Saturday, September 17, 2022



I am an Olympic Orange

      I am a yummy, juicy fruit that is orange in colour. I can give you plenty of energy to play sports. 

     All Olympic sports persons eat me regularly to win games and medals. This is why I am called a power food. 

     If you bite into me I will burst in your mouth with my tasty flavour and make your taste buds dance with joy. 

     I can kill all bad viruses in your body so that you don’t get cough and cold. I also have a magic material inside me that can make you look young even when grow old like your grandpa.

 I also have plenty of fibre that can help you in good digestion. So enjoy me to your heart’s content. I am physically not strong because I am a little soft and squishy. So, don’t squeeze me too much as I will become out of shape. And if you squeeze my skin into your eyes it can make you cry because it releases a gaseous stingy liquid. But don’t worry as it is not poisonous or harmful. 

      By the way, I also have plenty of other delicious friends who can help you in many ways. Together we control the world of health. 

     We are the jewels of your dining table. We come in all shapes, sizes and colours. We exist to make you humans happy. We help you avoid doctors and their expensive treatments like painful injections and bitter medicines. We can also make you run faster, jump higher and help you do great things in your school and college. 

     Do you want to know how we do all that magic? I will tell you how. We can do such wonderful things because some of us are good for your brain, some for your heart, some for your skin, and some for your bones, and so on. We are like warriors and can easily fight with all those nasty troublemakers hiding in your body. Aren’t we fellows’ great? But if you don’t eat us then those horrible troublemakers will always make you sick, tired, and weak. Then you will not be able to play sports or climb a hill. Now I am sure you don’t want to be such a weakling, do you?



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