Saturday, July 27, 2024


Who controls the internet?
The internet is a decentralised global network owned and managed by governments, private companies, non-profit organisations and individual users. It is not controlled by any single entity. The internet's technical infrastructure is maintained by organisations like ICANN for domain names and IP addresses and RIRs for IP address allocation. ISPs provide internet access. 
Internet governance involves multiple organisations and entities globally and nationally. The IGF facilitates policy discussions, while governments and regulatory authorities have jurisdiction over internet-related matters within their territories. However countries may have varying levels of control and regulations over internet access and content. Some impose censorship and surveillance. In summary, the internet is a complex network with a collaborative governance structure involving numerous stakeholders. While decentralised,  individual countries have different degrees of control and regulations over their Internet environments. 

Popular packaging material

BUBBLE WRAP  Bubble Wrap  was invented in 1957 by engineers Alfred W. Fielding and Marc Chavannes. Interestingly, it was originally intended...