gift. Celebrate it, because being different is a remarkable gift. Always be confident that your uniqueness is your asset and it makes you special and valuable. By being different you live a life that is true to yourself and that inspires others to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life. Being different makes you strong and you become a source of connection and belongingness. 
It makes you authentic. It boosts your creativity, making you innovative in your approach. By thinking unconventionally, experimental solutions can be achieved to solve problems in various fields of your life, including personal matters. Uniqueness in your approach gives you self-confidence, which inspires others, and they may approach you to get solutions for their problems. It may ignite confidence in others and encourage them to accomplish their goals. 
However, while we have advantages in being different, we cannot rule out the disadvantages also. 
Sometimes being different makes you less confident and you may get worried about what others might say or think of you. You find that nobody understands you. It may land you in an embarrassing situation. But all said and done, let us not compromise our uniqueness. Let us do things in our own way differently from others to set an example. If we study the lives and achievements of many successful people we will realise that they did not care for what the others said and trod on the path they thought was best for them for their courage to be different. 
When we take the road less travelled, we arrive at a new destination which nobody has arrived at yet. Extraordinary people do not do things extraordinarily, rather they do things differently. Let us change our perception and rethink the way we do things. Christopher Morley, an American journalist and essayist says,
"Read everyday something that no one else is reading. 
Think everyday something that no one else is thinking."
To keep our uniqueness we require courage, self-confidence and steadfastness. People may mock at our actions and may avoid our presence. But remember, being different is like a diamond among the pebbles. 
It is not something to aspire, but it is something that will inspire others. It gives us our identify and speaks about us whenever we go. Trying to be like everyone is exhausting but trying to be you is also empowering. Sometimes being different makes one feel like being alone or isolated. But actually it makes one the happiest. At times one feels it like a burden, but that is what makes one great. Let us remember the words of Albert Einstein:
"The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. Those who walk alone are likely to find themselves in places no one has even seen before."
Let us show our uniqueness since it looks beautiful. 


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