Tuesday, April 2, 2024


Who are 'Helicopter Parents'?

Parents are naturally protective about their children and tend to get more anxious especially when their children are at an important threshold--- say while getting admission to the best college to fulfill a career goal. Some parents however, are unable to distance themselves from their children's life and continue to shower excessive attention on them. Such parents who overstep their role as responsible parents are referred to as 'helicopter parents'.

A helicopter parent, for example, would not stop at ensuring the best college for his ward; he would also get involved in the ward's day-to-day activities, performance, friend circle etc.

This term was first used in American child psychologist Haim Ginott's 1969 book Parents & Teenagers by teenagers who felt their parents would hover over them like a helicopter. In the 21st century, helicopter parenting has become a cause of concern as more and more anxious parents struggle to ensure 'a perfect life for their children. The ubiquitous mobile phone is often blamed for the explosion of helicopter parents. 

Psychologists point at the thin line separating engaged parenting from helicopter parenting--- although parenting is always done with the best intentions, the latter may lead to overprotected children who lack resilience. 


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