Sunday, July 28, 2024


Two Basket Weavers
A wealthy king decided to hold a contest among two highly skilled basket weavers. Ultimately, he wanted to determine who could weave more baskets in a day. The two women would contest for the fastest weaver, with the winner to be awarded a large sum of money as a prize.
It started early in the morning, on the day of the contest, with the two women set to weave their best.
However, one of the women seemed faster than the other, and in only five hours, she had woven two baskets. Meanwhile, the other woman became jealous as she was still on her first basket. 
Shorty, the king came to inspect the two busy women. And then, quite unexpectedly, he said to the faster woman.
"Your baskets are a bit smaller than the required size. You didn't follow the contest rules, therefore you must start all over again. Remember that you don't have much time left"
The jealous woman was so gladdened by what the king had said and she silently mocked the faster woman. She knew it was a great opportunity for her to win the contest.
However, the faster woman wasn't discouraged by her plight. With so much determination and commitment, she started all over again, hoping to achieve success.
By the end of the day, the two women were made to stop weaving as the contest was over. It was time to know the winner.
The other woman had excellently made ten baskets. Everyone was impressed by her skills.
But to the greatest surprise of all, the woman who was made to restart hers, had woven eleven baskets. She still won.
The king who couldn't contain his astonishment and curiosity, asked the faster woman. 
"You had very limited time. Come on, tell me how you won?"
The woman smiled and said. 
"Magic starts to happen once you start believing in yourself"

Many of us tend to give up when things get too hard. We allow disappointments to cripple our self esteem and kill the passion to pursue our dreams. We are afraid to start all over again as we think it's always too late. However, we need to understand that the moment we start believing in ourselves, we start creating confidence. And with confidence, we can do anything in life.


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