Friday, May 31, 2024
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Monday, May 27, 2024
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Mary Ann Bevan
Among all human relationships, the bond between a mother and child is perhaps the most sacred one. We've all heard endless tales of a mother's unselfishness, sacrifice, and perseverance.
How Did She Become 'The Ugliest Woman In The World'?
Born in 1874 in East London, Mary Ann had a tough yet regular childhood. She eventually trained to become a nurse and got married. Shortly thereafter, she had four children and life was usual. But destiny, probably had other plans for her. She was affected by a hormonal condition called acromegaly which caused bone and facial disfigurement. Unfortunately, there was no proper treatment for that precise ailment back then.
As the disease crept in, her once attractive appearance changed drastically over a period of a few years. Meanwhile, her husband passed away suddenly. As if that was not enough, due to her gross appearance she lost her job and all her attempts at finding new means of livelihood went futile. Stressed and embarrassed by her worsening condition, and also widowed at a young age, she was solely liable to provide for her four small children. Her seemingly normal life was utterly disrupted.
As it is often stated, desperate times call for desperate measures. In absolute helplessness, Mary Ann entered the bizarre competition of 'The Ugliest Woman In The World.' Winning the weird title must have been humiliating for her, yet from that day on there was no looking back. She was hired as a 'freak show' performer in Coney Island's Dreamland sideshow. During the 1900s, freak shows served as popular entertainment for the masses. Freaks were people with rare and atypical physical deformities. In the current situation, it might sound strange but this was long before the concepts of inclusivity and body shaming had come into being.
Although her grotesque bodily features were visible to others, her pains and agonies weren't, and for those she had to be more or less constantly under treatment. Despite the physical suffering and the indignity, Mary Ann Bevan in her given state did her best of what could have been done. Throughout her life until she died at the age of 59, she toured different cities and participated in several shows in England and later on in the United States as well. By doing so, she could successfully feed and educate her four children. It is said that every now and then, she would show her children's picture to the people around her, particularly mentioning about the son who was posted in the army. Mary Ann Bevan's story reminds us how cruel at times fate, and in particular the human world can be. At the same time, if we look on the positive side, her life personifies her indomitable spirit as well. As a human being, a woman, and above all a doting mother, Mary Ann Bevan's journey is profoundly inspirational.
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Friday, May 24, 2024
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Geothermal Energy
The word 'geothermal' is a combination of the words 'geo' which means 'Earth' and 'thermal' which means heat. The name gives us a hint as to how it is produced. The inside of the planet is scorching. This heat sometimes breaks through the Earth in the form of geysers and volcanoes. The heat from these is known as geothermal energy.
History: Geothermal energy has been utilised for many centuries. The ancient Romans took it further and used hot springs to heat flooring and baths. The first use of Geothermal energy for electricity was in 1904 when the geothermal electric generator was invented. The first-ever geothermal plant was set in Larderello, Italy, in 1904. Steam from that geothermal source was used to turn a small turbine that powered five light bulbs. A few years later, in 1911, the first geothermal electric plant was built. In the 1940s, a heat pump was developed, which was used to heat buildings.
The Geological Survey of India has found around 340 hot springs across India. Most of India’s hot springs are located along the following five major regions - the NW-SE Himalayan arc system extended to Andaman Nicobar Island, Son-Narmada-Tapti lineament, West Coast continental margin with its adjacent and surrounding areas, Gondwana graben and Delhi fold regions.
The Process: Geothermal energy can be used through geothermal heat pumps. At 10ft below sea level, the ground has a consistent temperature between 10 and 15 degree Celsius. This temperature remains constant, allowing geothermal heat pumps to maintain water at a constant temperature. By moving the water through through the ground, it can be heated during the winter or cooled during the summer. A heat exchanger can then use this water to heat or cool the air in homes.
Geothermal energy can also be used to generate electricity. Power plants take advantage of water 3.2kms deep in the ground.
Water is utilised in several ways.
* Dry steam engine: It takes steam from cracks in the ground to drive a turbine. The heated water vapour (steam) is directed towards a turbine that drives an electrical generator.
* Flash points: These pull hot water with high pressure and mix it with cool water. This process creates steam, which drives a turbine.
* Binary cycle: In this process, heated water is drawn through a set of pipes and much of the energy stored in the heated water is transferred to a working fluid, such as ammonia, through a heat exchanger. The active liquid is vaporised to spin turbines and generate electricity.
Applications: Geothermal energy is also used to heat individual buildings with directly and to heat multiple buildings with district heating systems. Hot water near the Earth’s surface is piped into buildings for heat. A district heating system provides warmth for most of the buildings in Reykjavik, Iceland. In fact, 87% of the country’s homes are heated using geothermal energy.
Industrial applications of geothermal energy include food dehydration (drying), gold mining and milk pasteurising. Moreover, geothermal energy can be used in the desalination of water, heavy water production, extraction of minerals from geothermal fluids and seasoning of timber. However, geothermal energy is presently utilised mainly for power generation and space heating purposes only.
