Sunday, May 26, 2024


 Mary Ann Bevan

Among all human relationships, the bond between a mother and child is perhaps the most sacred one. We've all heard endless tales of a mother's unselfishness, sacrifice, and perseverance. 

How Did She Become 'The Ugliest Woman In The World'?

Born in 1874 in East London, Mary Ann had a tough yet regular childhood. She eventually trained to become a nurse and got married. Shortly thereafter, she had four children and life was usual. But destiny, probably had other plans for her. She was affected by a hormonal condition called acromegaly which caused bone and facial disfigurement. Unfortunately, there was no proper treatment for that precise ailment back then.

As the disease crept in, her once attractive appearance changed drastically over a period of a few years. Meanwhile, her husband passed away suddenly. As if that was not enough, due to her gross appearance she lost her job and all her attempts at finding new means of livelihood went futile. Stressed and embarrassed by her worsening condition, and also widowed at a young age, she was solely liable to provide for her four small children. Her seemingly normal life was utterly disrupted.

As it is often stated, desperate times call for desperate measures. In absolute helplessness, Mary Ann entered the bizarre competition of 'The Ugliest Woman In The World.' Winning the weird title must have been humiliating for her, yet from that day on there was no looking back. She was hired as a 'freak show' performer in Coney Island's Dreamland sideshow. During the 1900s, freak shows served as popular entertainment for the masses. Freaks were people with rare and atypical physical deformities. In the current situation, it might sound strange but this was long before the concepts of inclusivity and body shaming had come into being.

Although her grotesque bodily features were visible to others, her pains and agonies weren't, and for those she had to be more or less constantly under treatment. Despite the physical suffering and the indignity, Mary Ann Bevan in her given state did her best of what could have been done. Throughout her life until she died at the age of 59, she toured different cities and participated in several shows in England and later on in the United States as well. By doing so, she could successfully feed and educate her four children. It is said that every now and then, she would show her children's picture to the people around her, particularly mentioning about the son who was posted in the army. Mary Ann Bevan's story reminds us how cruel at times fate, and in particular the human world can be. At the same time, if we look on the positive side, her life personifies her indomitable spirit as well. As a human being, a woman, and above all a doting mother, Mary Ann Bevan's journey is profoundly inspirational.


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