* Since fossil fuel reserves are limited, geothermal energy is an alternative that emits fewer harmful gases than when fossil fuels are burned. It produces 0.03% of the emissions that coal produces and 0.05% of the emissions that natural gas produces.
* Geothermal energy does not require as much energy to be utilised. Moreover, technology has been developing exponentially, making discoveries every day. Each new step might hold the key to a sustainable world.
* Geothermal energy can only be found in some areas, such as Iceland.
* Sometimes, harmful gases can be released from the ground while digging, which negatively impacts the ozone layer.
* The cost of building geothermal plants is exceptionally high. However, as technology develops, the prices should fall.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Monday, May 20, 2024
Sunday, May 19, 2024
The Date
The Date (Phoenix dactylifera), a native of the deserts of Arabia, is popularly called the 'bread of the desert'. An ancient fruit that finds mention in the Quran and the Old Testament, the Date is a key food source for millions living across the Middle East and North Africa.
Dates grow on the Date palm, a tall evergreen tree that reaches up to 30 metres in height. Usually unbranched, it has long leaves that surround the trunk in a spiral pattern. Because of its tenacity in sprouting in the driest of deserts, the tree is viewed as a symbol of fertility and has been depicted on monuments and coins. Its shape is even thought to have inspired a style of columns in Greek architecture. Each palm produces five to ten bunches of Dates. A single large bunch may contain more than a thousand Dates, and can weigh between 6 to 8 kg. The tree begins to bear fruit at 3 to 5 years, and reaches full production after about a decade.
The fruit is characterised by its succulent, soft flesh and the single hard seed in the middle. Unripe Dates are green in colour and mature to reddish-brown when fully ripe.
The Date is not just a delicious fruit but a powerhouse of nutrition, as it is packed with body-building and disease-fighting proteins, minerals and vitamins. It is high in sugar content and provides energy. Vitamin C present in Dates helps lower blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels, and also lowers bad cholesterol level in the blood. Further, the fruit is rich in fibre and an excellent source of potassium. Its high iron content helps keep anaemia at bay.
According to an old Arab saying, the uses of the Date palm are as many as the number of days in the year. All the parts of the tree are put to commercial use - the trunk for timber, the leaves for weaving mats and baskets, the bark as building material, and the sap as an ingredient in baking. Even the Date stone (seed) finds use as cattle feed, after being soaked and powdered.
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Friday, May 17, 2024
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Monday, May 13, 2024
Never trust anyone blindly
Once upon a time, there was a huge neem tree in the forest. An old, blind vulture made his home on the tree. Many birds also built their nests on the tree. Being old and blind, the vulture would struggle to find food. The other birds took pity on the vulture and would feed him their leftover scraps. The blind vulture was so overwhelmed with gratitude that he thought to himself, "All these birds are so kind to me; it is my duty to protect their babies when the birds go out to fetch food."
Thus the vulture would hang around the young fledglings while the birds were out and provide comfort and a sense of safety to the babies. They were all happy with this equation and many years passed by.
One day a cat was passing by the tree and heard the chirping sounds of the young birds. He was thrilled to have found a place where he could have a good meal every day. With these thoughts, the cat climbed up the tree. The fledglings began to chirp with fear and this alerted the vulture. The blind vulture noticed their anxiety and shouted at once, "Who is there?" The vulture came out and started looking for the intruder.
The cat, who was standing right in front of the vulture, noticed that the vulture was blind. He picked up courage and fooled the vulture by saying that he had heard about the vulture's good deeds and how kind he was towards the young birds. Finally, the cat said, "I came to ask you to take me as your disciple." The vulture said, "You are an enemy to these birds. I cannot take you. Go away. Otherwise I'll beat you." The persistent cat convinced the vulture that he had given up killing animals and eating meat. He said he had become pious and had pledged that he would survive only on fruits and herbs. He promised never to kill the fledglings. These words softened the vulture. The vulture also fell for the cat's praise and pretentious words of goodness. Finally, the vulture accepted the cat as his disciple.
The cat started visiting the vulture every day on the pretext of discussing spiritual matters. As days passed by, the young birds also got used to the cat and became friendly with him. The birds and the vulture trusted the cat but the cat was only waiting for an opportunity to strike. One day, when the vulture was taking a nap in the afternoon, the cat quietly came and ate all the fledglings. Once his appetite was fulfilled, he placed the remaining bones in the hole where the vulture resided and left the place quietly.
When the birds came back that evening, they noticed that all their little ones were missing. They started investigating and finally saw the bones of the fledglings near the vulture's home. They came to the conclusion that the vulture had eaten all the fledglings. They were enraged by the vulture's ingratitude and attacked the vulture. The poor, innocent vulture died without having an opportunity to tell them what really had happened.
The kindhearted vulture believed the cat's words and lost his life. The cat played a trick to achieve his ambition, fooled the vulture and escaped, landing the vulture in trouble. The cat was selfish and did not care about hurting people to accomplish what he desired.
The morals of this story are:
* One should not give shelter to the unknown.
* One must always be on guard to watch for deceit.
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